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On October 14 2011 23:09 mofuli wrote: A lot of bashing on guity crown.Is it that bad?
Just watch it yourself. Everyone's opinions are different. If you go back like 2 pages all of those posts are praising GC. On this page, all the posts are hatin' on it.
You mean, if you go back 2 pages before anyone has watched GC, people were hyping it. On this page, after people have watched GC, people are hating on it. It isn't so much that people's opinions are different, it is just that the actual product couldn't live up anywhere near the hype.
I woke up this morning, opened TeamLiquid, turned on IEM, and realized...
Guilty Crown is today............
it was amazing!
On October 14 2011 08:18 Sentenal wrote: Guilty Crown is off to a good start. As alot of people have said, it has a Geass like feel, because again we get an Occupied Japan with Mechs setting like we did in Geass. I guess the spin on it this time, is rather than conquest, it was because there was a really crazy disease outbreak or something? Thankfully, the MC here and Lulouch are alot different, so I don't think we need to worry about the same R2 Train Wreck we had with Geass. Remote controlled mechs are a nice change, though honestly the remote controlled part is probably just an excuse to have pilots get shot down and not die. They are like remote controlled Armored Troopers or Nightmare Frames. I doubt they will touch upon the realism of ATs, but I won't complain either way.
On October 14 2011 08:28 Emnjay808 wrote: Just finished Guilty Crown.
Im a bit curious to see what happens to the people he extracts the weapons from, side effects etc. Also it did seem like the pilots remote controlling the mechs suffered damage, I dont imagine it would be fatal either but it should be interesting to see how certain forms of damage that may not affect the mechs abilities could hurt the pilot more and make it less useful.
Wow. The music is good, and the animation isn't bad, either. I'm not a huge fan of futuristic shows, but this was pretty sweet. I don't get why the characters all have to be so young, though. It seems like every 17 year old saves the world nowadays >.<
The idea of extracting weapons from friends is interesting. I'm wondering what the uses and limits are. Hopefully not something ridiculous.
Is Persona 4 worth picking up? I don't want to start watching anything else for fear of wasting too much time >.<
LOL, Ferrose was banned for his 30K reply post here. XD
Other than Hikari and Emnjay's posts, the opinions look around the same to me. Notice how some people don't even put a positive or negative on it.
Like I said earlier last page, it looks average. The opinions aren't swinging as much as you think it is. All the "hate" came after more people have watched, especially once people actually talked about it and thought a bit past animation and music.
The most negative ones were me and Spazer tbh, and both of us basically said that it was around average and disappointing in that it was only average. That and the prospects look bad because it is average.
EDIT - and Ferrose got keikaku'd by Sent, real hilarity.
Oh and Sent's opinions don't count, anything with something remotely close to mecha and he chases after it drooling
If you would have to recommend 2 or 3 animes from the autumn anime list that is in the op, to a more casual anime watcher, which ones do you think are the best? ( i don't like slices of life and shoujo animes)
On October 15 2011 03:06 Southlight wrote: 13:39 blasty_TM wait wait wait, Seki, I am suppose to be seme right? 13:40 blasty_TM wht am I all of a sudden uke now
When you have to ask, you're uke.
dammit i found out something about myself that i didn't want to know
On October 15 2011 03:10 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: If you would have to recommend 2 or 3 animes from the autumn anime list that is in the op, to a more casual anime watcher, which ones do you think are the best? ( i don't like slices of life and shoujo animes)
On October 15 2011 03:10 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: If you would have to recommend 2 or 3 animes from the autumn anime list that is in the op, to a more casual anime watcher, which ones do you think are the best? ( i don't like slices of life and shoujo animes)
Fate Zero, Guilty Crown.
Ill agree Ecael hit the mark on everything but In the end its more a fact that its anoverdose of the formula than anything else. Im personally fine with it, I never expected it to blow my mind. People who havent been exposed to (over and over again) will live and probably enjoy it aswell.
On October 15 2011 03:06 Southlight wrote: 13:39 blasty_TM wait wait wait, Seki, I am suppose to be seme right? 13:40 blasty_TM wht am I all of a sudden uke now
When you have to ask, you're uke.
dammit i found out something about myself that i didn't want to know
for some reason I always thought of you as uke. I was right.
Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Are you serious? You're gonna check out Mashiro but not Ika Musume?
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Persona 4 and even trinity soul for that matter dont make alot of sense to watch if you havent played the games. You can still watch them and maybe even enjoy yourself but you'll be left with a nagging sense of something missing, Its hard to explain.I think I tried watching trinity soul for a bit but it didnt work for me it just looked really interesting I mean if that sort of lack of fulfillment doesn't bother you then it shouldn't be a problem to give it a go.
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
On October 15 2011 02:59 Ecael wrote: Other than Hikari and Emnjay's posts, the opinions look around the same to me. Notice how some people don't even put a positive or negative on it.
Like I said earlier last page, it looks average. The opinions aren't swinging as much as you think it is. All the "hate" came after more people have watched, especially once people actually talked about it and thought a bit past animation and music.
The most negative ones were me and Spazer tbh, and both of us basically said that it was around average and disappointing in that it was only average. That and the prospects look bad because it is average.
EDIT - and Ferrose got keikaku'd by Sent, real hilarity.
Oh and Sent's opinions don't count, anything with something remotely close to mecha and he chases after it drooling
Does that mean CG R2 had like...no mecha? Because I'm sure Sent hated that shit.
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
Agreed. Never thought I'd fall for a yandere.....and here I am. O_O
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
uhh Mirai Nikki for a casual watcher is dangerous territory. Theres a tad bit to much crazy all over the place (not just the Yandere although shes uno).
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
uhh Mirai Nikki for a casual watcher is dangerous territory.
Yeah we have to think for the casuals, You don't give a first time VN reader Saya to read. You must gradually introduce them to epic VNs with clannad or something, clannad might be too long. I guess Narcissu
On October 15 2011 02:59 Ecael wrote: Other than Hikari and Emnjay's posts, the opinions look around the same to me. Notice how some people don't even put a positive or negative on it.
Like I said earlier last page, it looks average. The opinions aren't swinging as much as you think it is. All the "hate" came after more people have watched, especially once people actually talked about it and thought a bit past animation and music.
The most negative ones were me and Spazer tbh, and both of us basically said that it was around average and disappointing in that it was only average. That and the prospects look bad because it is average.
EDIT - and Ferrose got keikaku'd by Sent, real hilarity.
Oh and Sent's opinions don't count, anything with something remotely close to mecha and he chases after it drooling
Does that mean CG R2 had like...no mecha? Because I'm sure Sent hated that shit.
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
Agreed. Never thought I'd fall for a yandere.....and here I am. O_O
Exactly. The only reason I'm watching Mirai Nikki is because of her and her facial expression at the end of the episode. You could also try out Un-Go to see if it fits your taste.
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
uhh Mirai Nikki for a casual watcher is dangerous territory.
You guys always recommend School Days for almost every single poster coming in here asking for a for good anime anyways...
On October 15 2011 02:59 Ecael wrote: Other than Hikari and Emnjay's posts, the opinions look around the same to me. Notice how some people don't even put a positive or negative on it.
Like I said earlier last page, it looks average. The opinions aren't swinging as much as you think it is. All the "hate" came after more people have watched, especially once people actually talked about it and thought a bit past animation and music.
The most negative ones were me and Spazer tbh, and both of us basically said that it was around average and disappointing in that it was only average. That and the prospects look bad because it is average.
EDIT - and Ferrose got keikaku'd by Sent, real hilarity.
Oh and Sent's opinions don't count, anything with something remotely close to mecha and he chases after it drooling
Does that mean CG R2 had like...no mecha? Because I'm sure Sent hated that shit.
On October 15 2011 03:37 Tears.Of.The.Moon wrote: Thanks for the responses ^^ I checked the back story of these recommendations and i'm gonna definitely try out Fate Zero and Guilty Crown and maybe Mashiro, but probally pass on Oki Musume , since it doesn't seem to have that great of a user rating score, and i don't really like girl comedies. Thanks
While i was checking user ratings for these newest animes, i noticed that Persona 4 The Animation has great reviews, would you recomend it?
Need some Mirai Nikki up in dat bitzz.
Agreed. Never thought I'd fall for a yandere.....and here I am. O_O
Exactly. The only reason I'm watching Mirai Nikki is because of her and her facial expression at the end of the episode. You could also try out Un-Go to see if it fits your taste.
If you were looking for originality, then ofc you would be dissapointed. The preview kinda laid it out to have that Code Geass premise.
I myself found the anime everything I expected it to be: good music, nice artwork, and my favorite seiyuus.
I guess my expectations werent as high as everyone elses. Maybe you could blame the hype etc. But its really hard to properly critique a anime based off of its first ep.