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On October 01 2011 01:34 youngminii wrote: Okay so I felt like watching anime so I asked my resident anime guy friend to recommend me the two greatest anime out of his huge collection, provided that it's short-medium length.
He ended up giving me Angel Beats and Bakemonogatari.
Now, I just finished Angel Beats and while I thought it was enjoyable, it wasn't really what I was looking for when I asked him for his best ones. Is Bakemonogatari on the same level as Angel Beats? Should I find something else to watch (recommendplz) or should I go with Bakemonogatari?
Also, if you're going to recommend me one, please for the love of god leave out slice of life, especially school ones. I haven't seen a non-school based anime in sooooooooo long.
Watch Monster. I can't think of anything else as well written and enjoyable as this.
Ahaha, your friend trolled you. Angel Beats and Bakamonogatari. Ahaha. Huge collection indeed.
You should watch School Days.
Lol in all seriousness, try out Clannad and Clannad:After Story. Those and Angel Beats are both made from Key, but I'm pretty sure Clannad/After Story is arguably Key's best produced series.
If you don't mind gore, Elfen Lied is an interesting watch.
If you're into seinen romance, REC was a nice short little series (that's not based in the school setting).
seen everything you recommended (even school days) except REC so i'll probably watch that soon
You should also watch Code Geass.
seen it
Then watch Steins; Gate or Death Note or Legend of Galactic Heroes or Full Metal Alchemist.
seen death note and fma
so now my list of anime to watch (in no particular order) is: akira monster rec steins gate galactic heroes ok i think this'll subdue me for a long time i'll see you chaps later
Pretty much every harem,echi, loli, tsundere cliche thrown into 15 mins. Ill watch it but its looking little more than a fodder show. Unless you like that sort of thing.WIll need to wait and see how the action works out but doesnt seem to promising. Villain at the end seemed mildly sinsister.
Dono if the loli is Ferrose type (unless all loli's are that type). Personally I prefer the Alice kind, my eardrums dont ring at the end.
Guys what do you think about the new HxH ? I think it was OK but I havent watched the original or read the manga so I cant really compare.Most ppl that have looks like they hate it with passion haha. Is it justified or just ppl refusing anything thats just little bit different ? Loved the ED it reminded me of Kaiji s2.
I usually dont watch long running shounen series anymore. I just drop them after a couple episdoes and move onto manga if i like it. The manga is supposed to be really good so I might just switch to it if the anime is not terrible.
On October 01 2011 01:34 youngminii wrote: Okay so I felt like watching anime so I asked my resident anime guy friend to recommend me the two greatest anime out of his huge collection, provided that it's short-medium length.
He ended up giving me Angel Beats and Bakemonogatari.
Now, I just finished Angel Beats and while I thought it was enjoyable, it wasn't really what I was looking for when I asked him for his best ones. Is Bakemonogatari on the same level as Angel Beats? Should I find something else to watch (recommendplz) or should I go with Bakemonogatari?
Also, if you're going to recommend me one, please for the love of god leave out slice of life, especially school ones. I haven't seen a non-school based anime in sooooooooo long.
Watch Monster. I can't think of anything else as well written and enjoyable as this.
Ahaha, your friend trolled you. Angel Beats and Bakamonogatari. Ahaha. Huge collection indeed.
You should watch School Days.
Lol in all seriousness, try out Clannad and Clannad:After Story. Those and Angel Beats are both made from Key, but I'm pretty sure Clannad/After Story is arguably Key's best produced series.
If you don't mind gore, Elfen Lied is an interesting watch.
If you're into seinen romance, REC was a nice short little series (that's not based in the school setting).
seen everything you recommended (even school days) except REC so i'll probably watch that soon
You should also watch Code Geass.
seen it
Then watch Steins; Gate or Death Note or Legend of Galactic Heroes or Full Metal Alchemist.
seen death note and fma
so now my list of anime to watch (in no particular order) is: akira monster rec steins gate galactic heroes ok i think this'll subdue me for a long time i'll see you chaps later
Looks incredibly boring. Although the preview at the end of a mysterious blonde chick does make me want to give it another chance next week though. It feels kinda stale and boring. Fiya reminded me of Shana too much -.-
On October 02 2011 21:26 SkelA wrote: Guys what do you think about the new HxH ? I think it was OK but I havent watched the original or read the manga so I cant really compare.Most ppl that have looks like they hate it with passion haha. Is it justified or just ppl refusing anything thats just little bit different ? Loved the ED it reminded me of Kaiji s2.
I usually dont watch long running shounen series anymore. I just drop them after a couple episdoes and move onto manga if i like it. The manga is supposed to be really good so I might just switch to it if the anime is not terrible.
Well im off to watching Fate/Zero !
On October 02 2011 15:58 KazeHydra wrote: First impressions of new Hunter x Hunter: not as bad as I thought it would be but still only first episode. Sawashiro Miyuki's voicing for Kurapica seems to switch from being good to not so good throughout the episode, so hopefully she'll be able to figure out the best voice within the next couple episodes. I really don't like how they chose to remove the Kaito scene. I think that was a really pivotal point to both Gon's past and his personality. It also completely altars the meaning behind Gon's involvement during the chimera arc, although I doubt they're going to animate that far. I'll at least watch until Killua and Hisoka get some screen time to see how their characters are, since they're my 2 favorite.
I'm trying to refrain from just being fan boy and pointing out all the terrible aspects compared to the original and manga, so I will watch for a bit before making any real accusations. However, it was stated that the producers plan to change things from the original (such as removing the Kaito scene which is as bad as removing Shanks from Luffy's past, so they better throw him into a flashback later on). I don't see any need to change it from the original except better animation, which it has obviously, and maybe change certain pacing or a few things, similar to when FMA and Brotherhood paralleled. The original was really an amazing piece of work, so I don't see how changing things around could be a good thing, but as I said, I will wait a few episodes before making any real decision.
On October 03 2011 03:25 boon2537 wrote: Clannad....it's one the few animes that move me emotionally. Planning to watch Monster or Code Geass next. Those should be interesting >.<
Watch after story, it will make you a little biatch if you havent seen it.
Was there a specific reason or explanation on why everyone decided to summon the servants at the same time while Kirei is the special guy and already had Assassin with him before everyone else?
It was a really long time ago I watch FSN, don't remember everything or all names.
Best yet this season, but does not say much yet. I also would like if the relived the master/servants over time and added a bit of mystery around it as fsn did. But we will see what will do with all the paths too follow. Quite a long episode for a instruction. It was okey I need to remember what will happen and we also go nice references to fsn.
@youngminii A few just below the top recommends:
Gore like Elfen, try http://myanimelist.net/anime/3166/Ayakashi. Not something you will put on your top 10 list but okey anime where ppl can get killed. Also includes Nana Mizuki <3, love when shes in none loli role.
Kure-nai - As I remember quite a nice story about boy that that care and protects a small child. Both cute and seriuse points. No it not Usagi drop. Quite okey story as far as I remember.
Seirei no Moribito - In past japan, A female warrior take on a task to protect a kid that carries a sprit and is hunted. Good story, character development, a bit of action. Think it was made with export in mind.
Blood+ - Really good, but quite long story about girl how fights vampires. great story and charcther developement I think would be on my top 10 list.
On October 03 2011 03:25 boon2537 wrote: Clannad....it's one the few animes that move me emotionally. Planning to watch Monster or Code Geass next. Those should be interesting >.<
Watch after story, it will make you a little biatch if you havent seen it.
I saw it as well. I thought anyone who watches Clannad is obligated to watch After Story, so I decided just to put those two together
Tbh, I was expecting more than flying gate shooting laser beams, giant mirrors etc. Guess I am just too used to it LOL.
I hope for a second season.
not happening. With this kind of ending theyve for the most part closed it. The manga is only a three quarters of a story arc ahead of where they diverted anyway. Manga's decent but pretty much like Freezing and DW it takes ages to get subbed, sometimes.