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On October 30 2009 00:46 Muey wrote: Frontier was good but jumps the shark near the end. The movie for that is coming out soonish though, here to hoping it will patch up some of the retard from the series.
Yeah it absolutely nuked the fridge
On October 30 2009 00:46 Muey wrote: Macross 7 is terrible
Consequently you can safely ignore any opinions of someone who says it is the best, because they're clearly crazy.
The original is good but had some rather blatant pacing issues, and if you're used to modern series it can be pretty ugly to look at. Thankfully the DYRL movie version fixes all problems of uglyness and is generally a pretty solid work, but as a substitute for the full series it doesn't quite cover enough ground :p.
Frontier was good but jumps the shark near the end. The movie for that is coming out soonish though, here to hoping it will patch up some of the retard from the series. I've never watched Macross 7 myself (alot of what I've heard about it makes it seem weird), but LOL@saying people who liked it are crazy. I'm going to use that line for people who like Evangelion and Lucky Star now :p
Doesn't look too promising at first glance... Then again, I've been told not to judge a book by its cover.
That show looks, um, to the point.
Unfiltered fanservice x_x
the only one that looks promising is... ... ... nope, none of them. and i had high hopes that something would come out to make this current season seem less abysmal.
wow none of them look appealing at all
Yeah... nothing interested me out of that list. ._.
On October 30 2009 17:19 Obzy wrote: Yeah... nothing interested me out of that list. ._.
Are you serious? He draws his power from breast milk.
Singapore66072 Posts
Dance in the Vampire Bund and Hidden God seems good.
any idea whats happening to the online broadcast of bakemonogatari? is it still on or...?
On October 30 2009 17:46 SingletonWilliam wrote: I can't wait for Nodame. better be fucking better than paris-hen
Bakemonogatari online broadcast got moved back to like Nov. 2nd or something, I forgot the exact date, too lazy to check.
Plenty of things that's attractive next season, then again, I'd watch anything that's based on light novel 
If memory serves, Katanagatari's light novels are written by the author that did Bakemonogatari. Not sure if that'd interest anyone in particular, but I am certainly going to watch it. Baka test is supposed to be pretty good in the original media, so that's one more to watch (read~). I've heard of Omamori Himari, though the manga is just sitting around unread. Hidden God and SoRaNoWoTo could be interesting, latter felt like a k-on retake in terms of the trailer and images though.
Singapore66072 Posts
SoRaNoWoTo is like K-ON minus music + military stuff
NEEDS NEW FORMULA (even characters look the same)
On October 31 2009 12:48 konadora wrote: SoRaNoWoTo is like K-ON minus music + military stuff
NEEDS NEW FORMULA (even characters look the same)
Actually add back in the music stuff; it's not called "The Sound of the Skies" for nothing. Actually this looks more like Kannagi than K-ON!
There should be shows this season to satisfy most people. Kanatagatari is apparently written by the same author as Bakemonogatari and each episode will be ~50 minutes long, twice the length of regular episodes. The author of Durarara wrote Baccano as well and the same studio is animating it as well. Plenty of moe and fanservice. Also this is just a preliminary listing; there's going to be more series added the sooner we approach winter.
Singapore66072 Posts
I just noticed, wasn't there supposed to be SNS season 3?
I read elsewhere that that would be literally a year from now, I think? T_T - The first OVA (of a set of four) is out though. Think the next is like February or something.
If I'm wrong, thank god >_> sooner is better but...
Singapore66072 Posts
On October 31 2009 14:49 Obzy wrote: I read elsewhere that that would be literally a year from now, I think? T_T - The first OVA (of a set of four) is out though. Think the next is like February or something.
If I'm wrong, thank god >_> sooner is better but... is it shanatan or normal shana? I only found shanatan