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On October 06 2009 05:50 Ecael wrote: For anyone that care, Bakemonogatari's first web streamed episode will be aired on the 28th on the official site, looks like it'll be free of much of the hassle of registration and such.
Will it also be subbed, or will I have to guess what they're saying? :<
On October 06 2009 05:50 Ecael wrote: For anyone that care, Bakemonogatari's first web streamed episode will be aired on the 28th on the official site, looks like it'll be free of much of the hassle of registration and such.
Will it also be subbed, or will I have to guess what they're saying? :<
11eyes looks like it'll be much better than chaos;head, that last 5pbs game to see animation and blow doing so. Yay for it keeping to pc version script~
Now for Kobato!
EDIT - That was pretty good too, this will at least be better than the summer season overall~
On October 06 2009 05:50 Ecael wrote: For anyone that care, Bakemonogatari's first web streamed episode will be aired on the 28th on the official site, looks like it'll be free of much of the hassle of registration and such.
Will it also be subbed, or will I have to guess what they're saying? :<
gg said they would sub it if it wasn't bad.
This is like a minor blow, but how could it possibly be bad? ;_;
I think the bad is more like for bad quality. Keep in mind this will be streamed for free, so it is quite likely that the quality will be no better than youtube at best. An interesting move, perhaps to boost DVD sales...I mean, Tsubasa Cat can be told in 3 episodes, I have no idea where they are squeezing out all those contents from.
Seriously though, Japanese official subs are so bad lol, I watched Kadokawa's Haruhi-chan subs once just for kicks, the sub was so bad it was almost funnier than the show itself
On October 05 2009 11:51 Ecael wrote: With Pandora Hearts one is probably better off reading manga, though it does have Kajiura Yuki music, an element often enough to make it worth watching something.
The anime would have been a lot better if they removed all the slapstick comedy parts. It's similiar to my frustration with FMA but a hundred times worse. The voice actors doesn't seem to really fit with all those cheesy lines, the story could easily carry a serious atmosphere even though it was a bit messy - it actually builds up some good excitement from time to time - that's why I am so disappointed in this show.
EDIT - I'm actually kinda excited for this. Disappearance makes a lot of sense as a movie plot, and will hopefully be better produced as well. As for the timing...ehh, I don't mind, but that's because it'll be out on DVD before I would be able to watch it anyways.
Anyone kno what part of the Berserk Manga the Anime Series ends? Im planning on starting to read the Berserk Manga but i dont feel like wasting an hour or more trying to find out where the series left off. It will be much appreciated
On October 09 2009 14:08 Thesecretaznman wrote: Does Disappearance actually involve a disappearance?
Sorry, I haven't read up to that part in the novels just yet. Maybe I don't want you to tell me. >.>"
If you aren't willing to read the novels, it will be much more enjoyable for you to just wait and find out. However, the title is "The Disappearence of Suzumiya Haruhi" for a reason.
On October 09 2009 14:08 Thesecretaznman wrote: Does Disappearance actually involve a disappearance?
Sorry, I haven't read up to that part in the novels just yet. Maybe I don't want you to tell me. >.>"
If you aren't willing to read the novels, it will be much more enjoyable for you to just wait and find out. However, the title is "The Disappearence of Suzumiya Haruhi" for a reason.
I intend to finish them for that reason. I'm lazy, but I know how to enjoy my literature/pseudo-literature. :< :D
On October 09 2009 14:20 Tenryu wrote: Anyone kno what part of the Berserk Manga the Anime Series ends? Im planning on starting to read the Berserk Manga but i dont feel like wasting an hour or more trying to find out where the series left off. It will be much appreciated
Volume 13, Chapter 8ish.
I really think you should read volumes 12 and 13, however, as they encompass the last two episodes of the anime and they are fucking ridiculously good in manga format.
On October 09 2009 14:08 Thesecretaznman wrote: Does Disappearance actually involve a disappearance?
Sorry, I haven't read up to that part in the novels just yet. Maybe I don't want you to tell me. >.>"
If you aren't willing to read the novels, it will be much more enjoyable for you to just wait and find out. However, the title is "The Disappearence of Suzumiya Haruhi" for a reason.
I intend to finish them for that reason. I'm lazy, but I know how to enjoy my literature/pseudo-literature. :< :D