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On June 06 2016 19:44 Amestir wrote: Well I completely missed Theon being in slaversbay, figured they where still on some Iron Island -.- he's in volantis, that's still pretty far from slavers bay
On June 06 2016 18:27 Garbels wrote: The whole Arya thing is just too unbelievable. The wounded Arya is probably not 'really' Arya or not at all Arya. The waif is the 'real' Arya or the part of Arya that is no-one. The whole thing is Arya becoming no-one by killing herself.
Or something along those lines. I just can't see the normal way of her recovering and sailing back to westeros happening. Highly doubt that. Some weird face swapping crap is super unlikely, how would Arya even get a face to use? It's not like after botching the mission they would let her in to steal some faces to use.
The real Arya got shanked for sure, just a matter of who, if anyone saves her. Most likely Lady Crane or whatever the theater Lady she didn't kill name was. Possibly the dude with a ship but I'm betting on theater lady.
I would bet on the theater Lady as well, or maybe some red priestess. But I agree I don't think it'll be solved by face swapping with The Waif, I think the 'real' Arya is the one that got stabbed
With how many supposed dead character keep popping back this season, I'll be bold and place my bet on syrio forel to save her ! (Her sword master back in s1 which we never seen die on screen) he was from bravos after all
On June 06 2016 22:28 zeross wrote:With how many supposed dead character keep popping back this season, I'll be bold and place my bet on syrio forel to save her ! (Her sword master back in s1 which we never seen die on screen) he was from bravos after all completely forgot about that rofl, what about stannis now that the hound is back its only briennes word for it, he might be alive because they didnt show his death on screen.
On June 06 2016 22:28 zeross wrote:With how many supposed dead character keep popping back this season, I'll be bold and place my bet on syrio forel to save her ! (Her sword master back in s1 which we never seen die on screen) he was from bravos after all
That would be really amazing
When Gendry, Arya and that Fat Boy was with the Brotherhood Without Banners and Melisandre came to take Gendry she told Arya they will meet again (Game of Thrones 3x6 21:45 into the episode). Makes me doubt she is going to die.
Game of Thrones works by comic book rules. No body, death is questionable. Head must be removed to be sure.
Im betting on theater lady. She can travel with them too
+ Show Spoiler +from the previews it seems arya survives, which would be good for me cuz i hate most people in the series but she is not one of them
What a good fucking episode. Really tight, clean, actually about a single thematic set. Plus Ian McShane (On some level I want to believe this is an alternate ending to Kings (the best show no-one's ever seen) where he's like fuck this, I'm gonna go try to undo some of what I've done).
So the Bw/oB thing... do we think these are just random soldiers being dicks like the Stark rapists Brienne killed with Jaime? Or is this indicative of a rot caused by the LoL? Or maybe the Brotherhood is without a purpose since Lannisters stopped randomly killing and so they're just bored? Or were they always like this and I just fell for their "protecting the people" thing because I liked the characters?
Bear Island kid had a great performance.
Canada8988 Posts
Aria is probably going to stumble into Gendry and they are going to row back to Westeros for 3 season.
France7248 Posts
Discussion based on trailers for next week go into clearly marked spoiler tags. seriously, it would be great to fucking do it thank you
On June 06 2016 19:56 Amestir wrote: According to wikipedia, Theon is in Volantis.
He is. At the start of the scene with Theon and Yara you see the the long bridge of Volantis. We've seen it before when Tyrion and Varys were there
In the river you can see some ships of Yara's fleet, with Kraken banners on the sails
On June 07 2016 00:24 Grettin wrote: Bear Island kid had a great performance.
Yeah, she was one hardcore kid. Glad they made her that way, as I always liked House Mormont.
Hahaha, the High Sparrow is totally Tommen's wingman, telling Margaery to get into his bed.
it was amazing ep!
not sure that Hound is able to beat the whole brotherhood having axe only, Brienne possibly to help?
I feel the episode is weak.
- The Hound return is nice, but the story around it was VERY weak both in plot and in execution.
- The Sparrow arc to me, remains weak. By weak, I mean, lazy, dull, without depth, not that believable and so.
- Have not much sense that the north houses all are close but manage different information: Mormont house belive the Starks tale about the undeads, but the other house says basically that wildlings sux.
- Arya not dying to the stabbing must have some good twitst, or is plain dumb (same level as the Sparrow arc need some good ending/closure).
+ Bronn + Jaimie scenes are solid.
+ Margaery character remains true with the series origins and what made it a succes: how twisted a person can be is the search for power (the "ladder"). It remains to be seen what Cersei will do.
Weak episode, I agree with Belha's post. Also the Hound's arc is about to turn into GoT-style Machete. edit : also logically Arya should die soon without quick and modern care for her wound. She took one slicing (and relatively superficial) hit and two deep, piercing hits which are likely to have touched internal organs and opened the door for serious infections on top of the blood loss (especially, I'd guess, since she jumped into a river which is probably full of disgusting stuff). She probably won't though, because else they'd just have her killed on the spot.