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On June 06 2016 11:23 jxx wrote: Yeah, Lady Mormont was the best in this episode. The rest was mediocre, but next episode seems like everything is happening!
Oh come on Jaime and Bronn and the Blackfish were amazing and its nice to see Arya starting to act like that cocky little brat who stole the first few seasons.
Davos is the best. He really knows how to deal with young noblewomen. Lyanna was also badass. I'd support her for the Iron Throne over Tommen any day.
There were a lot of good lines this episode; "If they're half as fierce as their lady, the Boltons are doomed," Olenna's entire verbal beatdown of Cersei, and Wun Wun just saying "Snow" and walking off. Also Bronn's “it's a good thing we're friends, or we'd be fucking you in the ass right now”
This is probably actually my favorite episode this season. There wasn't a single scene I can think of that I didn't enjoy. The lowest point was probably Yara and Theon, but it was still nice to see her giving him some more of the "tough love" kind of treatment. That said, bringing him to a brothel seems a bit sadistic. He seemed so uncomfortable watching her make out with that prostitute, heh. Can't help but feel sorry for the guy.
Also Cleganebowl motherfucking confirmed and all that.
I think the deepwood motte scene is actually really important. It shows how even though it seems so clear to us that the Starks are the good guys and everyone should love them plenty of other houses have good reasons to want to avoid pissing them off
Honestly, between everything with Arya, the cocky attitude, then getting shanked etc. The mother fucking Hound! All of the scenes in the riverlands. Stark recruitment and the little girl with attitude were my least favorite part of the episode. Yea she was funny and all that but mehhhhh way to much else happened for that to even be close to the highlight of the episode for me.
Overall a great episode imo though.
Quoted isntead of edited.. Oops/
Fiddler's Green42661 Posts
I was hoping McShane will appear in more than 1 episode
God dammit...they introduce and kill McShane all in one ep. Was super excited to see more of him with the Hound. FUCK
Good ep. Arya better make it >_<;
Okay just watched it! Good Ep overall! Thoughts -Jamie and Bronn, Finally saw the old Jamie again, the calm but intimidating type of Jamie, but lol Blackfish kinda take it back away quickly -Lady Mormont! that scene was really nice, she was kinda the opposite of Robin, and reminded me of Queen Amidala for some reason, when she revealed how many men who will fight is kinda funny too lol, My new favorite Character -The Hound is alive ! , I wonder what's next for him (even I kinda know already) - That Theon scene is just torture wtf  - Had a mini heart attack with Arya scene ;_; I really thought that first slash hits her throat. Noob assasin tho :p
Question time: 1. Wonder when did the Iron Borne attacked House Glover(Clover?) because afaik when the North marched south Theon only had like 20 men and the time Yara came back, she didn't have a lot either or had the time to attack them. They had a stone castle with guards so I wonder how did it happen.
2.Who was the guy who adopted The Hound? he looks familiar, was he the guy from The Night's Watch who recruits people?
3. When the Hound said, the horsmemen are part of the brotherhood, did he mean Beric Dondarrion brotherhood?
Glover owns Deepwood Motte, i think it was yara who took it
yes its the brotherhood without banners
When the last 10 minutes started and I finally saw Arya I thougth "HYPE, time for an epic fight with the waif!"
And then she gets sliced and stabbed and it's over in 2 seconds lmao.
Of course those 2 stabs to the belly happened to not hit any major organs and in the trailer for next episode she's already jumping from rooftops again 8)
On June 06 2016 14:16 shin_toss wrote:Okay just watched it! Good Ep overall! Thoughts -Jamie and Bronn, Finally saw the old Jamie again, the calm but intimidating type of Jamie, but lol Blackfish kinda take it back away quickly -Lady Mormont! that scene was really nice, she was kinda the opposite of Robin, and reminded me of Queen Amidala for some reason, when she revealed how many men who will fight is kinda funny too lol, My new favorite Character -The Hound is alive !  , I wonder what's next for him (even I kinda know already) - That Theon scene is just torture wtf  - Had a mini heart attack with Arya scene ;_; I really thought that first slash hits her throat. Noob assasin tho :p Question time: 1. Wonder when did the Iron Borne attacked House Glover(Clover?) because afaik when the North marched south Theon only had like 20 men and the time Yara came back, she didn't have a lot either or had the time to attack them. They had a stone castle with guards so I wonder how did it happen. 2.Who was the guy who adopted The Hound? he looks familiar, was he the guy from The Night's Watch who recruits people? 3. When the Hound said, the horsmemen are part of the brotherhood, did he mean Beric Dondarrion brotherhood?
The man who took in Sandor is not named and we don't encounter him before, afaik. He's played by Ian McShane, so maybe that's why he feels familiar to you? The man who roamed the land to find recruits for the Night's Watch was Yoren.
Been waiting for this moment ever since that last scene with the Hound and we didn't officially see him pass away. Thank, fucking, god. SO STOKED! Please, please for the love of god let us have more Arya/Hound scenes...
Anyway this episode was pretty good. Lots of nice dialogue and I got several good laughs out of this one, all in all pretty good. CLEGANE BOWL INCOMING!
That happy little community was doomed from the very start. Way too fucking peaceful and normal. Way to set up yourselves for a death flag you fucking RETARDS!!!
amazed that arya could still walk after this
On June 06 2016 15:53 Emnjay808 wrote: That happy little community was doomed from the very start. Way too fucking peaceful and normal. Way to set up yourselves for a death flag you fucking RETARDS!!! Pretty sure that was kind of the point. Mcshane's character was trying to show the hound that there is another way to live and that people can make a new life for themselves, and we saw that clegane was taking a liking to that character and the community. His old self began to come back when the brotherhood riders showed up and then of course the ending cemented the reality of the world, that it is violent and that good people die.
I seriously thought that Berric squad are good guys guess I was wrong