On April 26 2016 10:00 aseq wrote: I kinda expected to see Bran too, they reminded us about every major character this episode....
Btw, did noone find it strange that none of the Dothraki recognized khaleesi? Sure, theyre a different tribe, but it can't have been more than a couple of years and the woman has taken over half the continent since. I also found it strange that when she then claimed to be a khaleesi, they immediately believed her and cut her free.
I guess her knowing his name was enough. it's a bit light but heh, it kinda works.
She speaks their language, is stunning, they'd probably heard of Khal Drogo's hot western blond-haired lady.
Hmm the dothraki is a horde maybe tens of thousands or more, so in that sea of people, its possible that no one would notice her, and also I think years had already passed since she was the Khaleesi, and people already forgot about her, she did not lead them for a long time anyway.
From her Khalasar, only very few survived, remember the fire, where she actually gave up? Yeah it was looking pretty bleak at some point. Still weird people don't recognise her.
Sands... no comment... those Reddit ones were hilarious ^^
I wanted to like the Theon/Sansa scene... but it was a bit cringy.
Theon: I will sacrifice myself to save you. ***Takes 10 steps, gets captured Guard: Where is Sansa? Theon: dunno lmao ***Guard peeks around a tree Guard: Dude, she's right there. Theon: What? No... that's not her.
Then Brienne falls off a nearby tree and Podrick is a master swordsman.
On April 26 2016 17:16 icystorage wrote: im confused. is stannis dead?
Yes, he is dead by reference. There's no body but Roose Bolton explicitly mentions seeing his dead body and regretting he couldn't reward the "man" who dealt the final blow.
On April 26 2016 17:25 crappen wrote: Why is Arya blind? It's been 10 months, but still, I seem to only remember some face-action in the basement, not that she went blind.
Also I liked the first episode, but reading about it here, makes me hate it in hindsight lol. Damn you TL
Arya went blind at the end of last season. She was to be punished for killing Meryn Trant but Jaqen drank a seemingly fatal potion in her place. It's not clear why that made her go blind but she saw what had to be a vision of Jaqen with many faces and the last one being her own.
On April 26 2016 17:25 crappen wrote: Why is Arya blind? It's been 10 months, but still, I seem to only remember some face-action in the basement, not that she went blind.
Also I liked the first episode, but reading about it here, makes me hate it in hindsight lol. Damn you TL
She killed Meryn Fookin Trant when she was supposed to kill someone else. She was blinded as punishment (in the reveal that Jaqen isnt Jaqen, he is no one).
i didnt catch it where bolton said he was dead so now i guess brienne transferred something to another corpse to make people think he was dead and instead tied him up/took him with her to get information at a later stage so next episode they will return to him same with jon, nothing says they need to resolve any of this in ep1, infact you can clearly see they have no intentions whatsoever to rush anything along
On April 26 2016 18:01 bardtown wrote: Honestly though, knowing Brienne, I seriously doubt he's alive.
u can't escape from big woman with a minimap and quest marks on it
Maybe she does it to get new visions etc from the dark lord or white lord or whichever lord she can talk to. Since her former visions turned out to be false.
It think we have seen all characters die, that actually die. So I am not sure Stannis is dead. Maybe arms cut off or something crazy. Every other death is explicitly shown(?) during the entire show. A lot of people thought that e.g. Sansa and Reek comitted suicide, but we didnt see them die and here they are.
On April 26 2016 14:23 Hier wrote: I wanted to like the Theon/Sansa scene... but it was a bit cringy.
Theon: I will sacrifice myself to save you. ***Takes 10 steps, gets captured Guard: Where is Sansa? Theon: dunno lmao ***Guard peeks around a tree Guard: Dude, she's right there. Theon: What? No... that's not her.
Then Brienne falls off a nearby tree and Podrick is a master swordsman.
About the Theon thing. He has always been so puny (talking the talk but never walking the walk!), so I think it is pretty fitting.