On June 16 2014 14:50 RPR_Tempest wrote: It was explicitly stated by Arya a couple of episodes ago that the Hound was "walking slower" because of his neck wound, so it's likely he wasn't 100% in case any of you are surprised that Brienne won.
I'm surprised when he knocked her down the first time that he didnt just body slam her face. She wasn't wearing a helmet. He must weight something around 250 pounds with that armor on. With that position, that weight, the leverage and her own armor on, no fucking way does she dodge.
I remember thinking this last episode when the Thenn chieftain slammed Jon's face against the anvil, jon's face comes up rather bloody and rather than just keep smashing away he opts to toss him over a fire which didn't end too well for him
But then I remember I'm watching television so w/e it's no big deal.
On June 16 2014 12:28 Sub40APM wrote: The battle on the wall episode was a complete waste of money and 60 minutes of tape. It added nothing, it still looked mediocre when compared to movie sized battles, and it forced the last episode to cram in so much crazy stuff all at once. They also need to stop showing crazy dragon lady. "Oh you were a teacher, and now you dont have a job, and i have a city full of illiterate children. well I guess I see no choice but you going back to being a slave instead of becoming a public school teacher. And now, time for some wooden faced sadness"
also, i am getting tired of all the teasing the show inserts to further heighten the drama. Lady knight just barley misses fulfilling her quest after accidentally stumbling onto her quest. fireball throwing midget knows entrance to cave is full of corpses, doesn't use fireballs to preemptively kill them, or even just put a sign 'corpse minefield here, walk around the back way.'
To add to the nitpicks, I think the strangulation wouldn't have killed Shae but rather have put her unconscious— unless he did certainly wanted her dead and they just showed it shorter to save time (I don't know how the book describes it).
I rather liked the battle at the wall, but it wasn't good for a GoT episode; GoT is higher caliber than that. It would have indeed been nicer if some of the crazy events in the finale (Stannis north, Bran getting to the tree, Cercei divulging her secret (which turned out to be somewhat pointless, perhaps even more of a reason to have had it in a previous episode), Tyrion's escapade, Danerys locking her dragons (in my opinion notable scene), and the fight for Arya) were spread out to other episodes.
Not a nitpick really, but some sort of comment: I've always wondered why Arya hated the hound so much after being around him. I guess there's that time he stole from a more-or-less helpless man, but i don't see that as being a massive problem. I don't really know what was going on in her mind with the encounter of Brienne and Sandor, and why she didn't try to prevent them from fighting. Why the heck would she say she wants to stay with Sandor if she hated him so much? It's rather perplexing and/or just irksome to me. Was she confident Sandor would just defeat her or something? She presumably knew Sandor was in bad shape though...
Pretty epic. Too bad there won't be anymore Tywin scenes, and no more Hound + Arya too D: She is ice cold now, which I love and I can't wait to see what happens when she gets to Braavos.
So Professor X is going to be riding dragons, also I kind of laughed when that little girl came out, reminded me of Mario throwing fireballs.
Also, that brotherly love and hug between Tyrion and Jamie T_T and now that long ass wait we all have to endure for a new season, god damn.
On June 16 2014 12:28 Sub40APM wrote: The battle on the wall episode was a complete waste of money and 60 minutes of tape. It added nothing, it still looked mediocre when compared to movie sized battles, and it forced the last episode to cram in so much crazy stuff all at once. They also need to stop showing crazy dragon lady. "Oh you were a teacher, and now you dont have a job, and i have a city full of illiterate children. well I guess I see no choice but you going back to being a slave instead of becoming a public school teacher. And now, time for some wooden faced sadness"
also, i am getting tired of all the teasing the show inserts to further heighten the drama. Lady knight just barley misses fulfilling her quest after accidentally stumbling onto her quest. fireball throwing midget knows entrance to cave is full of corpses, doesn't use fireballs to preemptively kill them, or even just put a sign 'corpse minefield here, walk around the back way.'
To add to the nitpicks, I think the strangulation wouldn't have killed Shae but rather have put her unconscious— unless he did certainly wanted her dead and they just showed it shorter to save time (I don't know how the book describes it).
There were some light crunching sounds when he was pulling on that chain, so he probably did more damage then just cutting off her air and he definitely meant to kill her I think (especially when she was trying to kill him).
Many things will change in King's landing with Tywin's death. First of all people will ask themselves who killed him. They'll also know Tyrion had escaped and they'll find Shae dead, so it's pretty obvious that they'll think it was Tyrion. Then the next question is "how did Tyrion escape?". Though here I don't think they could suspect of Jaime since he didn't show in public how much he cared about him. Since Tywin died, Tommen will probably be assisted by Cercei and Jaime then. They will both be pleasantly surprised by their father's death, I think. It would be curious to see how they would reign, they don't strike me as rather ambitious people, in fact they don't seem that suited to reigning. Cercei showed multiple times her contempt for the life at court but she is also very bound to her son. Maybe I missed it, is there a direction towards Tyrion is directed? It seems like Tyrion would just get bored outside King's landing or another 'important' city, as he stated himself.
On June 16 2014 16:41 Hyde wrote: Pretty epic. Too bad there won't be anymore Tywin scenes, and no more Hound + Arya too D: She is ice cold now, which I love and I can't wait to see what happens when she gets to Braavos.
So Professor X is going to be riding dragons, also I kind of laughed when that little girl came out, reminded me of Mario throwing fireballs.
Also, that brotherly love and hug between Tyrion and Jamie T_T and now that long ass wait we all have to endure for a new season, god damn.
haha yeah, there was something off about that scene...
It was especially funny how she blew up Jojen. It's like: "get out boring character! *kaboom*"
On June 16 2014 16:41 Hyde wrote: Pretty epic. Too bad there won't be anymore Tywin scenes, and no more Hound + Arya too D: She is ice cold now, which I love and I can't wait to see what happens when she gets to Braavos.
So Professor X is going to be riding dragons, also I kind of laughed when that little girl came out, reminded me of Mario throwing fireballs.
Also, that brotherly love and hug between Tyrion and Jamie T_T and now that long ass wait we all have to endure for a new season, god damn.
haha yeah, there was something off about that scene...
It was especially funny how she blew up Jojen. It's like: "get out boring character! *kaboom*"
yeah lol Also I'm not 100% sure but something else that felt off was her voice, I think they dubbed over her or something. What do you think?
Oh yeah, forgot to mention I can't believe the mountain might potentially live because of Qyburn, I want him to die.
Oh yeah, and why did the hound put his life on the line for Arya? and I'm not talking about starting a fight. Fighting at the start is one thing, but after he loses the fight he doesn't give up for some reason? This is the same guy that runs away from fighting at Blackwater. It seems really odd; I would take him for backing off — it's not like she's even of any significant monetary value to him at that point anyway. Sure, fight for her if you're a nice guy, but throw your own life for her? seems odd.
I loved the end bit about how Tywin was clearly planning on using Tyrion as his heir because he had no choice but Tyrion genuinely had no clue that he would have gotten everything he ever wanted if he had just not pulled the trigger.
I think you read that scene wrong. Tywin would never accept Tyrion as his true heir. That whole talk from him was to get Tyrion to listen to him.
He ran out of options though. At the start he figured he would prefer Jamie but could be fine if Cersei carried on his name but he learned that there was no way either of those situations were going to happen so he was forced into accepting Tyrion as his heir but Tyrion didn't know all of that.
Yeah I guess that's kinda a good point... Tywin just realized that same day that Cercei wasn't going to help him, so he didn't really have much of a chance to do anything about Tyrion. Still, it seems doubtful that he would just back off from an announced death sentence... how would he have gotten Tyrion out?
On June 16 2014 16:59 Xapti wrote: Oh yeah, and why did the hound put his life on the line for Arya too? Fighting at the start is one thing, but after he loses the fight he doesn't give up for some reason? This is the same guy that runs away from fighting at Blackwater.
because in the end, even if he never wanted to admit it, he was a good guy. at blackwater he would risk his life and dying in a fire (his biggest fear) for a king he hated. here he fought for a girl that lost everything and had no one else than him. also, losing to a woman was unthinkable for him. i bet he would rather die than getting his pride crushed by losing to a woman.
On June 16 2014 16:53 KingAlphard wrote: Many things will change in King's landing with Tywin's death. First of all people will ask themselves who killed him. They'll also know Tyrion had escaped and they'll find Shae dead, so it's pretty obvious that they'll think it was Tyrion. Then the next question is "how did Tyrion escape?". Though here I don't think they could suspect of Jaime since he didn't show in public how much he cared about him. Since Tywin died, Tommen will probably be assisted by Cercei and Jaime then. They will both be pleasantly surprised by their father's death, I think. It would be curious to see how they would reign, they don't strike me as rather ambitious people, in fact they don't seem that suited to reigning. Cercei showed multiple times her contempt for the life at court but she is also very bound to her son. Maybe I missed it, is there a direction towards Tyrion is directed? It seems like Tyrion would just get bored outside King's landing or another 'important' city, as he stated himself.
I wonder what will happened with Kings landings finances and future prosperity now when Tywin is dead. For all purposes he was the one who actually knew how to rule a kingdom. He also was the one who held all the finances and relationships with the great iron bank.
All the previous people who seemed to be competent enough to run Kings landing from a financial standpoint, namely little finger and Tyrion, won't come back to Kings landing which means Cercil will rule the kingdom now. Everything Cercil has done to date has more or less blown up in her face, I can't see this going very well as long as Cercil is in control. She will sink Kings Landing faster then the wildfire sank Stannis army of boats.
Stannis, the one true king. I think it's terrible that arya and sansa never met up. How does peter bylish not get informed that a girl, arya stark, niece to lysa came to the bloody gate?
Either way bran finally did something. Now he can lvl up and control dragons that just got chained up and defeat the OP whitewalker army 4 yrs from now when that season comes out.
skeleton soldiers were unexpected, fireballs even moreso, death of the boy by skeleton stabbing was kind of graphic and sad. Arya is a cold, cold hearted girl.
So varys heard the bells, knew someone was dead, and knew he had to flee with tyrion. So now it's spymaster varys, the imp going to the free cities.....mereen is a free city....
What is arya going to do. go to bravoss, find her dancing instructor or a faceless man and learn to be an assassin? seems like a lonely storyline
On June 16 2014 16:53 KingAlphard wrote: Cercei and Jaime .... they don't strike me as rather ambitious people
Jaime maybe not but Cercei for sure believes power is important.
Remember her saying "Power is power" to littlefinger about to have him killed by 4 kingsguard?? Or "when you play the game of Thrones, you win or you die" to Ned Stark?
I learned on todays episode of GoT that hodor when controlled by Bran is the strongest fighter around.
motherfucker took on a ton of what I assume are white walkers with his bare hands, while the mountain is dying from a fight with oberyn, the hound died after a close fight with Brienne, who beat Ser Loras a few seasons back. Jamie is crippled still. Only guy that comes to mind who could give Hodor a run for his money would be Jon Snow.
So Varys hears the bells (death of Tywin) and then decides to go with Tyrion on the ship. I guess he thought he knew Tyrion was behind the death of Tywin and thus he would be implicated as well, so realizes Kings Landing is not a safe place for him either.
I bet the hound lives. The show always does this, so yeah he will live, but yeah we are supposed to be 'surprised'.
And I could predict nearly everything due to the formula : "the game of predictable surprises". I hope next season isnt the same, the show has become so predictably unpredictable.
The White walker bones reminded me of Doom 3 lol.
Salute Charles Dance, no other could of done Tywin like that, Bravo. He gave Oscar level performances imho.
Hopefully next season will have less action (fights are boring and waste of time imho) and more story development.
Oh and the gore and nudity isnt shocking , its just boring and a takes time from story development. I know many folks get 'excited' , but GoT is far more interesting in a character sense than a shocking sense.
Oberyn was a highlight, I enjoyed the Jon Snow Ygritte relationship (good ole house Montegue and Capulet story , aka Romeo and Juliet). Varys is always entertaining.
On June 16 2014 17:27 LeeDawg wrote: I learned on todays episode of GoT that hodor when controlled by Bran is the strongest fighter around.
motherfucker took on a ton of what I assume are white walkers with his bare hands, while the mountain is dying from a fight with oberyn, the hound died after a close fight with Brienne, who beat Ser Loras a few seasons back. Jamie is crippled still. Only guy that comes to mind who could give Hodor a run for his money would be Jon Snow.
On June 16 2014 16:41 Hyde wrote: Pretty epic. Too bad there won't be anymore Tywin scenes, and no more Hound + Arya too D: She is ice cold now, which I love and I can't wait to see what happens when she gets to Braavos.
So Professor X is going to be riding dragons, also I kind of laughed when that little girl came out, reminded me of Mario throwing fireballs.
Also, that brotherly love and hug between Tyrion and Jamie T_T and now that long ass wait we all have to endure for a new season, god damn.
haha yeah, there was something off about that scene...
It was especially funny how she blew up Jojen. It's like: "get out boring character! *kaboom*"
yeah lol Also I'm not 100% sure but something else that felt off was her voice, I think they dubbed over her or something. What do you think?
Oh yeah, forgot to mention I can't believe the mountain might potentially live because of Qyburn, I want him to die.
Maybe we'll get some sweet zombie Mountain vs undead Hound action later!