[TV/BOOK] *SPOILERS* Game of Thrones Discussion - Page 649
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SPOILER WARNING If you only watch the show, this thread will spoil you of future events in HBO's Game of Thrones. Thread contains discussion of all books of the series A Song of Ice and Fire Click Here for the spoiler-free thread. | ||
Norway2196 Posts
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Finland4520 Posts
On June 16 2015 07:07 unkkz wrote: Worst season ever. Fucking butchered the books. What the fuck at zombie mountain.... What about the Mountain? I only saw Robert Strong | ||
Netherlands1220 Posts
On June 16 2015 07:07 unkkz wrote: Worst season ever. Fucking butchered the books. What the fuck at zombie mountain.... they've butchered the books since S2, especially when they started to create their own stupid scenes that made no sense if you compare the show to the books, it's quite bad. as just a show, i'd say it's pretty good except for the teleporting people | ||
Norway2196 Posts
On June 16 2015 07:17 0x64 wrote: What about the Mountain? I only saw Robert Strong I actually forgot about him, but he is introduced in a better way in the books i guess. But uuugh i have no words for this season really. Stannis storyline butchered, Jaimes ok i guess except for the damn sand snakes with their cringe scenes. Sansa went from boring victim to awesome player of the game for like two episodes and then back to boring victim again. Pretty much every scene they add involves pointless fighting or boobs for no reason(Bronn in prison... wtf was that honestly) and it just goes on. But Jon... He gets resurrected by Melisandre. There is a reason she just shows up there. There was also a reason that they show her visiting the Brotherhood and learning that Thoros was able to bring people back. She knows that she can do it now, and she knows Jon is important. She will bring him back, and his "death" will basically free him from any vows he took in joining the Night's Watch. He still wants to be on the side that fights the White Walkers though so ye Red Witch will most likely help him have a vision to figure out where to go. He will ultimately meet up with Dany and Tyrion and control three dragons to fight against Coldemort and his undead entourage. | ||
Netherlands1220 Posts
(not to defend it, it was a terrible scene. but that was the point i believe) | ||
Poland9108 Posts
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United States10110 Posts
Joff had a hit of that Strangler. Clogs the throat so hard, entire face becomes purple. I do think this has been the worst season of GoT show, but I don't think its as bad as some people are making it up to be. I really do think the last 3 episodes were the best of the season by far, and this episode was excellent. | ||
Korea (South)4948 Posts
On June 16 2015 07:35 unkkz wrote: I actually forgot about him, but he is introduced in a better way in the books i guess. But uuugh i have no words for this season really. Stannis storyline butchered, Jaimes ok i guess except for the damn sand snakes with their cringe scenes. Sansa went from boring victim to awesome player of the game for like two episodes and then back to boring victim again. Pretty much every scene they add involves pointless fighting or boobs for no reason(Bronn in prison... wtf was that honestly) and it just goes on. But Jon... He gets resurrected by Melisandre. There is a reason she just shows up there. There was also a reason that they show her visiting the Brotherhood and learning that Thoros was able to bring people back. She knows that she can do it now, and she knows Jon is important. She will bring him back, and his "death" will basically free him from any vows he took in joining the Night's Watch. He still wants to be on the side that fights the White Walkers though so ye Red Witch will most likely help him have a vision to figure out where to go. He will ultimately meet up with Dany and Tyrion and control three dragons to fight against Coldemort and his undead entourage. there is no reason to dislike divergence between show and book, its expected to be different. book is still there, show isnt replacing it. im all for DnD changing things up, i'll still enjoy martin's work whenever that'll release and see the book and show as two different projects related to one another but never as one. book to screen iteration seems to be a lesson people never grasp :/ | ||
Germany1850 Posts
Sansa was pointless and only done to have her do something this season. Shock value again. Shireen was the saddest thing i have seen in a long time in fantasy, and if Stannis does not decide himself to burn her in Book 6 i will be mighty mad. I think she might burn, but i also think she will not do so by the orders of Stannis. So much shock value. The whole Dorne part was nothing but shock value, between Bronn getting almost killed and Myrcella dying while finally reuniting with her dad, baaad. And everything happens so fucking coincidentially. Everyone happens to be where he needs to be. It feels manufactured at every corner because they had to cut so many corners. On it's own, the show is still great with some flaws, but the episodes that stood out were sooooo few this season. | ||
United States3634 Posts
On June 16 2015 07:37 Koerage wrote: the bronn prison scene was to show us the poison that killed Myrcella, at least i think it;s the same poison (not to defend it, it was a terrible scene. but that was the point i believe) They wouldn't have even needed that, just seeing the Sand Snake Mother bleeding from the nose in the same way and then taking the antidote with a smug look on her face would have let us know that they poisoned Myrcella. | ||
United States1041 Posts
Okay, so Doran is a master strategist and schemer playing the long game. Except, he lets one of his biggest assets (Myrcella) get murdered right in front of him in the show and now his son's future doesn't look too bright. He got out-schemed by Ellaria sand? That sucks. You know what would have been awesome? If right after the kiss, Doran tells Ellaria to give Myrcella her necklace as repayment. Then he gives Bronn a little nod and Bronn knowingly returns the nod. Then we don't even bother with the Myrcella scene. Her heartwarming talk with her father can come next season amid some tragedy. Instead, we would see Ellaria stoically watch the ship sail off as her nose bleeds and then she collapses. That would keep Doran at the top of the pecking order and we know not to fuck with him. Brienne and Stannis Probably killed him. However, he's also the guy who can clear her name. She is still accused of killing Renly and Stannis's testimony that he used blood-magic to kill Renly would clear her. So, she could take him to the wall where he would confess and then join the Night's Watch for his sins. The ravens would go out and the Night's Watch would gain a strong leader. He could also apologize to Davos and tell him to move on and then fucking throttle Melisandre to death. However, that'd kind of be the happy ending to that storyline and that's not something we get in GoT. So, most likely he's just dead. It'll be up to Davos to stick a knife in Melisandre. Maybe Davos could join up with the wildlings and be an advisor to them. Stannis's Sellswords Speaking of Stannis, I think they should have shown his own sellswords fighting on the side of the Boltons after they deserted. They're in the middle of the North, where else are they going to go? Roose is a practical man, pay the sellswords and promise to give them passage back to the sea in return for annihilating his enemy and not having to deal with a siege. It would explain the massive difference in numbers and why it was such a route and all it would have taken was a single line of dialog by Stannis or his new first officer guy. It may have also allowed Brienne to blend in and find her way to Stannis and deliver a finishing blow in real combat rather than executing a broken man. As it was, Brienne finding Stannis seems extremely contrived. Ramsey has his 3 man cleanup crew and then there were two other idiots chasing Stannis into the forest? Isn't killing Stannis the most important part? So why are the troops coming back to Winterfell with nobody carrying his head? If Brienne doesn't show up, do the Boltons let Stannis find refuge somewhere and rebuild again? That seems very un-Bolton like. Also, Ramsey had a new toy to play with (the pleading soldier), why stab him rather than insinuate they'll torture/flay him? Seemed out of character. There were so many details that seemed so off and just by making some very minor changes at minimal production cost, you could create a much more coherent storyline that keeps the characters in-line with their personalities. Jon Snow I actually hope he's gone in the show and resurrected in the books. It would be the biggest break between the two and we can finally treat them as two separate entities. His warging and his resurrection as Azor Ahai is heavily foreshadowed in the books, but there's nothing in the show to suggest it except maybe some very vague warging references for him. I really liked his death in the books a lot more. It was the way he built up so much momentum and it seemed like things were finally going his way before he got stabbed. And then if you stop and think about it, you realize that while he was building up all that momentum, he had pissed off the people who were closest to him, betrayed his true duties, and thus got punished for it. I just got caught up in the momentum of it when I read it and nearly tossed my book across the room when he got stabbed. In the show, despite his minor success with getting the wildlings through the wall, he's still stuck. There's no building relationship between him and the wildlings. He just gets them through and they disappear, then Sam goes, and everyone else glowers at him. Everything sucked and then he got stabbed. An ignoble end for a guy who was running out of friendships. The buildup to the stabbing just seemed completely off. I'm also angry that Allister was a part of it. He's a dick, but he's also a dutiful man and not a mutineer. I think they showed that even more in the show than in the books. So having him get involved in the mutiny annoyed me. I've got more to say, but this one is long enough. Overall, this season has been a huge letdown compared to the last 4. Episode 8 was good and I'll even say that 10 was okay, but the story could have been so much better and more coherent with small detail changes that wouldn't even have cost more money to produce. I really hope the series has a major split with the books so that fans can finally conclusively separate the two. Right now, the two are still too close and it's way too easy to compare the two directly and see where the show comes up short. | ||
Irrelevant Label
United States596 Posts
Wow - so much for things blowing in Stannis' favor. This is probably the first real show-to-book spoiler. The result of the battle for Winterfell is probably too big a deal to be different between the two. The fall of Stannis felt rushed and pretty over-dramatic in episode 10. My guess is that this is another thing that the show did crudely while piling on the shock factor as if that is a counterbalance. We don't know the extent of it for a few more months or so (see, I can be optimistic) when Winds comes out. So...leading theory now has to be to take the pink letter at face value. Huh. Someone will come up with something along the lines of Brienne didn't kill Stannis and she is role merged with Mance now and yadda yadda, but I'm preemptively highly pessimistic. Another piece of fallout, and this is an asoiaf milestone, is that we now seem to know the first knockout. Farewell House Baratheon. Theirs was the Fury. Titles tiles, eulogy eulogy. Ellaria and the sand snakes continued to be painfully bad to the last. What was her plan there? Kill Myrcella after Doran and Jaime had renewed the Lannister-Martell truce and in a way that makes it obvious that she did it? Gratz, you killed a girl. She was your nephew's fiance and their union was a boon to your country. You tarnished the values Oberyn took pride in Dorne for. It won't start the war that you want this way. Your not quite brother in law will execute you now. Awesome plan. Reek's Vader moment was ok. It looks like we are supposed to believe that Sansa's line about preferring to die with some of her left appealed to him and put what was left of Theon back in charge. I think that rationale for it is a bit weak compared to how much they established that he was broken beyond hope. It is a smaller nit-pick, but I don't like Sam asking to be a maester. Jon sending him is better for both characters. It is a kill the boy decision for Jon, and keeps Sam from looking like he was trying to get away from the Wall. Varys in Meereen is just weird, and it is right on the edge of book progress so we don't even know what it means going forward. He could still borrow LF's teleporter and kill Pycelle and Kevan in timing with the books for all we know. Robert Strong's a bit too visible zombie complexion and eyes is a poor move. They would have saved money and made it look better with a face obscured option. It is a testament to the state of the show that they managed to bungle For the Watch. It was still good overall, sure. It means a lot to have relative Jon supporters kill him rather than Jon enemies + Ollie. It was also totally out of character for Alliser. The Wall is done. Boltons victorious at Winterfell and identifying the watch as an enemy combined with the already known of death from the north and divisive mutiny...bye bye Wall. North of the Neck is done. There is nothing to slow down the Others in the north unless Bloodraven has something dramatic planned for Bran. The Iron Bank is done. They substantially backed Stannis, gone. They backed the Watch, gone soon enough. They hugely backed the Iron Throne and almost nobody who can win it from here has reason to honor the previous crown's debts. Dany slammed economies across Essos with partial abolition. A whos-who of their southern debtors marched off to die in dragonfire in order to try and restore their economies. Their sliver of hope is an unlikely Volantene-led coalition victory at Meereen and then LF takes the Iron Throne. Playing out ramifications of Stannis' defeat could take a while. Just watch it differ in asoiaf, but I stand by assuming it is too big a thing to differ for now. ...did Sweetrobin really carry the Arryn torch farther than the Baratheon line made it? Ha. That technicality is the moment of zen for 5.10 for sure. We'll see if that timing happens in asoiaf too. | ||
Pakistan2333 Posts
Ugh, and that sex scene was just ridiculous. | ||
Pakistan2333 Posts
On June 16 2015 09:49 Irrelevant Label wrote: ...did Sweetrobin really carry the Arryn torch farther than the Baratheon line made it? Ha. That technicality is the moment of zen for 5.10 for sure. We'll see if that timing happens in asoiaf too. Is the blacksmith boy dead? I can't recall, but if not he is carrying the Baratheon line forward. | ||
Canada1606 Posts
Hypothetical: Someone harms you in the worst way possible but is untouchable. To add insult, the person's family knows the truth but refuses to abandon nor turn him/her over to justice. You have an opportunity to harm the family member(s ) without facing repercussions. Poll: Would you harm the perpetrator's family? Yes. Anything from harassment to more serious revenge. (1) No. Even if perpetrator is untouchable, leave the family alone. (4) 5 total votes Your vote: Would you harm the perpetrator's family? (Vote): Yes. Anything from harassment to more serious revenge. | ||
Fiddler's Green42661 Posts
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6007 Posts
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Canada4413 Posts
On June 16 2015 10:02 redviper wrote: Why is everyone who has read the book assuming the Melisandre is somehow evil? She seems to be a force for good, talking about fighting against the Others instead of conquering the north. This is the thing that bothers me the most about the show, the dehumanizing of Melisandre. And its so pointless. She is going to save Jon ( i am assuming) and that would make her a key part of the fight against Others. Ugh, and that sex scene was just ridiculous. Who did she fuck? I saw the gif on reddit but I must have watched a censored version or something, or not been paying attention. Cause I didnt see it at all. lol | ||
Irrelevant Label
United States596 Posts
On June 16 2015 10:03 redviper wrote: Is the blacksmith boy dead? I can't recall, but if not he is carrying the Baratheon line forward. He is taking the longest paddle from Dragonstone to KL in history or smithing for the Brotherhood without Banners, depending on which story you are following. It isn't a question of genetics. It is the family name, so he doesn't count. He is a nameless common born bastard. Asoiaf house Baratheon is better off with Edric Storm, who also doesn't count but at least he is an acknowledged noble born bastard. | ||
United States2534 Posts
On June 16 2015 10:11 stuchiu wrote: This season was like watching bad fanfiction. My thoughts exactly. Dorne arc is comic relief, Dany arc is a snorefest with her winning everything because she is the main character, Cersai with 10 episodes to appoint a new pope who locks her in a dungeon and takes the fan's frustration out on her, Boltons rehashing the Jeoffrey storyline... literally everything exactly like season 2 with Sansa, Jeoffr- I mean Ramsay and Stannis, and finally the Jon arc that actually moves the plot along just a little bit. Oh wait there's Arya. Why are we watching her story again? | ||
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