On October 26 2016 02:35 SkelA wrote: Miracle just not living up to expectations as a mid player. I don't know if I've seen a game yet where more than 1 player lived up to their potential. Everyone is just off right now
Now this game Liquid should watch over and over and over and aver again so they can learn from Escape. This is how You pick a gameplan and STICK to it and PLAY for it. And be a TEAM for it. On paper it looked like they had no chance vs Liquid 30 mins in, but our boys were lost again, feeding, bad positioning, no vision across the river, obvious smokes, MEGA defensive supports. That are literally useless... Hell Mirana goes on 1l, slardar on the otehr, while Lock, Clock, Beastmaster keep sven + timber in check ---> gg. Briliant play from Escape, Bad from Liquid. As usual.
Bubla is the only player on this roster playing up to expectations (and hes playing better than them).
It was more than just Miracle not showing up. Matumba getting caught bottom for no real reason when he had the highest net worth. MC getting killed a bunch of times in the offlane for playing up to far or going back in to try and get a kill he failed to get. Underwhelming decision making and play all around.
At this point, do you guys think Kuro needs a help captaining? Like Blitz? If it is something like that hire someone, even -Fata would be great, for everyone.
Singapore66071 Posts
beautiful draft by escape
I think TL just needs to bite the bullet and really commit time and effort to making either Bulba or Kuro play an active position 4. It seems like it should be Bulba (building on his offlane history) and Kuro should go back to position 5 I guess. Which is a shame in the sense that Bulba is playing a pretty solid 5, but I just don't think the Kuro/Bulba support duo is able to give the team what they need. The meta just seems to not favor defensive or double passive support duos.
On October 25 2016 22:54 Laertes wrote: Don't forget that Bulba has extragame abilities which compensate for him as well. He apparantly understands the game very well and people like him, meaning he'll be more likely to resolve possibly toxic situations that might arise in the current liquid.
On October 26 2016 02:58 Pontual wrote: At this point, do you guys think Kuro needs a help captaining? Like Blitz? If it is something like that hire someone, even -Fata would be great, for everyone. Reminder that Bulba is supposed to be that help...
Honestly MC has really been the weak leak imo, like look in this game he's so weak.
He just seems to not survive the offlane.
Honestly MC has really been the weak leak imo, like look in this game he's so weak.
He just seems to not survive the offlane.
The offlane timber in both game isn't doing him any favors. Miracle should have been playing timber mid in game 1 and in game 2 they should have drafted him something else. These drafts/laning choices are just making them so vulnerable to getting run over.
On October 26 2016 03:22 Shaella wrote: Honestly MC has really been the weak leak imo, like look in this game he's so weak.
He just seems to not survive the offlane.
I think it's overlapping weaknesses.
MC has been weak in the offlane.
Kuro/Bulba have weak early map presence (even with good playing mechanics otherwise) which makes it much easier to pressure MC in the offlane as well as mid/safelane cores.
Not having someone come out of the offlane with the proper levels/farms means a ton of pressure on Miracle & Matumbaman for fights in the early/mid game when you'd rather have them able to solidify their farm and hit strong timings.
Then a combination of all that is there's less breathing room/timing for Matumba/Miracle to exploit their early farm because the enemy team is never really losing any lane enough to be a liability though neither of them are exactly stepping up either.
Like a good example is this game...
MC is playing weakly in the offlane.
Meanwhile there's no credible pressure on the other lanes so we see Esc comfortably trilaning top without losing much on the other lanes.
Then we get under farmed Timber meaning in the mid game Matumba is pushing hard for kills and map control over farm so he's not pulling ahead.
On October 26 2016 03:29 Drearcerberus wrote:Show nested quote +Honestly MC has really been the weak leak imo, like look in this game he's so weak.
He just seems to not survive the offlane. The offlane timber in both game isn't doing him any favors. Miracle should have been playing timber mid in game 1 and in game 2 they should have drafted him something else. These drafts/laning choices are just making them so vulnerable to getting run over. Its just bizzare, MC seems not to be able to pilot the hero at all in the offlane to boot.
Liquid just plays so bad. There is no game plan. They just play as 5 individuals and hope for the best. Also they just lack stuns every game. Draft a Sven with lasso as the only stun.
They should watch the replays and learn from Escape how a real team plays.
I nearly watched every Liquid, but i cann't take thus anymore. Losing is ok, but the way they are losing is just so bad.
internal problems. i can feel it
On October 26 2016 03:48 Laertes wrote: Lul liquid 0-2 against Escape. lul indeed.
Jesus. That was awful.
"do you know why they're called team liquid? because they're not solid at all" - Zai
Trainwreck. It's been enough games to figure out something is just not right with this combination of players.
The way this is going, they're not going to qualify to the major and there will be changes immediately afterwards. Like someone predicted elsewhere, I think OG don't perform on the major and then reacquire Miracle.
Yeah MC Timbersaur is not a thing Yapzor showed us how much we miss Jerax too, his clock/ES were just amazing creating so much space.
Allowing Synderen to have the role Kuro used to have (besides going full retard and giving Jerax Warlock) - simple hero, allowing him to coordinate the team from that 5 position.
Bulba played well, really well timed graves etc. I liked his performance
Even blogboys were a team...