Why is protoss considered to be the "easiest race" - Page 11
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Netherlands640 Posts
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Netherlands557 Posts
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South Africa4280 Posts
On August 11 2011 06:16 gillon wrote: I'd argue T is the micro race, but that might just be me. They're fairly similar. Both have to micro for their lives in both MUs. I'd say Protoss wins though since their mirror is like 100% micro. Zerg though...bleh.. | ||
104 Posts
In my experience (admittedly anecdotes don't prove anything: but there are no statistics for cheese) when a P 1 base all-ins [ie: 4 gate, star, DT) (at my level): they win 50% of the time even if I've scouted them. In my exp (again) this is not the case for T and Z (excluding bfh drop [and that's just cuz i suck v bfh]). IMO the bottomline is with toss you can learn 1 cheesy strat and perfect it and probably get to masters: however that doesn't make toss any easier in macro games. Team games are another thing: IMO in team games P is truly the easiest to play (I play P 50% of the time, so no bias there....) since cheeses such as 6 pool, and 1 base allins are easily stopped by sentries/ wall offs, w/out any scouting info, and cloaked shit is easily stopped since most Ps go collo which auto gets them detections (OBS).: in case that isn't clear enough: in team games P doesn't need to scout cheese whereas T kinda needs to and Z definitely does. @ those who say this discussion is mindless troll/ racist bs: Its not since you can provide arguments such as the ones I provided: and the race the poster plays can be taken into account. (IMO those people just wanted to raise their post count for e-peen...., like trolling, and/or didn't read any1 else's posts) | ||
Mr. Black
United States470 Posts
In the same day I played games where different opponents: 1. got mad at me for making all zerglings (when he was attacking with all stalkers); 2. told me "you zerg are all predictable...zerglings then mutas then infestors." (of course this is based on what I am scouting). and, my favorite, 3. "Why does every zerg resort to mutas?" Because you are Protoss, people complain that Protoss is easy. If you switch to Terran or zerg, suddenly that will be the op easy race. | ||
Sweden85 Posts
On August 11 2011 06:12 Medrea wrote: Im sorry your thread got shit on by a bunch of idiots. Anyone here with half a brain knows your not trolling. Thank you! | ||
United States36 Posts
On August 11 2011 06:16 whoopingchow wrote: I think I understand what you're saying. People say Protoss is the easiest race to play because, at the lower level, it's extremely easy to get the death ball, and then just 1A to the enemy, since the Protoss death ball is so much more potent than the other races. Obviously, as soon as you get into the intricacies (deciding what to chronoboost being the biggest one), I think it all sort of evens out. But if you're just a new player, and you build a ton or warpgates and just chronoboost units out of them, you can just 1A into your opponent's base. Zerg is much more harass-styled, and Terran has a lot of micro-intensive decision making involved, but at the higher levels (even high Silver), it all sort of evens out. I dont think at "high silver" any of the races are hard to play. Seriously if anyone is QQing that protoss is easier to play in like gold league they need to understand how little difference there is between races at platinum-bronze league. Anyone can literally play the same exact way all 3 races and win in platinum league. Im low masters terran and i offrace in customs against platinum players i literally can just make only stalkers+expand, make only MM+expand or make only roach hydra+expand. I do think that protoss is slightly easier to play from like masters up but before that you've got to be joking if you blame your losses on anything other than yourself being bad. | ||
United States668 Posts
Based on the units, I would not be surprised. The stalker is a really nice all-around units with few weaknesses, and the colossus compliments it fairly well. Also mass void ray is a great backup plan. At higher levels I'm not going to claim that any race is easier. Zerg macro is pretty difficult early on, because if you miss any injects it's such a huge loss. But later on in the game, if you're keeping on top of injects it's actually kind of easy. | ||
Germany25 Posts
tech to infestors 5 (all your hatches) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Now spam F / E / I like a baws. Collect your free points. Terran? "Oh, I forgot 2 macro? NP, I just use my mules on the high yield expo and will be ahead" Am I trolling? Probably, but so are you. | ||
United States7702 Posts
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United States1916 Posts
I like both but i definitely can see why people say Protoss is easier. But that shouldn't bother you.. It's not like protoss is instant win. It's a fucking hard game regardless of the race you play. | ||
Germany165 Posts
ofc saving chrono has its sense but not on 4 nexus 100 energy each, thats just lazyness,and yet they win. | ||
United States125 Posts
As far as the learning curve goes Toss has a more steady incline for what you need to learn. Instead of some mechanic hurdle like Larval management or juggling drops, you have wider array of smaller skills you develop which makes a player's progression more fluid. Coincidentally it makes it harder to identify a Toss player's skill set as each one usually has a gamut of skills he's developed and emphasized. | ||
Canada568 Posts
Protoss: Easy to learn, hard to master. Terran: Middle /thread | ||
Canada753 Posts
Toughest to play at top level due to inflexibility, expensive tech switching, and timing-reliance for harass. Similar to BW | ||
United States154 Posts
I also think the Warp-in mechanic makes it easier. Z is "hard" just because of the Larvae, I know a lot of low level players never build enough drones because they're scared of being attacked so they build attacking units when they shouldn't. T players Queue up units which can be bad. Low level players will queue up all the slots thinking that it's OK when they should actually be building more production. But with P, a player easily is able to see that once they use all their Warp-ins they can't get any more units so they build more gateways. And this doesn't include that P usually run around in a "ball" which is easier to do than drops or reactionary play at lower levels. It's just observation of my friends though and might not be across the board. | ||
Portugal1259 Posts
On August 11 2011 06:28 jstar wrote: Zerg: Hard to learn, easy to master. Protoss: Easy to learn, hard to master. Terran: Middle /thread Simplification (though wrong) of the year. | ||
United Kingdom119 Posts
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United States235 Posts
I agree that as toss, you can dump minerals really quickly spamming 4-6 zealots or stalkers but the thing is, our warpgate mechanism is similar to zerg's inject. If we don't do the warp-ins just as the cooldown finishes, we lose that time forever [ for example, if a zealot warp in cooldown is 30 seconds and I don't warp in my zealot immediately but wait for 30 seconds for whatever reason, thats a whole zealot I'll never get back] And in early game, toss is pretty unforgiving, one mismicro or look away at the wrong time, its gg. I've lost many a time, looking away from my army to warp in and T stims out of the dark and destroys me. And because of the cost of toss units, kinda impossible to build them up quickly in early game. That said, all races have their inherent difficulties. | ||
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