On June 12 2011 15:24 shinjin wrote: im starting to really hate how often best beats flash : / he had like 5 bases in 11 min wat rofl
The losses itself don't really bother me that much. What makes them annoying is that Flash could crush BeSt anytime he desires but refuses to play aggressively out of pride.
I don't know what it is about BeSt that makes him do it though.. he certainly doesn't seem to behave like that when it comes to other one trick ponies.
On June 12 2011 15:22 disciple wrote: nothing surprising about the results. KT chobos. I'm not expecting them to show up in Shanghai but if they do it will be same story.
CJ is looking really scary, i'm pretty sure SKT would take it over KT if they met,
but CJ man
even though in the important matches they choke pretty hard, i see them beating SuperiorKT
Don't worry, I will make the thread. SKT cant possibly lose
lol, I hate when you say that. I'll be in Shanghai, so if SKT wins, I'll make a shoutout "Thanks disciple for making the OP" :D
Really nice OP disciple and crew. Thanks to everyone who streamed.
TBH, I don't think the vulture harass did much of anything to Best, it barely did any damage. I think if you count all the cannons and the few probes Best lost, you could maybe muster up enough reason to send like 6-8 vultures, but Flash sac'd quiet a few vultures to do close to no damage.
I think Flash really started to fall apart after his push got widdled away slowly. Flash was expanding to risky locations without proper protection, and just seemed to have lost focus (you can really tell when you see two elevated command centers high fiving each other). I can't really blame Flash for getting obliterated in a macro game, as he just finished playing the MSL finals.
On June 12 2011 15:22 Hellwitch wrote: I don't blame Flash for this game. He has been busy with the MSL for the last week or so. He'll probably get some rest and come back stronger as usual. Gratz to SKT for the win.
The thing is, Flash could have done so many different builds rather than letting Best play the way he likes to, yet he chose to attempt the hardest route for him to victory.
I think Flash lost at least twice as many vultures as he got probes with his harass. It really didn't look effective. I think Best just didn't want to build a pylon wall so Flash would keep throwing ineffective harass his way.
On June 12 2011 15:22 cascades wrote: Flash Quote: My teammates are practicing like crazy right now; they didn’t even come to cheer for me.
Flash paying back his teammates for the slight.
Flash: Even though my MSL finals is less than 24 hours before pr-- rest of KT: Oh snap, you made another finals? Damn. Well we got Proleague to practice for. Come join us in practice ASAP after you're done pwning what's-his-face.
I can't help but like Best - he's got this macro club, and he just bludgeons people to death with it. Best's play is anything but refined - but *it still works anyway*
it makes me envious to watch a P break a mega tank ball then stream infinite units for the win
Stats on the other hand is making me lose faith. The execution needed to be alot better.
On June 12 2011 15:19 gngfn wrote: Going to go ahead and blame KT coaching for continuing to be incompetent. "OK Stats, you're going to play super-aggressive on probably the easiest map in the pool for Zerg to turtle on, and Flash, you're going to let Best take 5 bases before pushing out."
Actually, Stats's strategy only works against turtle-play Zergs, its just that he didn't execute it very well lol. And Flash was looking REALLY good until his push got wiped out without doing any damage at all, which led to a very easily broken tank-line at the fifth
That's like saying "Flash was looking really good until his 2fac failed to do any damage and he lost." Flash didn't look good in any part of the game that was contentious. He staked the game on being able to roll over everything with his 200/200 army, failed miserably at it, then autolost because Best had infinite units. That game wasn't even close. In any case, regardless of how "good" he looked until he lost, you are never going to convince me that it's a good idea for someone who hasn't practiced for TvP in a while to engage Best in a macro game on Circuit Breaker.
When Best engaged Flash's army in front of the bridges and traded almost all of his army for a pretty small amount of Tanks/Vulture, I'd say Best was in trouble and the situation was good for Flash, until Best was able to break the push later through a combination of patience and luck from Flash's errors. To say the game wasn't even close is a serious judgment error..
also Flash wanted a higher tank count for his push, which is why he found it acceptable to simply throw away vultures without much benefit. Makes sense, considering how having too many vultures in your push is kind of a bad thing anyways, so might as well use them to stall the macro machine in anyway possible while making room for more tanks.
On June 12 2011 15:34 Lightwip wrote: I think Flash lost at least twice as many vultures as he got probes with his harass. It really didn't look effective. I think Best just didn't want to build a pylon wall so Flash would keep throwing ineffective harass his way.
while he lost vultures, best had to throw up cannons, and he threw up quite a number and he had to rebuild his probes so that's a lot of money. But yeah, his vulture harass didn't seem to phase Best or his rhythm though.
On June 12 2011 15:37 scrubtastic wrote: I can't help but like Best - he's got this macro club, and he just bludgeons people to death with it. Best's play is anything but refined - but *it still works anyway*
While not always refined, there are a lot of times where he runs his army into a deep deep tank line, his zealots get very far in and they surround all the tanks, it looks really elegant (if you can even say that about zealots fighting tanks haha). There's certainly some finese to his play.