4 lings for Hoejja, Guemchi still blocking the hatch hahaha
The lings chase away the probe, and he finally starts the hatch
Probe still alive, running from slowlings
Hoejja sending a probe to the top of the map and taking a third, Guemchi knows about it
Hoejja runs right into Guemchi's nat and takes out his only cannon!
Harsh lesson: fast pool means 2 cannons.
Lings are in the main, Guemchi trying to defend by stacking his probes
Zealot out, and along with the probes he fends off the lings
Lair upgrading for Hoejja, 3 hatches
Guemchi starting a citadel at his nat
Hoejja's lings still running around the main, but it finally dies to a goon
The goon also takes out a stray overlord that was chilling in the main
Hoejja has speed lings just chilling outside GUemchi's nat
Spire and den going up for Hoejja
Templar archives up for Guemchi, and 3 gates going up simultaneously
Scourge out for Hoejja, off to do some scouting
2 hatcheries (5 total) and a evo chamber going up for Hoejja
Guemchi mining out the empty minerals at 7 o'clock
Mutas out for Hoejja
Guemchi going for a timing attack on Hoejja's third base! 2 archons, some goons, and speedlots
Hoejja sending mutaling to defend
Guemch not using his archons to fend off the mutas, and the attack ends up being a failure
Guemchi taking his third base, but Hoejja scouts it with scourge
guemchi: i wish i had a DA
Sick harass by Hoejja with those muta
Guemchi defending his newly made third from mutas with 1 archon
Hoejja running into Guemchi's rally and takes out his HTs (2, I believe)!
Guemchi's third gets up, probes being sent there now
Guemchi moving out with 2 archons and speedlots again, but Hoejja's mutas see it
Hoejja picking off the speedlots, archons can't get hits off on the mutas stack
NOOOO 3 HT sitting at Guemchi's rally just idle...
Hoejja snipes all 3, and going for some probes too
Hoejja morphing a ton of lurks back at home
Guemchi now keeping his archons next to his HT to scare away the mutas
Hive is up for Hoejja
Guemchi moving out again with speedlots and archons, but he runs right into a group of burrowed lurks
Hoejja's mutas picking off that speedlot force like it's nothing
Some lings going in to help take out the archons, and they go down
Guemchi moving along the bottom of the map with goon/archon/HT
What stream are you watching?
Hoejja's muta micro has been great this game. Still needs to improve other aspects of his game though
Guemchi takes out all but 1 muta, but loses 2 HT in the process
Guemchi now pushing along the top of the map with his goon/HT/archon, Hoejja has a ton of lurkling ready to attack as well
Guemchi going to secure a 4th base at 6 o'clock
Guemchi's protoss ball moving into the bottom of Hoejja's nat
Hoejja puts up swarms and forces Guemchi's mostly goon army to fall back
Guemchi falling back, along the middle of the map
ASDF a group of lings surrounds 2 HTs and eats them up
This guy can't keep a high templar alive.