Great iniciative! I'm so participating (as a scrub tho) in this!
How about a Showmatch between old foreign leyends?
I mean, a BW Attack featuring people of the caliber of Day[9] is a long shot, but, if it's possible. ¿Do you think it would be remotely possible to do a Show-Championship between significant players/commentators on nowadays sc2 scene and bw foreign scene? That would be awesome.
That website layout is atrocious. It looks very unprofessional, and it's design is bad. There is a lot of empty space as well. Please fix it.
show matches like liquibiton would be great =)
On September 30 2011 04:42 Relickey wrote: That website layout is atrocious. It looks very unprofessional, and it's design is bad. There is a lot of empty space as well. Please fix it.
While I certainly do appreciate any and all feedback, this is like the last possible thing I'm worried about. This isn't a webpage that will be presented to the community at large in any way, its just a "behind the scenes" place to discuss how to achieve our goals, timetables that would be good to hit, etc.
On September 30 2011 04:42 Relickey wrote: That website layout is atrocious. It looks very unprofessional, and it's design is bad. There is a lot of empty space as well. Please fix it.
Only use it for the Forums tab.
My tentative idea for timetables of our various aims:
Hype/Highlight Video Makers - No real timetable; up to members of the community to take this on. Would definitely be good to start putting out a few hype videos by late October before/for the start of proleague though
Fixing Liquipedia - I'm thinking it's reasonable in one months to have liquipedia at the point where it has one solid "current" BO for each MU, a general guide for each race, micro guide, macro/hotkeys guide, and some basic stuff about how to improve.
Low Level Clan - Starts now, the basic idea is that anybody that's new or willing to help coach will have an sGs tag making it very easy for new players to find other lower level or helpful players to play with. Within in a week it should be possible to have set times where people can make a point to be on.
Reddit Upvoting - Up to the community and posters of content, they tell us when they have posted something, we discuss/upvote/support etc.
Submitting Content to Reddit - Same as hype/highlight video
VOD/Tutorial Series - Probably the biggest undertaking. Maybe we can have this done by the end of the year?
Streamers - Starts now, make a point to explain what your doing, interact with your viewers, troll/clown around, be funny, whatever suits you.
BW Fun Activities - Starts 9/3! 2v2v2v2 BGH
Guide to Watching BW - This should be completed by end of October so its available for when proleague starts.
hmmm...been playing sc2 since christmas. Used to play wc2 and it seems like the same gfx as BW. I'm starting to think i might want to get brood war for lulz and to make me a better sc2 player
10387 Posts
ahhhh hmmmm I guess I should start getting to work on some of those Protoss guides/builds I've been planning to write .. but I've been so lazy/busy T3T no excuse tho looool
I've been trying to get into actually playing BW for the last couple of weeks and would really appreciate some good learning resources. I'd especially like some FPVOD's or Streams of good Terrans so I could imitate them. I haven't been able to find much myself.
I really like the initiative. Tough i can't do much i can always start playing bw again, and that i will!! :D
On September 30 2011 06:20 Mise wrote: I've been trying to get into actually playing BW for the last couple of weeks and would really appreciate some good learning resources. I'd especially like some FPVOD's or Streams of good Terrans so I could imitate them. I haven't been able to find much myself.
If you want FPVOD's these are fantastic: BNET Attack
Basically a slew of VOD's (FPView) of many, many progamers including Sea, Fantasy, Flash, Light, hiyA, etc. Good streams to look out for are agavond, hirosue2, Qeet, and at least a couple others, though terrans are the least represented in streams at the moment.
This initiative is just getting off the ground so there isn't tons of new content yet, but certainly feel free to ask for help, coaching, etc from myself or anyone else that's posted expressing interest in coaching.
Chill is awesome, maybe we could get him to cast for a few hours in a couple of months? Make it featured, im sure TL wont be against it since its still a BW site...
I think we need to address the issue of streamers. We need people who appeals to the newbies of BW. BW streamers in general need to talk more and explain to their viewers what they are doing.
It would be insane if we could a prominant member of the SC2 community to help us out, but that is extremely unlikely.
On the subject of vods, I was planning on to upload funny videos explaining BW but school started and now I dont have enough time
On September 30 2011 07:25 Docmedical wrote: I think we need to address the issue of streamers. We need people who appeals to the newbies of BW. BW streamers in general need to talk more and explain to their viewers what they are doing.
It would be insane if we could a prominant member of the SC2 community to help us out, but that is extremely unlikely.
I think that we could get a personality to help us, such as Day[9], other casters or even some TL staff to give this some more attention, but individually I don't think so. There wouldn't be much in it for them so they wouldn't be as interested tbh.
Any visibility on this really does help, and streamers to appeal to newer people is a great idea!
I tried to help C/C+ ranks into the blue ranks but with school and trying to improve myself I don't have enough time to coach a full team, only a few people. In the end anyone can learn themselves if they put the effort into it. So while these ideas are good, most of the time the people who are complaining about coaching don't want to try enough to improve, they just think that they will instantly improve with the help of a better player as their coach.
I think it helps a great deal to have semi-automated regular (daily/weekly/monthly etc) tournaments, for all levels, including absolute beginners. Maybe z33k could get a BW section? It's easier if they do it, because they just need to duplicate most of the database stuff they already have for SC2.
The idea is to grow respect for fellow BW players regardless of level. "E"/"D-" players also try to improve, and can also compete between each other. Tournament settings introduce better sportsmanship than ladder usually, because they are more personal.
Croatia9476 Posts
The problem is that it seems like Chill/Day[9]/Kennegit et al. are focusing on SC2 now, it is very unlikely they will have time to spend with BW.
I still think making a featured TL BW Attack! with michael, sneatzel, koll and any other top foreign player would be enough to draw some attention to BW. But for that to be possible there must be organization and people dedicated to the event, not just one guy making things 'on the fly'.
I wish I had the influence/contacts/time to help, but for me its nearly impossible to do so. All I can do is cheer for the best and stream my noobness whenever I can :/
I can stream BW but I need to find an active clan if I'm going to spend time playing broodwar again.
Something that would be perfect if we can somehow be blessed. A translator.
My god...oh my god...what I would do for a dedicated translator.