Stats not approved? Excuse me, but if anyone remembers he knocked Jangbi and Fantasy out of the MSL and would probally advance if he hadn't gotten Jaedong (Watch his KeSPA ranking move up to find up how much he improved). Maybe he haven't been wrecking in the proleague but look at his opponents. Much like Flying he hit very hard opponents like Stork (in the few appearences he had lately, he wrecked start of round 1). And if you say "why then isn't he been choosen for Proleague?" Well, he has been chosen, but other than he got alot of intime competition for a spot outside of the Ace combo (Luxury, Flash, Violet) he has competition (815/Hoejja/Firefist/Tempest/fOrGG) - each of those (save fOrGG perhaps...) would be a choise for any of the lesser ranked teams. Though I agree Guemchi haven't beaten anything other than a stupiding-decisioning-throwing-away-my-advantagineing-shuttleing-flying-withing-mying-reavering-intoing-guemchi's-dragoonsing bisu.
No, the correct criteria for a dragon is: Must be named after a soup.
Excellent post Roffles. Agree on all posts... I guess some people are just slow to see the light.
ROFL, OP is clearly trying to get bisu slain to generate discussion. His new standards include such loose requirements such as making ROUND OF SIXTEEN of EITHER league and winning ace matches regardless of how many were played. All of you have been trolled, epic.
+ Show Spoiler +Bisu is like what, top 3 toss for a good 3 years now? And I'm not even a bisu fan.
+ Show Spoiler +
doesnt make sense to judge players by the difference from their peak elo. that bisu was slaying the whole sc scene for 1-2 months and now cant keep up with this greatness can hardly be an argument against him. and why is the cutoff exactly 65% winrate? actually, none of the players listed fulfills this requirement.....
would u seriously consider guemchi, pure or stats a better player right now than bisu? additionally, losing an ace match against stork is no shame. and many of the more debatable dragons from ur list made exactly the ro16 of a SL, but nothing more. this really isnt too much of an accomplishment imho.
sry, but ur requirements not only seem arbitrary, they even seem unreasonable. the feeling i got after reading this is that u tried really hard to look as backed-up and scientific as possible when telling us how much bisu sucks in ur opinion...
On January 09 2010 17:14 Black Gun wrote: and why is the cutoff exactly 65% winrate? actually, none of the players listed fulfills this requirement.....
The point that none of the current players have the 65% winrate. Rather, its to emphasize that Bisu has NONE of the qualifications AND he doesn't have EVEN a 65% winrate to make up for it. If he were above 65%, you could at least say "well, though he failed in both leagues, and least he's still managing to beat 65% (NEARLY 2/3's of the games usually) of the players!" but you can't, and he hasn't done ANY of the other qualifications. Clearly, bisu is no longer a dragon.
"not being 90 points of ELO peak" is a pretty strange criterion which obviously penalizes good players.
Just because Bisu isn't as dominant as he once was doesn't mean that he isn't better than another toss is now.
100% ace win rate criterion is also pretty silly.
Movie clearly one of the ten..
haha, Bisu has always been a fail in my eyes, and here's the proof why
I am a protoss player and within 90 points of my ELO peak. Can you add me to the list? :D
This is clearly a troll topic. Bisu has the 3rd highest ELO, after only Flash and Jaedong. That makes him the highest ranked Protoss right now. And yet you have Stats, Pure, and Guemchi there? lol
I also liked how he picked career winning percentage of 65% or more, which is just .39% above Bisu right now. Which is also the highest winning percentage of any Protoss player right now (at least of the currently active Protoss players).
Power Ranked Top 5 for over 12 straight months before this one. Eternal dragon imo.
The OP sucks, and is designed to bash Bisu, the consistently best protoss for 3 years. The fact that you're a bad-mannered stream-host doesn't help your case either.
Rofl. I enjoy your sources.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On January 09 2010 18:27 Demand2k wrote: The OP sucks, and is designed to bash Bisu, the consistently best protoss for 3 years. The fact that you're a bad-mannered stream-host doesn't help your case either. Yeah.... Keep going.
Katowice25012 Posts
How is roffles a bm stream host? (serious question)
On January 09 2010 18:36 heyoka wrote: How is roffles a bm stream host? (serious question)
cuz he doesn't bring you food as well as provide a way for you to watch live sc, duh.
lame op. dragons were chosen for being top 10 in rankings. none of the dragons that u proposed are, unfortunately. bisu is still top 3 protoss.
(if stork and bisu faced each other in an ace match, how could u ever expect both of them to have 100% ace appearances? duh..)