Perhaps it's my upbringing, all the D.A.R.E classes, or maybe I'm just a boring person but substance abuse just pisses me off. I hate the idea of them, I hate what it does to people, etc. Makes things difficult since I can't look at people the same when I know they use drugs. I respect them less and I question their judgment, intelligence, and general integrity as a person. Which is further complicated because I'm finding out every day that it is more prevalent than I thought. Friends I've known for awhile turn out to be users and it colors them in a different light from there on in.
I'm not sure exactly why I hate it so much either. Perhaps it's the sense of excess that I associate with it or maybe just my own insecurity about not being in control, I'm not really sure. I can sort of understand the allure but I still find myself disgusted by it. Might just be a need to feel superior to others, I've been told I can sit on an awfully high horse.
In case someone is going to ask, I've never done drugs and you could probably only fill a milk carton halfway with all the alcohol I've ever consumed for the sake of being social. So at least I'm not a hypocrite.
I'm sure I'm going to get plenty of flak for this since I seem to be in the overwhelming minority on this but I felt the need to vent. I'm boring, I know.
Go smoke some weed, It'll change your whole outlook. I guarantee it =)
if you've never tried it, you really can't judge since you have no idea what it's like.
Alcohol the cause and solution to every problem.
Valhalla18444 Posts
you are naive and far too judgemental
with such a sheltered upbringing, though, its not really your fault. the naivety, i mean. being so judgemental is just shitty, especially since you really have no idea what you're talking about on this subject
On February 17 2009 12:48 Luddite wrote: if you've never tried it, you really can't judge since you have no idea what it's like. Yeah, I get that a lot. It's like telling me to find religion and saying "How can you judge until you've tried it?" You don't always need to have experienced something to disagree with it strongly. I got similar arguments when I said fraternities were trash. "You were never in a frat, you wouldn't understand" and stuff like that.
Alcohol consumption and drug use disgust me. In fact, it actually scares me. I think I also am like you in that I don't like the fact of not being in control of what I'm doing. In general though, for some reason, I completely despise all types of drug use/alcohol use. I have only tasted a few sips of champagne when I was really young, but other than that haven't drank or done any drugs.
Also, I despise smoking. I just look down on anyone who smokes or drinks or does drugs. I don't know why, but I can never see a person the same way after knowing they do drugs/drink. I guess I ride on a high horse too.
United States24521 Posts
I feel you man. Usually nobody convinces anyone else of anything online regarding this subject, but my advice to you is to just try to be a tad less judgmental but feel free to continue living your life the way you want (without trying shit).
Alcohol is cool. You should try. White porto ftw.
On February 17 2009 12:51 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: you are naive and far too judgemental
with such a sheltered upbringing, though, its not really your fault. the naivety, i mean. being so judgemental is just shitty, especially since you really have no idea what you're talking about on this subject I'd like to say I know as much as you can without trying it or doing extensive study on the subject. Not the utmost informed of course, but not completely in the dark either. I did a fair amount of reading and I've been around tons and tons of people using a number of substances over the years.
I feel my reasons for not doing it myself are valid but my utter hatred for the use of the substance by others I understand to not be completely rational. It's something of a gut feeling I can't quite explain. Which is a reason why I don't get in people's faces about it, lest I come off as a fanatic.
drugs aren't much worse than the countless other cycles of attachment people get in. I'd rather be a crackhead hurting myself and maybe 1 or 2 other people along the way than a big businessman using thousands of people below me to slowly leak money from the system, or a politician lying to the public and sending soldiers to their deaths.
also lumping all intoxicants together as "drugs" is incredibly naive. pretty much anything a person puts in their body is going to change their mindstate in some way.
On the other hand, although I disagree with you OP, I do sympathize with you. I really hate when people try to act cool by bragging about how much they drink or drugs they do. I think that stuff is fun, but it's not really something to brag about.
I'm seriously blowing smoke at your blog right now. Smoke from marijuana cigarettes.
travis, where was your 10k?
On February 17 2009 13:00 Phyre wrote: I feel my reasons for not doing it myself are valid but my utter hatred for the use of the substance by others I understand to not be completely rational. It's something of a gut feeling I can't quite explain. Which is a reason why I don't get in people's faces about it, lest I come off as a fanatic.
There is a word for this, it's "prejudice". It is the result of ignorance - a lack of understanding.
I am not trying to insult you, we all have our prejudices. But it's definitely nothing to be proud of; it is a vice.
Basically, drugs are an escape, just like reading a book or watching a movie. Only when you do drugs you're the protagonist. And just like it wouldn't always be sweet to be Harry Potter, sometimes its not all that great to be on drugs. Some people see drugs as an excuse to be assholes. "I was drunk, so it doesn't count". They are actually assholes when they're sober too. Other people actually do experience a very real personality change when on drugs. They should not do drugs.
If you don't want to do drugs, hopefully nobody is forcing you. Just know that you only live once, and everything is alot more fun when you're under the influence. What are you afraid of?
On February 17 2009 13:03 HeadBangaa wrote:travis, where was your 10k?
i think it was the seeking religion thread hehe.
One thing about anti-drug sentiment I might be able to understand is the implication of potentially shady contacts associated with an illegal drug user. This holds true in the majority of instances regardless of their drug of choice.
However, you may want to think about why you're so against their actual use. Are you against the use of all illegal drugs equally? What about legal drugs (caffeine, alcohol, nicotine)? Where do you draw the line, and why exactly? It may interest you to know that Carl Sagan regarded marijuana as an intellectual and creative stimulant, and used it for those purposes. Richard Feynman also refers to using marijuana in his book Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman. There are many additional examples which may easily be found. Surely, such luminaries as these had some idea of what they were doing?
There are a lot of reasons to have negative feelings towards drugs - they do a lot of bad things to a lot of people. However, it is rare to find something that is negative through and through, and it is always extremely dangerous as well as positively pedestrian to level uniform hatred at the entirety of a broad phenomenon.
you can hate on drugs all you like, just don't be one of those faggots who calls the cops on kids and there's no problem :D