Basically, this is what went down: I wake up this morning, put on my computer like I always do first thing in the morning, you know for MSN Messenger and such. So the first thing I see on my MSN screen where my nickname should be is something along the lines of (translated from swedish): "I took your gmail account, but let your hotmail account alone. Btw, Jenny is hot."
I just stared at this, dumbfounded, for some moments ...seconds went by...a minute. My first thought was that I was still dreaming or going paranoid. I felt a bit weird and had just awoken. I looked at it again and was just confused, then I was like "FUCK!" because I suddenly realized the devastating effect this could had on me, since I tend to use the same password that I have for my mail for other stuff as well...
Besides I have alot of personal, sensitive information in there, pictures (of Jenny, more or less dressed) and shit...and this comment about my ex (Jenny) that the guy left pissed me off like hell. Who the fuck is he to come and play around with my personal life? I got an adrenaline kick and got angry, but realized a second later that it had no use (damn you modern age).
I was trying to figure out exactly what harm this foul-doer could do with my gmail-account. I have alot of passwords for sites and stuff there and pics.
I just thought of something and remembered that I have my hotmail account as secondary account for my gmail-account and I was able to change my password for my gmail-account with the help of my hotmail account. This hacker had changed my gmail password but hadn't bothered with the hotmail, so I was able to retrieve my gmail-account and changed both passwords for both mails.
One of my torrent-accounts has the password changed as well, but otherwise it seems there wasn't much damage, for now anyways. I'm creeped out about it though....
Something like this has NEVER happened to me before and it is pretty weird.
This Friday I was at a party with my ex and her new boyfriend. He is a 20-year old guy who wants to be all trendy and emo; paints his fingernails black, trendy emoish clothes, emo haircut etc. Also he didn't talk very much to my ex at the party so I told some people it didn't even look like they were together. Then some people told him I had said that and he is all pissed at me now.
I don't really give a fuck though.
ICCUP has gone bad...I changed my finger setting for hotkeys like a week ago and at first I was fucking rusty and mis-clicked the whole time, loosing to D players alot. Now, I'm finally starting to get the hang of it, and I will gain back my C rank.
That was all I guess.
Does jen or w.e know your passwords?
United States24495 Posts
I know exactly how you felt. When my e-mail/ebay were accessed by some guy I wasn't very happy, and I was especially unhappy when I noticed I was bidding on 4 computers. Similarly I got it resolved, but if you aren't aware of your online accounts day by day it can really be a problem.
I would scan your computer well for virii, malware, trojans, etc. As far as I know, there really isn't any other way to break into your gmail account other than bruteforcing it or guessing it. If you're password followed some of the usual security measures (not a real word, numbers/letters/oddball characters like *&^)( and stuff) then the only other real way to do it would be bruteforce it but that would take a ridiculously long time unless the guy has a supercomputer at his disposal which I find highly unlikely. Either you have some kind of infection on your comp or someone who knows a bit about you guessed an easy password.
On August 27 2007 04:40 Schones_Chaos wrote: Does jen or w.e know your passwords?
Dude....you *might* be on to something here, but that wouldn't be like her. Then again she is always up to some mischief....hmm
United States4146 Posts
On August 27 2007 04:40 Schones_Chaos wrote: Does jen or w.e know your passwords? That's the first thing I thought too..
a) keyloggers are what you need to scan for. They record all keystrokes typed on a computer, and many of those programs will email your keystrokes as txt documents. b) I have different passwords for important accounts/ accounts I frequently access. If you frequently access them, I assure you you'll remember them. c) pics of Jenny?
Yea but how I find a keylogger?
That was Jenny btw
haha that's a very persuasive way to ask
just look for some anti-spyware and they detect key-loggers too. I'm using AVG anti-spyware here at work with winXP and got out some of them. Got aware of a keylogger with regcleaner too.
Would System mechanic work?
no idea, never used it, but it seems pretty good. Most anti-spyware come with shareware which analyze your pc and gives you results of what they found (and you have to buy it to get the program that removes them, though there are some free). I think your best bet is to first try out ad-aware and spybot (both free) and if you still feel you have some shit, look for a more complete anti-spyware program. Take this advice as someone that doesn't do much more security than caring for his own computer.
edit: lol, it seems that their latest version is not worth. Bad reviews...
I use Spybot and Adaware for all my spyware needs. I hear Who's Watching Me is good as well, but I haven't used it. There's a free demo for it at trapware.com
Hotmail is notoriously easy to hack. I've avoided using Hotmail for a very long time for that reason alone.
And who cares if some emo kid is pissed at you? Isn't that their job?