PvT (7:30-9:30): + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
5:30 -> 5 marines, 2 gases (~400/200 gas mined), no expansion, factory + starport (techlab)
First banshee arrives @7:00
Movout @9:00
Hits @9:30 w/ raven/2 banshees/3 tanks/16 marines/~15 SCVs
First banshee arrives @7:00
Movout @9:00
Hits @9:30 w/ raven/2 banshees/3 tanks/16 marines/~15 SCVs
Reaper expand -> early add-ons:
+ Show Spoiler +
5:30 -> 4 marines, 1 gas (~350 mined), expansion, add-ons constructing
Stim/CS/+1 start @6:00
Move out @7:45
Possibly hit @9:00 w/ ~24 marines/4 marauders
Medivacs @10:00
Stim/CS/+1 start @6:00
Move out @7:45
Possibly hit @9:00 w/ ~24 marines/4 marauders
Medivacs @10:00
Marine/tank/mine push:
+ Show Spoiler +
5:30 -> 5 marines/1 mine, 2 gases (~300/100), expansion, factory (possible techlab)
Moveout @8:00-8:30
Hits @8:45-9:15 w/ 2 mines/2 tanks/1 medivac/16 marines/1 SCV
Moveout @8:00-8:30
Hits @8:45-9:15 w/ 2 mines/2 tanks/1 medivac/16 marines/1 SCV
Marine/tank push:
+ Show Spoiler +
5:30 -> 5 marines, 2 gases (~300/100), expansion, factory (techlab) + starport
Moveout @7:00
Hits @8:00-8:30 w/ 1 medivac/10 marines/1 tank (+ 1 medivac/1 tank/4 marines)
Moveout @7:00
Hits @8:00-8:30 w/ 1 medivac/10 marines/1 tank (+ 1 medivac/1 tank/4 marines)
Timings are within ~30 seconds of professional timings. General protoss scouting timings are: gate scout (~2:40), core scout (~3:30), MsC scout (~5:30), hallucination scout (~6:00), observer scout (~7:00). Some things I noticed from studying these timings and coming up with responses:
1) While MsC is scouting @5:30, a probe or stalker should be scouting common proxy locations for possible proxy rax/factories/starports.
2) Against anything that involves tanks -> immortal/zealot and reduced gateway numbers
3) Against early add-ons, simply start working on splash damage before extra gates (preferably colossus)
The information I get is primarily from A) MsC scout to check for tech, unit count, and gas count and B) observer scout to check for expansion, presence of tanks, and any kind of move out. Of course, there is engagement and army positioning, etc., but these are some of the broad responses to these types of threats.