Since QL is so fun to watch I've been looking around for as much content as I can, but I haven't found too much. In SC2 we've got tournaments almost every weekend with numerous players streaming as they ladder in between. If you want to watch some SC2, you really don't have to look far to do it. I'm beginning to realize this isn't really the case with QL. I mean of course the community is (much) smaller so there isn't going to be a lot going on all the time but I figured players would at least stream themselves while they practiced, it's not that big of a hassle, right?
So I got to thinking that since I'm going to be able to play a lot more lately, why don't I stream myself as I try to improve? Obviously I'm not going to be an amazing resource for information or anything, nor am I going to be pulling off ridiculous move like Rapha or Cooller (The two guys from the video I linked that you totally watched, riiiiiight?) But I've always felt there's at least a little bit of entertainment value to watch a newbie get slapped around a little bit while he learns the ropes, especially in a community where there's not content being pumped out every single day.
Obviously not everyone on TL is going to be interested in Quake or any Quake content, but since I like and respect this community, I figured I might as well ask here before I start linking my stream on the QL community sites to gauge your reactions.
So would any TLers watch a bit of QL every now and then if I started streaming? Here's an example of how it would look quality-wise, this is just uploaded directly from a stream I did. Click Here! Tell me any comments you might have, whether it's about the idea of the whole thing or the stream itself.
Also, if anyone here already plays QL, I'd love a consistent dueling partner to practice with! Tell me your name so we can get a few games in, I've got a Pro account so I can host servers now :D