I used to be a high masters zerg, but I recently switched to terran and I don't plan on switching back. To keep track of my progress, I'm going to keep a record of how I improve through fpvods. My goal is that hopefully in a couple months I can look at the fpvod's of me now and see how much I improved :D Currently I am 80-94 with 588 points so i guess that puts me at low masters level right now.
This game I have here is a TvT on Antiga Shipyards. As a new terran, I find tvt to be the least fun and least coolest matchup (tvz then tvp then tvt in that order enough said), but this tvt was actually pretty exciting.
Even though i didn't know how to attack with my mech army, there was still a pretty big base race which is always fun and something you don't really see much with playing zerg.
Part 1
Part 2