On December 02 2011 21:27 adwodon wrote: This kid aint a genius, he sounds like a stupid version of my flat mate, a very talented mathetician who doesnt apply himself (by that I mean he has a great job, but he probably do some good things in academia if he wanted, certainly wouldnt say he was in any way a failure).
Its not hard to be the smartest kid in class in high school, its pretty much a joke, I was the smartest kid in my science / maths classes but I dont have shit on guys like my flat mate, or the ones like him who actually apply themselves. I suppose I should mention that im doing a masters degree in physics at one of the UK's top universities so I set the bar high, higher than this kid will ever achieve, regardless of what he thinks.
I guess I also take issue with peoples definition of intelligence, they see intelligence as the all encompassing unit of brain power. Utter tripe, intelligence is just an arbitrary word used to describe your ability to solve problems, think abstractly, reason etc etc, there are so many different ways to describe it that saying 'im intelligent' doesnt really mean much and if you want a good example, just look at a savant, they are immensely talented in one very specific area of 'intelligence', but they are so mentally handicapped you cant really look at them and say they can solve all your problems when they cant even tie their own shoes.
So if you really want to consider yourself intelligent, go read some philosophy (I would suggest you start with Seneca, he deals with anger quite well in my opinion), ponder your own intelligence, not the intelligence of others, self reflection is one of the most important tools for those who believe they are more intelligent, for one it will stop you being a dick to other people, and second it will keep you occupied (something that you can struggle with in school if you find it too easy).
Then go to a good university and discover you're not as smart as you think, and finally be humbled. Lol... I love how this guy is taking this troll seriously.
As someone who's not only lived a very mistake-free life but also learned a lot of life lessons up to this point, I will say straight up that you are not going to go anywhere in life if you maintain this attitude and everyone is going to hate you.
If you read my last blog entry, you'd notice that getting places in life comes from having a good rapport with people and being a genuinely good person. It will give you breaks and allow you to make progress when the unappreciative or the undeserving would receive none. I was once a stuck up kid who was smart as a whip in elementary and high school too. I was identified as "gifted" and all that jazz. Very early on in school I realized that being a know-it-all gets you treated like an asshole. Then, when I got to university I realized that being a genius doesn't mean you have the ability to learn without any effort.
You are different in that you're keeping this attitude at a much older age, plus you're bitter as fuck about it. Well, guess what? The world does not give a fuck and you are going to get raped up the ass if you don't change it. I know plenty of people who wasted their potential on some stupid whim. You will not get anything if you don't shut the fuck up and work and stop complaining about it.
If you think you're so smart and so much better then be smarter and be better than everyone else. If you don't have something to show for your intelligence - some measure of proof - then you're no better than anyone else. Don't talk about it, just be nice and let other people see it and realize it and lament their failures to themselves. That's the best you can ask for without being thought of as an asshole.
The best revenge is living well.
rofl the holden caulfield of tl. welcome aboard. i've been waiting for you
So you did good on a school test? Good for you but it is not going to get you laid. Neither is writing a blog on teamliquid. I can tell you are desperate for a fuck though. If you are male and around 17 years old I can help you with that. Where do you live? I will be in Seattle next week and probably be in San Francisco 1 week later. Call me.
if you are smart, but you're not very good at writing (apparently that's your weak spot according to your SAT score?) wouldn't it correlate that you swear because you lack the literary skill to express yourself in a more appropriate manner?
On December 03 2011 07:16 Tommie wrote: So you did good on a school test? Good for you but it is not going to get you laid. Neither is writing a blog on teamliquid. I can tell you are desperate for a fuck though. If you are male and around 17 years old I can help you with that. Where do you live? I will be in Seattle next week and probably be in San Francisco 1 week later. Call me. Lol... whatever you do, don't get in contact with him. Especially if he is serious. Looks like a type of "kid nap" situation to me.
On December 02 2011 04:30 PassiveAce wrote:... no but seriously, the proportion of fools to decent people changes fast when you leave high school...
This is so NOT true...
On December 03 2011 08:34 Iceman331 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 04:30 PassiveAce wrote:... no but seriously, the proportion of fools to decent people changes fast when you leave high school... This is so NOT true...
If anything, when you leave high school, you realize that everyone and not just highschoolers are pretty dumb to differing extents.
So get into a good college and you'll be fine.
Nice rant, entertaining read.
My two cents? Try to be more content with where you are in life. Scores mean nothing if you don't apply yourself. Don't sell out for an 'easy class' or an easy way out, 'cause you're just selling yourself short.
EDIT: LOL at all of the troll posts in this thread. Very, very funny xD
Yes, okay. Prove you're better by doing something with your life + Show Spoiler + Yeah, that's right. Probably even you, reading this right now. Fuck you. I'm not writing this for anyone to read it, I'm writing this because I'm pissed at everyone for how completely retarded they are. So here goes.
First, a little background. I know I said I wasn't writing this for anybody, but if you're going to read it, I might as well give you the facts.
I'm a top 8 diamond player. Don't give me shit about it. Don't say "Oh ho ho, this fuckin' guy thinks he's so good, TOP 8 DIAMOND EH? I tell you what rank I am because low diamond and high diamond is a lot different. Trust me.
I just graduated from high school. Don't give me shit about that either. Don't say "Oh ho ho, this fuckin' guy thinks he's so smart, he's a COLLEGE KID, this guy must have life figured out." Fuck those people. I hate it when I mention my discontent about something that is legitimately shitty and some dumbass "adult" says "Why don't you move out then while you still know everything." Fuck you for eternity, jackass.
I swear a lot. People say that swearing is a weak mind lacking the words to express themselves intelligently or some garbage like that. It's a truckload of bullshit. I'm really smart. I hesitate to say i'm a genius, partly because i don't know my IQ, and partly because I know there's always someone who's going to be smarter than me. But i'm really smart. I got a 2400 on the SAT. I only know one other person at my school who got a higher score, and she did better on the writing (she got a 12 on the essay, I got 11), but on the ACT, I beat her by a mile. I got a 1600 without writing. But I'm not bragging, I'm simply saying that so that you know I swear because i enjoy it, not because my vocabulary is weak.
That's it about me. Now about everyone else. As you may have read in the title, everyone is stupid. I'm sick of people. They are shitty, oftentimes just to be shitty. I've been in classes before where I'll give an answer and everyone including the teacher will tell me i'm wrong. But i'm not. This is kind of a setup for my big rant, I hate school.
Don't say "You should drop out ololol". Escpecially don't say "You should drop out trolololol" I hate fucking hipster faggots that use the word troll to apply to everything. I hate people in esports who use the word troll when trolling is obviously not happening. If a microphone shits out, the mic is not "trolling you". Fuck off. But I digress. The college I go to is shitty. Think CMU/USC/Rice. We have about two hundred janitors and the campus is pretty small, yet there are drunkards fucking EVERYWHERE. The janitors drive around in golf carts all day not accomplishing shit. Like, what the fuck. I hate it when I take a class and I'm smarter than my professor. Like I'm legitimately more intelligent than the person that teaches the class. My guidance counselor (1350?) told me to take advanced fundamentals of mechanics and thermodynamics, because he said that shit was "harder than me in your mother". Yes, my guidance counselor is a baller. So I took the class. What I didn't know is that when he said hard, he actually meant advanced brick tossing. Like, fucking instead of defining entropy, we talk about heat. Instead of her lecturing at any length, she reads off a shitty powerpoint she downloaded off the internet or shows a video. She doesn't teach. She's a fucking moron. And to make it even worse, people complain about how hard the class is. It's fucking easy. I don't ever do anything that takes me more than five minutes, and I have a 96 in the class. I mean, I hate how "honors" doesn't even mean anything any more. I may have taken the class because it was hard, so I expected to LEARN in it. But apparently gaining knowledge is an unreasonable expectation from my teacher.
Honestly, I could go on, but I'll leave it at that for now. If you enjoyed reading this, i'll be posting more rants in the future, and if you didn't enjoy reading this, I didn't write it for your enjoyment, so fuck off.
Edit: After reading the comments that have been posted so far, I'd like to change one thing I said. "I hesitate to say i'm a genius, partly because i don't know my IQ, and partly because I know there's always the finalists of the IMO who's going to be smarter than me." Is now "I'm not going to say I'm a genius, but I am.
funny part is everyone mostly IS stupid lol. a breath of truth amongst a shout of bs
On December 02 2011 04:34 Yomi.Doom wrote: Golbat evolves from Zubat... who the hell catches a Zubat.
James did, in team rocket! :O
On December 03 2011 04:39 3FFA wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 21:27 adwodon wrote: This kid aint a genius, he sounds like a stupid version of my flat mate, a very talented mathetician who doesnt apply himself (by that I mean he has a great job, but he probably do some good things in academia if he wanted, certainly wouldnt say he was in any way a failure).
Its not hard to be the smartest kid in class in high school, its pretty much a joke, I was the smartest kid in my science / maths classes but I dont have shit on guys like my flat mate, or the ones like him who actually apply themselves. I suppose I should mention that im doing a masters degree in physics at one of the UK's top universities so I set the bar high, higher than this kid will ever achieve, regardless of what he thinks.
I guess I also take issue with peoples definition of intelligence, they see intelligence as the all encompassing unit of brain power. Utter tripe, intelligence is just an arbitrary word used to describe your ability to solve problems, think abstractly, reason etc etc, there are so many different ways to describe it that saying 'im intelligent' doesnt really mean much and if you want a good example, just look at a savant, they are immensely talented in one very specific area of 'intelligence', but they are so mentally handicapped you cant really look at them and say they can solve all your problems when they cant even tie their own shoes.
So if you really want to consider yourself intelligent, go read some philosophy (I would suggest you start with Seneca, he deals with anger quite well in my opinion), ponder your own intelligence, not the intelligence of others, self reflection is one of the most important tools for those who believe they are more intelligent, for one it will stop you being a dick to other people, and second it will keep you occupied (something that you can struggle with in school if you find it too easy).
Then go to a good university and discover you're not as smart as you think, and finally be humbled. Lol... I love how this guy is taking this troll seriously.
Yea I really shouldnt go on the blogs section if I've taken ritalin (not prescription, im just so much of a nerd, I take drugs to nerd harder).
Always fun to read the kind of shit you spout though.
I know the feeling. What i ended up doing was that i focused on helping other that wasn't as "informed" as i. The thing i got back was respect and contacts that had connections to people i might benefit from in the future. It isn't intelligent to hate others that aren't, that is stupid.