If you follow MLG closely, you will have seen the post today that many people are excited about. They are introducing two more streams, which would make a total of four streams. The new streams will include casters Adebisi, Nerski, Tumba and Robin. Every Starcraft fan is happy about this, but don’t get too excited yet. In order to watch the new streams you have to be either a silver or gold member. I have never had the need to become a member, MLG hasn’t come close to where I live so I don’t go, and HD streaming isn’t THAT important to me. However, with the added 2 streams, this is a nice incentive, and Sundance was very smart to do this.
A few more things have been added to Orlando. Instead of two computers on the main stage, there will now be four. This makes it an easy transition from one series to another by having the upcoming players already setting up while there is a match going on.
There are a few more changes to this MLG and all in all it looks like it will be the best MLG yet. More streaming, faster transitions, and a couple more games on the main stage should all equal a very good tournament.
A few games I will definitely be looking forward to will be (Pool A: IdrA v Boxer/TLO), (Pool 2uMa v Kiwikaki/Bomber), (Pool 3:Ret v Rain), (Pool 4: Huk v Hero/Tyler/July, HerO vJuly/MC)
I will definitely be cheering for my TL boys, but for what it’s worth, I hope either PuMa or HerO make it to the final. DeMusliM is also doing excellent on the ladder right now, #1 on both NA and EU server, so it will be interesting to see how far in the Open Bracket he can go.