Just do it. This is a statement that I have been told thousands of times in regards to following ones dreams. You want to achieve a goal? Just do it. You want to learn a new skill? Just do it. Want to be a part of a community? Stop talking about it and JUST DO IT. You cannot worry about what other people have to say about what you do. You just have to do it. SO here I am doing it.
I’ve decided to pursue my interest in Starcraft 2. I do not know where this may take me, but I do know that I have set personal goals to achieve. Here they are:
1) Reach Gold league by 7/11/11
2) Reach Diamond League by 10/11/11
3) Reach Masters League by 1/1/12
4) Play in the MLG opener for 2012
These are lofty goals but the point is to have something to work for. With focus and dedication the goals are achievable. The key will be PLAYING. From today on I will be on a specific play schedule which will look something like this; play 5 games a day minimum, 50 games a week, 250 games a month. For those of us who are keeping score those numbers don’t add up. Yes I know. I cannot dedicate full time to playing SC. It’s just not an option. But I can work and progress to make it a potential option at some point in the future. So when the opportunity arises to play a straight 8 hours of Starcraft I will gladly take it and make the most of the practice. Having shown natural talent at a few of my interests over the years but have not unlocked anything close to my true potential it’s time to dedicate myself to one thing and allow my skills to progress.
So what’s next? You’ll have to check back soon.
Follow me on twitter I'm looking for people to play and grow with, twitter.com/calmbeforeswarm