Decipher this girl's signals? - Page 5
Blogs > bloopie |
United States4796 Posts
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Australia6499 Posts
what a bitch sit on her face and fart next time you see her bro bitches deserve that fuck | ||
64 Posts
On July 02 2010 11:37 bloopie wrote: + Show Spoiler + Hey guys, I am so mindfucked by this girl that i have to post it on the net and ask: Alright, this girl is my colleague, for about a month now, and we were at first just talking to each other in a friendly manner. Then comes this: I get a random text from a random number asking me to go to this party, and it turns out to be her. but alas, i didnt go. My friends who were at this party told me that she was talking about my body and stuff. Not too much right? Next, we have been talking more, and texting more via IM, or SMS. Sometimes she just touches me gently on the arm, or shoulder. Maybe shes just being friendly, right? Now comes the kicker. One fine day, while we are talking, she just stands up, and sits on my lap. I went wtf! so I didnt do anything more and continued to talk, and we decided to go for a movie thing at her house. Here comes the twist - it has been a week, and somehow shes been putting off the movie thing. Like, she DOES work late sometimes, but the one day she isnt, she gives some excuse that her friend is visiting her for the weekend (now). Then i say, lets do it on Monday since its 4 of July celebrations, and theres no work? She says ehh.. maybe I have to visit my parents. (she lives 30 minutes from her parents). And she doesnt reschedule a specific date. So now I'm confused at whats going on, and I dont want to seem like I'm pushing her, and I want to seal the deal. So help me TL! Or maybe shes just been friendly all the time. Hm. Women have these periods every month or so, when they cant get the best of a nice long movie watching at her house. So, my advice is just wait a bit. Her interest in you might return shortly. | ||
United States125 Posts
On July 02 2010 14:30 d_so wrote: maybe she thought you were cute until she got a whiff of your BO. who knows LOL | ||
Pika Chu
Romania2510 Posts
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Singapore177 Posts
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France3460 Posts
play indiferent for a while, don't ignore her and play along when she gets playfull, but don't try to go after her and "seal the deal" cause that's where you loose. What's hard is to actually keep the interest during of all this, cause after a while only reacting to her mood isn't going to work anymore. But that's your personal feeling, when you think the little flirt dance has gone for long enought and your lady seem in a good mood, you go balls out like a man and make a spartan move. don't set something for the next week, try to get it as soon as possible. make it obvious that you're interested but don't make the date something it is not, sound entousiast but not overly fixated on the date, it's a date, not a mariage, the girl will get scared. ok now i notice that i'm more rambling on my own mistakes rather than helping op lol so i will stop | ||
United States1048 Posts
On July 02 2010 11:52 bloopie wrote: Precisely yes. I have to admit her butt felt good t_t. and she has reaaaalllly nice calves. That sounds pretty creepy! | ||
Australia8267 Posts
The game is on! don't be trapped! | ||
United States375 Posts
Here's the one that nobody has bothered to bring up. Hey guys, I am so mindfucked by this girl that i have to post it on the net... Is this really the kind of girl you want to be spending time with? Maybe you just didn't play it well. Or maybe this is what she intended. | ||
United States4685 Posts
From your story it seems like you keep bringing up the movie thing so just don't and talk casually. Do not do anything friendly so that she can notice. However, do not totally oust her cause then she won't want ur ass | ||
United States75 Posts
On July 02 2010 11:37 bloopie wrote: Hey guys, I am so mindfucked by this girl that i have to post it on the net and ask: Alright, this girl is my colleague, for about a month now, and we were at first just talking to each other in a friendly manner. Then comes this: I get a random text from a random number asking me to go to this party, and it turns out to be her. but alas, i didnt go. My friends who were at this party told me that she was talking about my body and stuff. Not too much right? Next, we have been talking more, and texting more via IM, or SMS. Sometimes she just touches me gently on the arm, or shoulder. Maybe shes just being friendly, right? Now comes the kicker. One fine day, while we are talking, she just stands up, and sits on my lap. I went wtf! so I didnt do anything more and continued to talk, and we decided to go for a movie thing at her house. Here comes the twist - it has been a week, and somehow shes been putting off the movie thing. Like, she DOES work late sometimes, but the one day she isnt, she gives some excuse that her friend is visiting her for the weekend (now). Then i say, lets do it on Monday since its 4 of July celebrations, and theres no work? She says ehh.. maybe I have to visit my parents. (she lives 30 minutes from her parents). And she doesnt reschedule a specific date. So now I'm confused at whats going on, and I dont want to seem like I'm pushing her, and I want to seal the deal. So help me TL! Or maybe shes just been friendly all the time. Hm. BRO THIS CHICK DIGS YOU, MAKE A MOVE NOW!!!!!! It may already be too late. Shes given PLENTY of signs, you're losing your chance | ||
United States123 Posts
On July 02 2010 22:22 michiko wrote: BRO THIS CHICK DIGS YOU, MAKE A MOVE NOW!!!!!! It may already be too late. Shes given PLENTY of signs, you're losing your chance uh dude lol, i think i kinda missed the train, so I'm asking for help how to get back on without begging the train conductor. Fail analogy, but you get the point =p | ||
Canada3083 Posts
No one knows what the right answer is, and one solution may work in one scenario, and fail horribly in another. What I feel is the best advice would be to straight up ask her if she's interested, avoid all of the gaming bullshit. Worst case scenario, she isn't and you're embarrassed, but at least you have an answer. Maybe some other solution could have got you the chick, but there is no way to know that, so you might as well just pick the solution that gives you the least grief and hassle. Good luck. | ||
Ian Ian Ian
915 Posts
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United States75 Posts
On July 02 2010 22:34 bloopie wrote: [quote]On July 02 2010 11:37 bloopie wrote: uh dude lol, i think i kinda missed the train, so I'm asking for help how to get back on without begging the train conductor. Fail analogy, but you get the point =p ------(EDIT: wow quote is just not working for me on this post) Sorry man, i didnt read the pages of posts - So I probably missed some details. Its easy to get back on that train buddy, as long as she is still available. You should make a move on her - go buy her some flowers and straight up, ask her out on a date. I would suggest replacing the word date with whatever you two are interested in (Dinner + W/E). Do this - Buy 12 roses, find a time/place when you can approach her 1-on-1...Complement whatever it is she is wearing that day...Tell her that the COLOR (name the color as specifically as possible) of her clothing looks very good on her. Tell her you got the flowers for her and that you would be honored to have her accompany you on an evening of fun or some shit (lol sorry, I don't know the situation exactly so I don't know the proper words to say) In conversation, either on the date, or in the future...explain that you were shy and unsure of her signals, but you are attracted to her! Let me know what you think. | ||
United States327 Posts
My advice: find out how flirty she is with other guys by asking your friends or watching her hang out in groups. I think highly flirty girls are dangerous, because you don't know if it's you or if it's them... so I really recommend you seeing how she interacts in group settings. AND talk to your other guy friends about her who know her ... they should have a general clue of what's really up. I remember this one girl I knew, she was pretty flirty with me and was always a little too close in my personal space. I talked to a good friend about it, and he was like, "Totally, she does that to everybody. She's got issues man." He mentioned it having to do with how her dad left her at an early age or something, so he was like, "Just treat her normally man.. yeah she's a real attention seeker, but she's also real sensitive to how guys treat her, so try to be nice to her." Pretty good advice, it was hard on me, but things turned out ok as we're friendly. | ||
United States75 Posts
Same, IMO, in your case...She may have treated everyone like that, but why not attempt to make something happen? (shrug) | ||
United States327 Posts
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United States75 Posts
I have to disagree with it being 'worse than room mate' but its certainly is playing with fire. Sometimes your hands will get warm - or you'll get burned. A lot of people meet their future wives at their place of work...*shrug* | ||
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