So I went for this drinking chillout session.. and guess what?
Wait, first, does making out count as scoring? i guess it does, so go me!
To tell the story, firstly we went to the bar, and well got ourselves some drinks. Beer - shot - whiskey - beer. So at first we were just making small talk, then we moved on to talking about our firsts. (well i asked her to ask me but w/e). So apparently, she had her first kiss when she was fourteen and mine was eighteen. She started laughing at me =( but so i upped the ante. I asked, when was her first fellation that she gave? (Ans: Sixteen. Mine: Eighteen). And somehow.. we were both slightly drunk, she more so than me, and she just leaned in anddd... magic occurred. I guess. We were making out.. at the bar. We finished our beers and i sent her home. She tried to push me away saying that she could go back but i had none of that. So at her doorstep, she said "I was terrible.." and another passionate round of making out occurred.
However i guessed i sorta spoilt the mood by saying, "lets take this inside" and she immediately sorta froze. =/ We made out a bit more, and she ended by "I was strangely attracted to you all summer.. I think we just made it awkward at work." I just said "No, it wouldnt be awkward"...
I mean, what next?