On February 26 2010 01:18 L_Master wrote:
I merely find it amusing that 2 out of 5 times I have done this, the people have left the game, "giving" me the win. Most people simply laugh when they see what I'm doing and of course as soon as they kill my probes I leave the game. I can't understand why someone who is switching races at the last second to trick someone into starting off wrong in order to get easy wins, would leave the game when five probes are just mining in their bases not attacking anything, just mining from their minerals.
I merely find it amusing that 2 out of 5 times I have done this, the people have left the game, "giving" me the win. Most people simply laugh when they see what I'm doing and of course as soon as they kill my probes I leave the game. I can't understand why someone who is switching races at the last second to trick someone into starting off wrong in order to get easy wins, would leave the game when five probes are just mining in their bases not attacking anything, just mining from their minerals.
I'm not sure this is something you would want to be bragging about. Why not just actually pay attention to the race they are switching to and change BO's accordingly? Wouldn't that be more of an accomplishment then wasting your own apm and ragequitting when your probe dies? Just a thought though.