393. A higher APM will come naturally if you improve your macro and thus your ability to remember to do alot of simultaneous actions. Spamming doesn't help.
This is true in one part and false in another. I started out as a 50-70 APM player in platinum league. When I started getting better, knowing what had to be done ASAP and the stuff to be ready to do right after "1 1"-ing back to my army, my APM increased to 100. Yes your APM will increase naturally as you improve at playing the game. However, I still sucked at multitasking even as my hotkey control improved.
Went to korean PC bang, hung out and asked gamers there better than me for tips and observed their games. A couple (Back than top 200 NA) explained to me more reasons to APM spam in the beginning of the game.
1. Increases your readiness / warms up your fingers to react instantly to important stuff. See bunker, your fingers are already warmed up to pull needed probes to dps SCV and quickly dbltap 5 z -> 4 c click -> chronoboost that zealot out. 2. Mental checklist as you press the numbers. Just kind of engages when I spam downtime i) Is my army ready to fight? (Move zealots in front, sentries behind to be in range to FF, units good concave) ii) Am I harassing him? iii) Am I building army? Do I have enough army structures? Do I have enough supply for em/pylons? iv) Am I building probes I'm not saying everybody out there has to connect APM spam with the mental checklist. I radically improved from hearing that advice and doing it. 3. You get in the midgame/lategame rhythm early. You're ready for attacking with army as you warp in, order your probe to build another proxy pylon, queue another probe, and chronoboost the gates and robo. Your fingers have been moving at that speed since the start of the game and there isn't any panicked time where you need to be faster for the first engagement but are lagging (dragging screen around, nexus & gateways are idle etc)
I don't seek to convince everyone out there that APM spam will be the best way to improve at their level. There's other things in the game for that. I say only that I was glad someone gave me that tip when I was struggling 3 months after game launch in diamond league. Overcoming that hurdle let me climb much much higher. So I submit #504: "Spamming actions in the early game (such as box select and numbered hotkeys) can warm up your fingers for the midgame and prepare you for the many actions needed to be done at once when the game heats up" Rephrase as necessary, but players do need to know the other side of the APM argument.
#505: Watching GSLs or GSTLs can actually help you by giving you new strategies. **coughcough MKP**
#506: (PvZ) When going for a Blink Stalker build, get 3/0 before you even start armor. This is more effective because the purpose of this build is for mobility, not tanking. Stalkers can't tank for shit anyways.
#507 You can use the shift key to queue up seiging / unseiging tanks so you can slow push while being able to use your APM for other things.
(TvZ) When your Zerg opponent is likely to be maxed, and working toward that 300 army push, stored larvae are prime targets. Nuked hatcheries one-shot all larva at that location. A nuke for each base before engaging virtually eliminates the Zerg ability to replenish units, in addition to the APM distraction of pulling drones, and the lost mining time.
edit: Raven Seeker Missiles also take out larvae, but people rarely tech to this.
On June 26 2011 05:14 Kaitlin wrote: (TvZ) When your Zerg opponent is likely to be maxed, and working toward that 300 army push, stored larvae are prime targets. Nuked hatcheries one-shot all larva at that location. A nuke for each base before engaging virtually eliminates the Zerg ability to replenish units, in addition to the APM distraction of pulling drones, and the lost mining time.
edit: Raven Seeker Missiles also take out larvae, but people rarely tech to this.
or snipe.
Snipe takes out 1 larva. Others take them all with one shot.
#508, the less workers a player has saturating a particular base, the more effective worker kills on that base will be, since increasing worker saturation on minerals has diminishing returns. Killing 2 workers on a base with 24 mining workers is about the same as killing one worker on a base with 15.
On June 26 2011 08:30 caradoc wrote: #508, the less workers a player has saturating a particular base, the more effective worker kills on that base will be, since increasing worker saturation on minerals has diminishing returns. Killing 2 workers on a base with 24 mining workers is about the same as killing one worker on a base with 15. oh wow
(ZvP) This is very situational and opportunistic, but in addition to Colossus, you can now Neural Parasite an Archon to break force fields.
Of course, if there is a bunch of HTs in a pack, NP one of them and storm at their feet. That's probably obvious though.
(XvZ) You can 'dead block' a zerg scouting drone doing the gaz trick, by building a batiment on the same location the zerg came from to build the extractor. (sorry awfull english, I hope you will understand it with a picture)
The drone can't move after cancelling his extractor, he can't build another extractor neither.
When going for a fast expansion build 14 hatch as Zerg, You can rally the 14th drone to expansion from the egg, And you will have exactly 300 mins when you get there.
Hi all, just checking in to say I have not forgotten this topic, although I have lately been very busy IRL. However, I will try to update this as soon as I can, there's almost ten new pages, very nice! With everyone's help we can probably reach 1000!
Oh, and making this in poster format would be a great idea. I'm considering making a computer application or something. If someone needs the original formatting of the first post for making an app or something, PM me.
Here's one more. In case of a complete walloff, u can force a probe to go through the wall if you build a pylon in a corner that "jams" it to the other side of the wall. (basically you got to find a spot where, once you build the pylon, probe will have no room left and will be forced to the other side of the buildings... hard to explain without pictures) Also, you can cancel the pylon afterwards if you dont need it there Last time i used it was when I blocked off zergs ramp with 3 pylons to punish early hatch (cannons), than i build a 4th pylon to jam my probe, which was initially outside of Z's base, into Zergs base to scout.
This list has helped me immensely as a newer Starcraft 2 player, I know I cannot contribute much of anything but you have my support.
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On June 27 2011 00:41 Spacefrog wrote:(XvZ) You can 'dead block' a zerg scouting drone doing the gaz trick, by building a batiment on the same location the zerg came from to build the extractor. (sorry awfull english, I hope you will understand it with a picture) The drone can't move after cancelling his extractor, he can't build another extractor neither.
This is actually a really nice find! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work with Protoss structures. This will also probably be patched its pretty obviously not intentional.
EDIT: This only works if the drone makes the extractor from the east or west, it doesn't seem to work if the drone enters from north or south. Very situational and not very consistent.
# 504 Carriers can be Chronoboosted, increasing the production of Interceptors.
#509? 2v2 tip 1 In 2v2, you can make a gas (with a drone or a probe) for your ally so he doesn't have to pay for it and to waste time building it for a T. He will be able to mine it if you give him micro control. This allows him to get faster better units (stalker/helion).
#510 ? Doing tip 1 in Z allows you to make the "gas trick" so you can build an extra drone and the gas your are building is 50 minerals cheaper than a T/P gas.
#511? 2v2 tip 2 When you do 505 trick, don't forget your ally will be able to control your units. In micro battles, take that in consideration. After the gas is depleted, you may want to remove this.
On June 27 2011 21:47 ToastieNL wrote: # 504 Carriers can be Chronoboosted, increasing the production of Interceptors.
Actually no, this myth has been busted several times already.