First, i want to say that i am not a native English speaker. But i try to tell you about this subject to the best of my knowledge as i am a practitioner of this art and command high skill on this subject. So, i know very well what i am talking about. If you take offense on what i write, it is for your own good. Because in this, i am right, and you most likely, are wrong. And this is not a matter of opinion or perspective. This is a Physical and Proven Fact and cannot be realistically denied. To deny what i tell in this post, is to deny the concept of Science itself.
Second, this post is fully about APM to enlighten people what is possible and what is not. To make them realize there are things relating to this subject they are probably not aware of.
Third, do not take this fully serious and also. Sorry for Resurrecting the Thread. But i happened to find this by a chance, and want to comment on this subject. All of the claims are actually true in this post. But on top of informing you about this subject beyond what you thought is possible, it is supposed to make you Laugh, not to make you Angry. If this post makes you Angry, it is not for you.
And Fourth, as stated in other posts, i do understand that Starcraft is a lot other than generating APM, but this post is fully about the APM generation itself. Which in itself, if a different art not fully relating to, but mentioned many times around the Starcraft. It is a bit like Weight Lifting. Who can lift the most in the bench press. A very similar thing. And like in one earlier post. Yes, attempting to generate high APM makes you play poorly as you are concenctaring on APM and not Starcraft and yes, the effective skill of a pro gamer on microing units, multitasking and macroing are awesome and not fully related to APM. There was a post that claimed to know people, who easily peak over 1 000 would they want, but wont do it because it hinder their gameplay. Well, i personally am a person who can peak at 3 000+ but it also hinders my gameplay as to acquire APM that high, you have to be hitting the buttons like crazy. You name your groups 1 trough 8, and then you push those repeatedly as fast as you can. And then the replay give results towards 3 000+ while i do. And that is not any spam key, but legit pushing the buttons as fast as i can without any cheat, hack or hoax. I use a specialized skill to achieve this kind of speed, called the "vibration technique" which i will open more later on this post. So, the peak APM's of over 3 000+ APM are humanly possible. And anyone claiming you otherwise do not know what they are talking about. I know this, because i can do this myself. Those people who can do 1 000+ peaks probably do it differently. They do not use the "vibration technique" as with this technique, you cannot possibly go as low as only 1 000+. You start at APM over 2 000+ and those adept with the technique will end up having more than 3 000+ APM whenever they want.
And fifth, please stop these comments about "its a spam key" or "its a AI", "its a hack". It is not. It is a human person pushing the buttons as fast as they possible can. Anyone can hit a spam key to achieve APM 1 000+ i suppose. But can you achieve an APM result of 3 000+ without hitting the spam keys ? I suppose this post is about that. How much _legit_ APM can you generate, and what are the highest Peaks. As for highest peaks, i have never found out a person i believe can prove a higher peak than 3 600 APM. And i do know a person who can, meaning myself. And thats why i want to comment on this post as the original poster asked what are the highest Peaks that people have noticed. And i do know this, as i have noticed myself achieving these results. If it hits you to be in category of "cheat" "troll" or "hack" then just pretend i would be telling the truth and enjoy the post. If not, then do not use your time reading it. And yes, i can prove this. And yes, i am slower now than when i was young, but still fast enough to go into the claimed category of "not humanly possible". And i do think i am a human. So maybe it is possible ? Just give it some room of thought. And then if you want me to prove it, i can do that easily as there is no effort in my part to achieve high APM. It is like riding a bicycle, once you know how, you will never forget how it is done. I also believe, everyone can achieve this. But not everyone can become as fast in it than others. It takes control, practice and good physique as in, fast muscles which is also genetic. Small people tend to be faster than large people. And i am a small person and have that type of muscles. A large person might not be able to achieve these kind of speeds, beacuse their body is built for different tasks. Some peolpe are built for speed, and some people are built for strength. To achieve the highest speeds, you of course need to be built for speed. Also, what you eat and how you train affects your speed. Eating red meat will make you stronger, but slower. Red meat generates muscles which have lots of Turning Momentum. And eating Fish or Bird will generate fast muscles, but not turning momentum. Lifting heavy weights generates strength, but not speed or stamina, while doing aerobic training generates speed and stamina, but not strength. Basically, your body adapts to what you eat and what you do. And yes, achieving high APM is a matter of muscles. You use your mucles to move, and to move you generate APM. Who can move the fastest, generates the highest APM. It is that simple. But no, you do not have to be strong to generate high amount of APM. Even a child can do it given, the child knows how. What you need is FAST muscles, not necessary large or powerful muscles. You might not even be able to press 10 kg, and can still generate peak APM of 3 000+. And then you might bench press 100 kg and struggle to generate even 300 APM. These amounts might seem quite high if you do not understand what is behind them. But i assure they are real and it can be achieved. You do nothing with this skill while playing Starcraft, but for pure APM generation, there is certain ways to do it. Enabling you to push to these seemingly absurd numbers. Of course not everyone can. But those people who know this technique, have practiced it, and are genetically gifted on being fast. They can do this. As in, people who can acquire absurd amount of APM are not only fast on APM, but they tend to be the people who can hit the punching bag 5 to 6 times in a second or kick so fast, that your eyes cannot follow while their pants give a loud sound like a whip would be hitting the air. Or so to speak, move faster than video cameras, or human eyes can possibly follow. In that, you need fast muscles too. But the whole prospect is different. These same principles are in all sports, its not only on how i describe the APM generation. You always aim for minimum amount of movement to achieve what you want and thus, generate the fastest possible speed and the least amount of resistance. As your movement is always met with resistance of forces. Air Pressure, Gravity and so on. Or even a physical object. In a case of APM generation, you aim to push the Physical Objects, as in the Buttons down as fast as you possibly can and repeat what you do. You can change what buttons you push, but the object remains the same. You only want to use the minimum amoount of movement and force to be able to push the given button down for the computer to register it as a *click* and then repeat it as fast as possible. You want to avoid large movements or using more force than necessary. That will make your movement slower when comparing, to smaller movement with less force. And as there is not much resistance on computer buttons, there is only a little force that you need to push them down and as the computer button moves only a small amount, there is not much movement that is requierd to push it down. Also for comparing this to sports, you can compare this to a Boxing Jab. To make it as fast as possible is to not load it, but launch it straight from the position you are in. As in, do not throw your hand back to give the jab more momentum, but launch it from the spot and only go forward for the shortest route to hit the target and then go beyond it to apply more force to the target. That is the fastest way to punch someone, a textbook jab. Do anything unnecessary or try to load it with more force than necessary, and it becomes slower. And if you want to, you can repeate this. Using only a single hand jab to harash the opponent and keep them at distance. And would your jab still contain enough power to not being ignored as in, possible resulting even as a Knock Out, the opponent cannot close in without problems if you have mastered this and to repeat the jab is to repeat the same movement over and over again as fast as possible, maybe even resulting of you hitting the jab 4 to 5 times in a second with using only one hand. The opponent tries to close in, and is hit instantly with a lightning fast jab, that comes seemingly of nowhere, and hits seemingly instantenous after it have been launched. There is no movement of shoulder or elbow, no movement or hint at all, only a hand that is closing the shortest route at fastest pace possible in any given momentum or stance the person using the jab would be in. That is what the boxers are after when they practice the jab. So to say, if you want to punch someone as fast as possible, there is no better way of doing it. But if you want to apply more power, jab is hardly the optimal way of punching anyone. For that, you generally use their own momentum and aim for a counter. Which can also be done as jab. For this reason, the boxers practice the jab over and over again and sometimes you can see the level of a boxer from only how they use the jab. It is something very basic, but there is a clear difference on how a master and a beginner uses their jab. Of course, you do not need to use it. But if you need to punch someone as fast as possible, you probably should. And of course, spamming the Jab endlessly even without having a target only for the sake of doing it, like in the matter of APM generation within the Starcraft. Will only bring you trouble while having a live opponent. But being able to effectively use a honed jab, is what they are after and a reason, why they practice it in front of mirror. How does it look when i launch my jab from the opponents perspective, is there a hint and is it fast and powerful. Then train it endlessly, and never stop training it for your whole career. The Vibration Technique is the same. It is a textbook jab, you hit the button as fast as possible without any extra movements and repeat. And in that way, your APM is going to peak like no other. Of course you will do nothing with it in games like Starcraft, but there are other games who emphasizes on APM. And in them, you will rule over anyone who cannot Vibrate. If a human could manage to vibrate their Jab, it would mean they could maybe hit 12 to 13 times in a second with a Jab, but that is too large movement still. While a finger can vibrate few millimeters with each push, just enough to push the button. The vibration aims to be as small as possible, and a large vibration becomes too slow to make it useful. In larger movements, vibration is not the way. But in smaller movements, there is no better alternative than to Vibrate. For this reason, the ultimate way of APM generation is to Vibrate. And how to achieve Vibration ? You achieve it by Overpressuring your muscles. You push yourself so hard, that you start to vibrate. Then you aim to control that vibration. It takes practice and presicion, but after a lot of effort your vibration becomes faster and the motion becomes like a blur. It cannot be seen with eyes, the motion is way faster what the eye can follow. The vibrating hand or finger will become a blur and the individual motions cannot be seen. It happens at a speed too fast for human eyes to follow. Which can also be a case with individual movements, but not a series or repeated individual large movements. You can push your body to for example, hit quite fast, but you have a harder time repeating that movement depending on what you do. For this reason for example, you might be able to kick very fast, but you cannot run as fast as you kick. There are resistances on your movement that are not there when you kick your leg forward or down, but come to affect your movement when you run. So no runner can move their legs constantly as fast as they would only kick once. But a vibration is a technique of constant repeated movement, and it can be controlled. But if you move your hand while vibrating, it will damage your Neural Pathways. When you do it while your hand is still, it wont damage your nervous system. But when you do it while you move your hand, your nervous system will be damaged as human body cannot withstand the speed of the vibration at the same time than moving the limb. The nervous system that is hurt is the elbow. You start to have clearly felt pain, that will vanish after few hours. On top of feeling your muscles being drained. You will use your muscles to generate this vibration, as it is a muscle technique and the speed comes from muscle. Who have the fastest muscles, will generate the highest APM. In the same way, than who have the strongest muscles of the type used in that motion, will bench press the highest result. It is really no different. And i did explain this now maybe more in detail than i was supposed to, and i do describe it more given below. This is a rather long post, but if it is an interesting and good read about the subject i thank you for reading it all and apologize if you are offended for real. And if you are, maybe think for a second, why that is ? Why to anger when someone boast in the internet of being the Fastest in the World ? Maybe because you wish it would be you ? Well, it can be. If you really want. Just start practicing and understand, that the highest APM is generated trough Vibration. And the movement have to be as small as possible, just powerful enough to push the buttons down repeatedly. And that its not that awesome of a skill, given if you do not harbor effectiveness in games like Gold Medal Challenge which of course i do. And am proud to state as being the best player in the world, the undisputed champion and the uncrowned king of the Gold Medal Challenge (Capcom '92). None can face me and if you think you can, i suppose you wont.
One thing to tell is also, as there are talks about those autospam keys. There was this kind of thing in Gold Medal Challenge also. It was an adapter for Nintendo 8 bit which enables you to put 4 controllers in one controller node. The adaptor had a "turbo" button which let you push the A or B key from Nintendo Pad down, and it hits it automatically very fast to generate as to say an "Autofire" function in the NES. Some people liked to use that Autofire spam in the Gold Medal Challenge against me, and they still lost. So i won legit manually those people in that game, where you generate APM to gain Power in Track and Field events and they were using the Autofire Turbo option from the Adaptor. And there i just read from a post you can "hit 2 000+ easily by spamming autokeys". Well, i do hit 3 000+ APM even without, and i think i am way beyond my prime. So there are freaks like this. And i see people even disbelief the amount of generating 1 000 APM. So why would you beleive me when i claim to have more than 3 000 ? Well, because deep inside you know it to be true. No person would be this crazy to write about it in this detail.
So this is a post for those who are _really_ interested on this subject. And the writer can most possibly be the single person on earth who have specialized in generating APM the most. So you get it directly from the source, from the very person who sits on top of them all. For all of you APM spammers out there, i am the prodigy of APM and i tell you a little about how it is done on top of just polishing my ego around yours and throw it around claiming it to be fun. As i do believe, that this is part of the thing. You ought to boast with a stupid thing like this. Especially as people are talking about it so much and it is very funny to see people react, or even not to react. This will get to them, and for some reason is a sensitive point for many players out there. Its just like that one person say in an earlier post. Who have the highest APM of course do have the highest APM. And that should matter, right ? But as they say, its not the Size of the APM, but how well you use it. And in Starcraft it realily is. But in games like Gold Medal Challenge they just wont care, the bigger is always the better and dare tell them otherwise. If you think you can walk in the room and be of note with your puny little 300 APM against some humongous 3000+ APM. Then think again. You wont probably even make it to the Medals, while the humongous 3000+ APM is pounding the NES controller near you.
It really is the competition of Physical Fitness, and in that they have succeeded. The better Muscles win. Just like in real sports. And this is true for the part of the APM generation. The one with the highest APM is the one with the fastest Muscles. It really is that simple.
So, let me tell you. Here is what i wrote:
I know this is a Starcraft forum, but i think you are looking for a wrong game if you are seeking about the highest APM.
Starcraft do not requier you to push your APM, but games like Track & Field and Gold Medal Challenge do. In where you generate Power by pushing the button(s) repeatedly as fast as you possibly can.
And also, i think you lack imagination or knowledge about the subject what is "humanly possible" if you think APM Peaks like 1 800+ are not possible for human physique.
In fact, it is quite possible to have constant 700 - 800 APM while using only one finger. For example, clicking a mouse button with one finger at the same time, than controlling the mouse normally. And while using more fingers, the APM's can peak much higher.
In Track & Field you generate power with using 1 finger and pushing 1 button. In Gold Medal Challenge you do that with 2 buttons. If you cannot generate APM among the lines of 1 500 with using 2 buttons only, you cannot compete against the best in that game.
Yes, it is pushing one button repeatedly as fast as you can. But that is how you play them. On top of pushing the arrow button to jump, throw or so and then holding the button for generating angle to aim for the optimal angle of 45.
Also, when you think about generating APM, you have to understand how a button can be pushed as fast as possible in repeatative motion. What characteristics you seek is: You want the movement to be as fast as possible, and then you want the movement to be as small as possible. As in, you want to only move as much that is needed to push the button, and not any larger motion. What it effectively means, you have to be able to Vibrate your fingers. While Vibrating, you will conduct as small movements as possible which are repeated as often as possible. And i assure you, humans can vibrate. It is achieved by Overpressuring your mucles to the point, that they start to shake, and then concentrating to make that shaking as small and fast as possible. And in this way, you can achieve higher speeds than on any other technique on purely generating APM. To be able to compete in games like Track & Field or Gold Medal Challenge, if you cannot vibrate your fingers, you cannot compete at top level. It is the minimum you have to be able to do because vibrating is the fastest possible way to push the button repeatedly.
I have personally peaked Starcraft 2 just to see how far i can go, towards more than 3 600 APM using Vibration technique. I can very relaxed, generate peaks of 2 000 - 3 000 in Starcraft 2 any time i want without it taking any effort on my part and then push it even higher with concentrating on the effort. As i am a Gold Medal Challenge player, and can do it with small effort. That is not a hack, and not a cheat. That is legit pushing the buttons using your fingers, and the Starcraft 2 replay showing the result APM. And as far as i am aware, no Starcraft players, or any other pro gamers outside Gold Medal Challenge can achieve this. But among Gold Medal Challenge players, all of the top players do have high APM results because the game relies solely on generating APM and Starcraft does not. Starcraft relies on actual skill to play the game, while Gold Medal Challenge relies almost solely on generating pure APM to achieve results.
So, the Starcrarft Community is not the one to seek high APM feats, as they are not specialized in this art. And they most likely, do not even understand the basic principles on generating APM, and would most surely claim it humanly impossible just for the reason, because they themselve cannot achieve these feats. They are specialized on playing Starcraft, not pushing the button repeatedly as fast as possible. No Starcraft Player can vibrate, as far as i am aware. Only high end Track & Field and Gold Medal Challenge players do that. And those are very rare games, and among the palyers of those games, the ones who can vibrate are also quite rare. So it is not a well known technique, but it do exist. It is a similar thing than some Shaoling gimmicks, where they can break spears with their throats. Can you do that ? No you can not. But they can, because they have trained hard and are specialized in it. The vibrating is not even that hard, and those Shaolin tricks are actually way harder to do. i guess some of you might able to do it if you would actually even try. And then to master it towards higher speeds, that is not as easy as vibrating in itself. Among the people who can vibrate, some of them stand above the others, and are way better in controlling it to truly become the fastest.
Many people might say for example, that the things the Shaolin Monks do, are not humanly possible. But then they actually do it and prove it to you. And after that, you cannot argue it being possible or not, because there is proof on them actually doing what they do and then there are others who can do it too. Its a same thing in this. You cannot argue against APM's as high as 3 600, or even higher and call them hacks or cheats, because there are people who can actually prove it to you and conduct these acts in flesh.
This is a common fact known among the top players of Track & Field and Gold Medal Challenge. But it is a marginal group of people. But would you ask them, they might know people who can achieve what you deem "not humanly possible".
So, your perspective of this whole thing might be clouded, and you might not have wide enough perspective to understand what Humans are actually capable of in this subject.
And yes, i can prove this to you if i want. I can videotape myself playing Starcraft and then show you the results if i want. In where the replay shows high APM's like 2 000+ or 3 000+. It takes no effort for me. And i can come physically to a place if i want, and then use any computer to do the same. And then, there are other Gold Medal Challenge players who can do this too. But among them, in my knowledge, i am the fastest, easily winning all and any opponent in that game. But i have to admit, that sometimes it is lonely to sit in the very top, as no one can even challenge for the Gold Medal, and make you push for the higher results. And yes, i was way faster when i was young as when you grow older, your muscles start to become slower, but am still fast enough to win any and everyone else in this game: Gold Medal Challenge. This is a mucle thing. It is done with Muscles, and the one with the fastest Mucles is the fastest. As in, i have the Fastest Muscles when it comes to generating APM with your Muscles. And if you claim otherwise, you are free to Challenge me on Pure APM generation. But be prepared to lose, even twice young than my age. You can train all you want, it wont help you. Especially if you think its not "humanly possible", lacking the scope to aim for the highest results and achieve the "impossible".
So this is the actual reality of "highest APM" if you wonder about it. Heard from a person, who is actually the fastest in the world.
Me seeing you talk about a person who peaked at 1 600 APM in starcraft replay, and then calling that person a hack and cheat or the feature not humanly possible makes me wonder on how shallow your undersating about this subject really is. As i know that can be achieved with using 2 fingers alone. So to you, who is unaware of what humans can actually do, it might seem something that causes disbelief. But for the actual champion in Gold Medal Challenge (Capcom '92), it hardly even poses a challenge. I bet that person used the Mouse and whole Keyboard to achieve the given result. And in Gold Medal Challenge you must understand, that you can only use 2 buttons and the game only registers the pushes you push at different timing, not the pushes that land in the exact same time. Resulting as wasted APM if you cannot coordinate your pushes to hit the buttons at different time intervals. The Starcarft 2 does this too. If you give different commands at the exact same time, it wont register and the command is not activated, resulting as loss of commands and trough that, loss of APM. It only registers the actions you push at different interval and i suppose this only becomes a problem when you achieve the higher categories of speed.
And now you probably think i am a Troll. Because your understanding, or world of view cannot contain the reality facing you head on, causes disbelief, acts of denial, ridicule or even anger. And then, you probaly want to report or delete this post or this account to prove, that you were right.
This is normal human behavior. You disbelief anything that is not possible in your perspective and then lull yourself in a world view, which only contain those things that you believe in, claiming anything else to be "impossible" or "not true". And even would someone give you proof, you would then say that its a stupid thing and actually you are not interested on it anymore. Even you were before. This is what makes you human, this kind of behavior. And it is not a matter of being intelligent or not. You all do this and have different views you think are "true" or "not true", holding them firmly, and dismissing anything that is outside your scope. Claiming these things very confidently, even you really can not know the depth of it. Only true Scientists have a mind, that wont dismiss the possibilities, and actually seek a way to learn something new instead of calling anything they are not aware of "impossible". For example, a true Scientist can never say that Creationism is a Hoax, Hack or Cheat. Or that Evolutionism negates the possibility of Creationism. As in, if Creation was Created, why could the Creator not make it include Evolution ? It is the most basic thing, and then you call it impossible without actually knowing anything about the subject. So how does Evolution negate the possibility of Creationism exactly ? And why cannot they co exist and both be true ? As in, why cannot the Creator actually CREATE the Evolution or why cannot Evolution to be actually universal so, that you cannot Create living beings without having Evolution to some extend. And in the same sense, how can a person believing in Creationism call Evolution a hoax, hack or cheat. Why could not the Creationism be made so, that it includes Evolution. It really does not even relate, and still people are arguing about it and calling each other names and being angry about it. And even the children know very well, that while calling someone names, makes yourself being one. So why does have adults forgotten ? It is not for naught, that they call in bible to "come as children". Children wont say the APM generation is "humanly impossible" and then when someone proves it to be possible, frustrate or anger because they were wrong. But they instead say "wow, that is awesome" and then maybe ask "can you show me how ?" beind curious about it and then possibly, wanting to acquire this skill themselve too. They can do it, because they do not think it being "humanly impossible". But maybe adults can not, because they think its not possible for them to achieve, so they never even try. The attitude is very important. If you want to learn or achieve something. How can you, if you do not even believe in yourself or think of something as "impossible" ?
And then what makes of those people, who actually achieve things you claim "not humanly possible". Are they then Inhuman or somehow "not human" ? Or were you, and the Public Opinion that backs your claim just wrong ?
Its really a simple trick, and not even that hard to do. Why it is so hard to accept ? And why people grow so angry about it ? I have seen countless reactions on people, who actually become angry around this subject. Even everything claimed is honest, truth and proven. Why it is so important, who have the highest APM ? And why it makes people so angry, when someone can achieve absurd amounts of APM and they can not ? I think there is a deeper psychological meaning behind this "highest APM" and the ego of a gamer. Somehow it triggers people quite a lot even it should not be that big of a deal. Especially in a game like Starcraft which emphasizes on Skill and not APM. So why is this so important to these people ?
The usual pattern goes somehow like this:
1. They deny the possibility, and then want to state their denial or even ignore or ban the person beacuse of the claim of high APM distrub them to the core of their being, even making them angry for someone is claiming something so utterly ridiculous on a subject important to them, and a subject they think they know fully (even they do not).
2. Then when the claimed is actually proven, then they act like it does not matter anymore, and start to attack that person even further who proved the claim. And suddenly the whole thing does not matter even before, they were outright angry for someone trying to supposedly fool them or claiming the impossible.
3. And then continue to praise some mediocre beings on the subject, and downplay the one who is above them all. The one who shines the brightest, shines so bright to make your eyes hurt ? So might just look up to someone who does not shine bright at all.
Maybe being too good is too much for the common people to accept. So i wonder, would it help to say for peaking at 999 APM instead of the actual more than 3 600 APM. Would that make them more at ease as the result is on three digits and not even over thousand, and certainly not over 9 000. But you know what. I suppose even APM amounts of 9 000 is humanly possible, calculated on different methods which take into account all the possible pushes. You might not believe in it, but i do. Because i know what is Humanly Possible. If you, your friends and your so called "professional idols" are bad at something, you should not hold it against those who are not.
So just saying, if you want to know about pure APM, talk to us, the Gold Medal Challenge players. The true Masters of the Art. Not some slowpokes like the Starcraft Players, whose speed make us yawn and not viable even as a warmp up. You really think that Starcraft is the Fastest Game ? Think again. The speed among even the fastest of the Starcraft players is Mediocre at best, and they do not pass even as Beginners among practitioners of True Speed. The scope and capabilities are entirely different. Even so, that you call our practice and mastery of the art as "not humanly possible".
How i believe, this thread was not about Skill in Starcraft. But on the actual highest recorded APM. And in that i can claim, the players of Gold Medal Challenge have the highest actual APM. And then actually prove it. But now that you know it, it must be so lame that you are suddenly not interested in it even you asked. So what's up with this thing anyway ? People are truly behaving strangely around this subject. Its only APM, so why does it matter so much ?
Its a similar thing than those people playing music with BPM around few hundred and call themselves being "fastest in the world" not knowing, that there are people who can actually play acoustic music at speeds of thousands of BPM. I dont know how fast was that "Trough the Fire and Flames". Is it even 300 BPM. What if someone can play 3 000, or even 6 000 BPM ? Or is 800 BPM better to say so that it is believable ? And why does it matter ? Isnt the most important thing that the music sounds good and that people like it ? Is this again some of these ego things, that who is the "fastest player in the world". For i can tell it for surely is not professional musicians who claim out to be, but in actuality it is us, the Gold Medal Challenge players. Yes, the top players of Gold Medal Challenge are the fastest musicians there are. Give them an instrument and say play this as fast as you can, and you will hear them play acoustic music at speeds of thousands of BPM. Because they have mastered the Vibration Technique. A Technique that the Musicians are mostly unaware of. Yes, they do use "Vibrato", but they cannot conduct the "Vibration Technique" where you start to vibrate your body. And even they would have, have they mastered it like only the Gold Medal Challenge players have ? Actually acquiring speeds which makes common people say "impossible" and "not humanly possible".
Wouldnt you think when a person proves to you that something you believe is impossible is actually possible, would be awesome to see. But why does it only make them angry ? Is it because they were wrong ?
They even conduct sport on who can run the fastest. Ridiculous if you ask me. Go tell them you run 100 meters on 3 seconds and see how they react. But there is an actual thing, that running 100 meters on 3 seconds is probably actually not "humanly possible". As in, i myself at least wont believe it to be. Someone correct if i am wrong and i am open to the possibility, and ask you to prove it. And then when you do not, i suppose you were lying.
This is actually the theme of games like Gold Medal Challenge. How fast can you run the 100 meters. As it is a Track and Field game.
The results you are looking for when competing against the top players are something along lines:
100 Meter Hurdle: Under 8 Seconds
Shot Put: Around 28 Meters
Javelin Throw: Near 120 Meters
Long Jump: Around 11 Meters
And so on. To achieve these kind of results, you do need to push somewhere around 1 400 - 1 500 APM using two buttons alone.
Try that game. And see what results you achieve. If you cannot even throw Javelin for over 100 meters, you can never start to compete with the best.
Does this post make you angry, or want to delete or ban this post ? I made it a bit provocative on purpose, as i am perplexed about this whole thing. I know something to be true, and then all of the other people claim it being "not possible" and then taking it personally.
Just accept it. Those Starcraft Pro Gamers are slow when it comes to APM generation. Any decent Gold Medal Challenge player could take any four of them on and win them regardless. So go ahead, pick 4 of your best people, and pit them against any top Gold Medal Challenge player, and i can guarantee that your side will lose. You can add your result together, and it wont change the winner. Let's say the Gold Medal Challenge produces 3 600 APM. Even with the "World Record APM" of 818 that is 818 + 818 + 818 + 818 = 3 272. So easy win for the Gold Medal Challenge player against 4 x the "World Record APM". So is this really the best you can do ? The limit of your capabilities ? The so called "limit of human capabilities". I can guarantee, there is a whole world of speed you know nothing about. And these people can not even enter it as a beginner, lacking the core necessities to be there.
So everyone. Now give it a go. A person claims you in Internet to have 3 600 peak APM. True or False ?
The 1 600 strange APM in the Replay was already a Hack or Cheat. Then what about 3 600 ?
What if the person with the 1 600 APM did it with the Vibration Technique ? In which, that 1 600 APM would be a lousy result while using more than 2 fingers. So as far as Gold Medal Challenge goes, probably hardly a challenge. Or then a fresh challenger, who can actually finally pose a real challenge to the one sitting at the very top. Taking on, the Gold Medal Challenge (Capcom '92).
And if you want EPM, the Starcraft 2 Program calculates Mouse Clicks as EPM, so its easy to gain 700 - 800 constant EPM by just clicking the mouse button with one finger, giving a unit constant Move commands. But that's just stupid, and wont relate to playing Starcraft at the slightest.
Yes... Yes.. i want to be known as the legit APM guy. Now everyone knows and you better believe it to be true. The fastest in the wooooooorllddd...
Now give it to me. Say it out loud... Who is the top APM guy ? Is it Flash. noooo. Is it JulyZerg... hell nooo. Is it the random poster in the net. Damn right it is.
Its always the random poster in the net. You should have learned that now.
Most of them are actually legit people. No matter what the claim. And isnt it more awesome to actually believe or not to believe ?
Dont't be the Debbie Downer. There are too many of them already.
Now give it to me one more time... who is the legit APM guy ?
*and the crowd goes wild* shouting "APM! APM! APM!"
Everyone can do Starcraft, but can they do APM. No one can. Its not Possible, but then it is.
You can now go watch the Koop DJ thing from Human Traffick and believe that is me hyping myself up.
And now i tell what is going to happen. One of these things:
1. No one comment and there is zero reply on this post to show that you are above this thing.
2. This post will be deleted by some Tyrannical rule from the Moderators who take it to themselves. Conducting some petty matters of Oppression on other beings which is why, they like to Moderate.
3. People get triggered in some way, and try to start a fight.
Or is there any other options.
When it comes to Gold Medal Challenge players, we actually have manners. Unlike the community among the Starcraft players, who seem not that bright and like Barbarians in Disguise.
So what is it. Are we Silent. Do i get Banned or Ignored. Do we start a fight or do you actually challenge me to prove my claim and make you see that what you deem impossible, is actually possible.
What i would except from something like a Starcraft Community, to make a Tyrannical Move to Oppress or Ban the only Voice of Reason in this Thread, and then feel good about it. And then live your whole life in ignorance, believing that possible things are impossible. And that it is you, who made it be so. As the reality is yours to command. And what you believe in, must be true for everyone else too.
Even the most intelligent person in your Community, the Artosis. Will never believe what i claim here.
And that is telling something. He is clever, yes. But can he dictate what is possible and what is not. No, he can not do that and neither can you. But he is not here claiming for higher amount of APM generation to be impossible is he and then live in denial after having the proof.
But i do understand, that it is hard to look at your Silver Medal. Starcraft being only the second fastest, losing to Gold Medal Challenge by large margin when it comes to APM generation. Especially if you had lived your whole life believing you sit on the top, and then someone tells there is a whole world beyond you which you just have not been aware of in your ignorance.
This is a similar thing, than in Animes like One Piece they first discover Haki. Or that in Hunter x Hunter they first discover the Nen. There is a world beyond your usual perspective. But not being able to percieve it for lack of your capabilities or knowledge, does not mean that it wont exist. Known only for those rare few, who can actually enter that world. Seemingly "impossible" or "not humanly possible" for the common people.
You can think me as Hisoka. Who sits on top of the tournament top floor. And yourself as a Starcraft player trying to enter the real APM Competition. Suddenly feeling the pressure you never felt before, not able to take one step back and later asking some mediocre Gold Medal Challenge player what was that thing i felt. This intense pressure and then that mediocre person telling you, that it was a high class APM you just felt. Way beyond the scope of what is normally seen as possible and there is this "Vibration Technique" he shows you, which you have to be able to achieve to enter the top floor. But being Mediocre as a Gold Medal Challenge palyer, his Vibration Technique might only produce results of 1 600 APM, while a top player like me, easily breaks over 3 000 without any effort at all. But his result of 1 600 APM still enough for the commoners to dismiss as "hoax" or "cheat" as he too sits in this world of speed the commoners can never reach. But in that world of speed, he is seen as of the lower caliber, when i am seen as sitting at the very top. Competing at the higher tables, and in fact, being the undisputed champion. Constantly seekin that Gin, to give me a real challenge and maybe even finally finding that defeat i have been seeking my whole life.
Everything else beyond this point, was a childs play. And once you acquire this technique, you will enter the world of speed never known before, disbelieved by anyone else than those, who live in that world.
And now. Go on and say that this world does not exist. This world above you all, when it comes to generating APM or BPM.
And then come all the Gold Medal Challenge players who will read what you write, and know that you do not know what you are talking about. Being completely unaware.
And for your knowledge, after acquiring this technique, i have never lost a game of Gold Medal Challenge. Not even against those players, who know this technique too. And there are those. I am not the only one.
But do not assume, that the Starcraft Community or even the e-sports community as a whole understands all there is within the APM generation. Or that there would not be hidden masters, who will make you question the very fabric of reality itself. But they are few indeed, and rarely come down to englihten those, who are not in the know.
So concider yourself priviledged to recieve my message on this subject. As i am a true master of this Hidden Art. And as far as i am aware, your whole community, or the whole e sports community itself includes none. So, this message you have read, might be the only thing you will ever percieve from a true mastery of this art.
It is around 40 to 50 clicks each second. But not even the masters of this art can withstand this kind of physical pressure for longer priods of time as it is extremely tiring. Even one minute would be pushing it and if you want to go for a longer period of withstanding the higher amounts of APM not normally possible, you need to preserve your strength, and go for slower pace. To sprint, and push your maximum APM is very hard to contain for longer amounts than tens of seconds at a time. Needing to rest before going for it again. But some slower paces, for example only 2 000+ APM, can be withstood for prolonged periods of times. Even minutes or in some extreme cases, tens of minutes.
This all comes with knowledge of the art, and the people who are really pushing themselve in this subject. To break these limits, that those not adept in the matter are seeing as "impossible".
You might encounter an adept in this subject. But you rarely encounter a true master as in my knowledge, there is only one. And that person is me. I am the only one who can achieve these results. The best of the best, the fastest in the world. But even those adepts wont say what i claim is impossible. Because they know. They know it is possible and also know, that they have not mastered the technique. And even i have not achieved the status of the Grand Master, and am still seeking the one. The one who can finally lay my bones to rest, and bring me defeat.
If you are the one to challenge me. Feel free to do it. But i must warn you, everything i wrote above of my capabilities are true and proven.
You should not take on the master lightly. Especially, if you do not even hold any skill on the very basics of the art. Or cannot even start to comprehend the very subject you are speaking about. Of what is "possible" and what is not.
And to your knowledge. For my whole life, i have tried to move matter with my thoughts alone. And for that i can tell you, i have zero success still. But i do not believe it is not "humanly possible". I just suppose i have not what it takes. Or am still missing some vital understanding, or capabilities to make it happen.
If you think achieving high amount of APM is impossible. I dare you, try to move matter with your thoughts. And then come tell me what is possible and what is not. Controlling matter within your body starts to suddenly seem easy, when comparing to controlilng matter outside your body. I am not saying its impossible. I am just saying i cannot do it. And maybe you cannot either. But what if, someone else can ? Who are we to tell, what can be achieved ?
And to all those who are saying controlling matter outside your body is impossible. I say you are boring. As from the perspective of someone who can control the matter outside their body, claiming it to be impossible might seem like not knowing what they talk about. A common view, but not necessarily all that there is to it.
I also want to ask you of these questions:
1. Why it is so hard to accept that you suck on something ? Even you are told so from people that know better than you. The Gold Medal Challenge players wont take offence, if you tell them you suck at Micro. They just say that yeah, thats probably true. Why cannot a Starcraft player admit, that their APM is so slow, that the Gold Medal Challenge player cannot even take it seriously.
2. Why is the APM so sensitive thing for a Starcraft player, even the Gold Medal Challenge players only see it as a natural aspect of their training. Even Starcraft players do not even need the whole thing, and the Gold Medal Challenge palyer is entirely dependant on the APM they generate ?
These things i wonder. Why is the APM so important to you when you do not even need it. Why do you talk about it so much. And why do you anger when someone rightly tells you of their high APM results upon a discussion, where you are asking just that ?
To tell you the truth, i have never heard a Gold Medal Challenge player speak of APM. They only speak about the results. As in, "what time you got in 100 meter hurdles" or "what result you got on Javelin Throw".
Starcraft players might be the exact community, who speaks about the APM the most. And then they are also the exact community, who downplays anyone who have higher APM than them. So why it is so important to you ? And why the subject of APM is so sensitive within the Starcraft community ?
I myself have played Starcraft too. And i never understood this APM even then. Even i knew i had the highest of them all, and no one else thought anything special about it either. It was only those certain types, who started to spam click on their games and generate APM from nothing. And it only happeend after the Replay function was introduced. No one spam created APM before the Replays, as there was no one to show your efforts towards. The APM flowed naturally, you start with very slow APM at the start, and start to peak towards the middle game. As you only used the clicks to actually play the game, not to spam them. If you want to spam the APM and compete on that, there is already an excellent game for it, which was produced by Capcom in 1992. The Gold Medal Challenge. There is no better way to compete on the APM generation than this game. And there is no other players on any other games, who can compete with the Gold Medal Challenge players for this very reason. The APM generation is really the core point of that game. As in Starcraft, it only seems to be a core point of these kind of talks, which i do participate quite willingly. Knowing, that none of you have anything going on in this subject except me. Towering above you all, so high that you cannot even start to fathom the heights. Looking you down below, tiny and meek, completely unaware of what you are talking about. Or, what kind of Power can be held in this subject. The power that I hold. And none other than me.
Give me Flash, i will eat him for breakfast. Make it Archon Mode with Bisu, and i will trample them so hard they will never recover from it. Give me Reynor, Serral and Clem combined in Archon, and i will win them at the same time than reading comics.
Give me any, especially Asian person. And none of them can win me when it comes to speed of, how fast can you push the computer buttons. Even i would be 60 years old, i would still probably win every single one of those 20 year old jocks of Asian origin, on computer generated APM speed.
Its so sad, that all those people. Thinking themselves to be fast, not knowing they are actually so slow that they have not even begun to understand their own limitations.
You know what they say about me. That im the fastest in the west. And that much is true. And what it comes to East, they never got a change.
This is the kind of Humor we have, which you probably do not understand. Taking this thing too seriously. What does it matter really ? I am the fastest, and your whole community, and the whole e sports world is so slow, that they do not even realize it themselve.
Maybe i can invent one impossible thing also. Yes. I think i might. I will state that it is not "humanly possible" to win me on APM generation. None of you can do it. At least, if you are a Human.
But now you know it, when it comes to APM, there is a person who sits at top of this whole Industry. And that person is writing to you right now. You can talk all you want, but everyone knows there is this one person, who can make the impossible happen. Only him, and no one else. Not you, but me. The uncrowned King of APM.
He is the holder of the World Record. The highest APM in the world. He comes right from the chat. Give it to him one more time, the Leeegit Eeeeii Piiii Eeeeem Gaaaaaiiiii!
*The Crowd Goes Wild* "APM!" "APM!" "APM!"
Yeah its me all right. Now lets see.
And Thank You for the Comments. Pay no heed, as the Champ is here to answer all of your questions and APM needs.
Yes, sometimes the limiting factor is mental. And wont relate to physical speed. But would you get really accustomed and have strong routine, sometimes i suppose its also physical. That you would have some routine thing to do which you would want to do faster for example, name many groups of 12 Zerglings. But you just cannot do it as fast as you would want to. So there are mental and physiacl limitations and yes, i think the same too, that the most common limitation is probably mental. But i differ in opinion so, that the beginners have this problem more than the more experienced ones, who will become more limited on physical speed when comparing to less experienced players with less routine than them.
Intelligence i dont think they need that much, as the strategic concept in Starcraft is quite easy to understand. But the speed of though is very important. Way more important than Intelligence, as an intelligent person can be of slower thought, and wont necessary relate to speed of thought. In a similar way, than a strong person might not be fast, and a fast person might not be strong. What you need in games that happen in real time like RTS and FPS, is speed. Mental and Physical speed and precision. The routine i think is important too, because then you are not as restricted mentally by thinking those things. Most of the players who play a lot, they do not have to think of as many things anymore as they have done them so many time that it became routine. But even would you have a strong routine, you are probably still at least brought to your limits if the game becomes too hectic, i suppose this can happen to best of them too. Its very hard to keep track of everything happening in Starcraft and then apply everything at once. But at some point, i suppose the limiting factor can also be physical speed. Especially if you have a strong routine. I suppose the more experienced the player is, the more they becmoe limited by their physical capabilities while the less experienced are very limited for not having the routine. And then, what they most likely want to do, is disrupt the opponent so that they cannot keep up anymore and then keep building up the pressure. They are very gifted people, and normal peolpe cannot win them in RTS games no matter what. They will start to dictate the game from the start and their capabilities are just too much for most of the people to handle, no matter how much you train. It is by no means normal to be top class in something as hard as Starcraft. And in the future, the skills they posses might relate to some real life activities too, making them very wanted workforce at least in some very specialized circles.
Yes, no Starcraft player will ever benefit from a stupid thing like the "vibration technique". The whole purpose of my post was just to bring this forward. So that you know, that there exist a specialized style which amounts to absurd amount of APM and that its a real thing. As in, when you speak about APM, and you do tend to speak about it a lot. You would better understand that context. And that you would understand, that Starcraft is not the game you look towards when you think about the highest APM resulsts. So that your Pride in it would not be misplaced. As on perspective of a practitioner of pure APM generation, Starcraft players have not even started their journey, and cannot be seen even as beginners. Starcraft players should not use their time on learning something stupid like the Vibration technique, they have absolutely no need for it. Best way to train Starcraft is probably just to play some more or then, maybe look some replays and if you are a beginner, maybe ask some more experienced player to tutor you. It wont have to be pro, the normal players can help a lot in that too. Because the difference of pro and an experienced player might not necessarily be the understanding of the game, but because the pro is gifted and the other is not. The casters are not pro, but mostly they seem to know what they are talking about quite well. There might not be much difference on how they understand the game, than those players actually playing in the tournament. But the ones who play in the tournament are more gifted to do this thing. I suppose its a similar thing in real life. The ones who are not as gifted on what they do end up being teachers, and the ones who are gifted in it end up actually doing the thing they teach. But in some cases, especially in the case of sports, the teachers are retired people who were pros before, because their body cannot keep up with the young ones anymore but they still feel like, they have something to give. So a best bet for a beginner could probably be to find someone who is really in to, but never made it there, or then someone who cannot keep up anymore but still has the fire burning inside. Those kind of people will most surely help you advance way faster, and take pride on development. Not to mention, if you yourself make it there under their tutelage. There are even those, who constantly seek for talented individuals, those that could have what it takes, wanting to be the ones who take them there. To compete at the top level. The football dad thing. They never had what it takes to get there, not even close. But the fire is burning strong and they know all that there is. So most dissapoitedly, their sons wont probably make it either. But its not like it wouldnt produce some quality dad son moments at least. As long as it wont become obsessive or toxic, demanding from their children something that they do not want to do willingly. Things being fun really help. When you are motivated and enjoy what you do. I would hope, or suppose, that most of the pro gamers do what they like, and none of them do it against their will. _But to some it just might, that because they are so good already, and can compete there for living, and they do have to keep up the routine to stay there, it might end up seeming like they would be doing it for work. From time to time, they might rather be doing something else, but cannot neglect their work as in this case, playing a computer game. There would be tons of those people who would give anything to compete at their level, who train endlessly but never make it. And then there are those who are barely interested anymore, or possibly even ever were, but are so gifted that make it there without breaking a sweat. The less players there are, the more those people reign who neglect training but are just gifted and the more players there are, the harsher the competitive environment usually becomes, and those lazy enough not to train, but still gifted, will most likely be rooted out as there are others who are gifted too, who take it way more seriously than them or then how one would hope, just have so much fun on doing what they do that they never stop.
But for example, what would that be. If you would talk about APM your whole life. Believe your whole life that Starcraft players have the highest APM there is. And then not knowing, that all that time, there was a specialized thing which happens outside of your scope of what is possible. After i have told you about this technique now. You know when other people talk about APM, that there are more to it than what is mentioned.
Some of the things i mentioned already happened. Speaking about this thing is met with a lot of disbelief and resistance, or even anger. Which is the reason why i joked about the whole thing. The reactions of people do make me think about the deeper psychological aspect of APM. There most surely is something in there because the resistance is so strong, and defies what is actually real.
So i think it is important to bring this forward, so that people wont forever live in ignorance and talk about a think they really do not understand. Or at least stop denying something exists, that they just do not wish to exist.
As far as i have gathered, tehre are two main illusions circulating within the Starcraft community.
First, that the Starcraft players would have the highest APM results. Not true. They lose by large margin.
Second, that Starcraft would have strategic depth compared to Chess. Not true. The strategic concept in Starcraft is purposedly made so, that it is easy to master.
Of course i would hope that there were an e sports where APM generation would matter. It would mean i would not have to train at all and i would still win everyone and could do it as work. Now that there isnt, its just something no one even knows, or cares to know. And then it would also mean, that there could surface those people, who i would not win anymore. Making me push past my limits, and maybe even still not enough. And to me, that would be a nice thing to see that there are also others who are interested in this, and can do what i do. At the moment, i am the only one. The undisputed champion of the APM. There really are no others. Its only me. None can challenge me in this and hope to win for real. Would be nice to know, that there would even be a second person on earth, who excells on generating APM as i do. So in a way, this is also kind of a seeking you out there, wherever you are, can you do this too ? kind of thing. It would really mean much to me to find another person i can compete on this. But so far i have found none. Imagine on being so good on something, that you wont find any competition. And there is no one to realistically even pose a challenge. Thats me and APM. I always win, and do it on completely different level than rest of the people. I dont even have to train anymore. I still always win. I might even grow to be an old man, and still win everyone. You would hope to have competition. It would be fun. But it really might, that there is no one who can compete on this at my level. And for real, i have been seeking this person my whole life. Since i were a child.
I kind of a fooled you there. There is no such thing as the Gold Medal Challenge community. I just wish there were. Its just a game we played as a children, and i was too dominant on it that no one wanted to play with me anymore as i always win and no one else have a chance.
Speaking about those hacks, have you thought that someone might be actually using a legit Vibrator Device to generate APM ? There were those people who invent all kind of devices to compete with on Gold Medal Challenge. Some of them had minor success, but i always won them regardless and didnt mind them "cheating". No amount of cheat ever resulted on their win. Not Autospam Keys, not Cigarette Lighters or any other devices. But might someone push a Mouse Button for example with a Vibrator Machine, they could probably generate very high amount of APM as the Vibrator Device would be pounding that Mouse Button like crazy. Its just that, i can do that with my hand. And not just hand, i can also do it for example, my head. I can probably legit generate more APM with only shaking my head than most of the players generate with their two hands and all of their fingers. Yes, i can shake my head probably more than 500 times in a minute. The one thing that is hard to vibrate is legs. Its way harder than hands and head. I suppose its because the muscle groups on legs are bigger. The muscle groups on your hands and neck are smaller. The head is built on purposedly so, that you can move it fast. Similar than hands. And you do can vibrate all muscles in your body. They all have this feature. Its not only humans who do this. Its the same thing than if a dog have wet fur. They kind of a vibrate to splash the water around. But they do it quite slow. If you look from the nature, the ones who vibrate the fastest are usually insects. I probably could not win against them would they want to, or have means to vibrate any controller. But they do not, and are generally so small that the force they generate might not even be enough to bush down one button. But if you look for example the fly. They vibrate some small muscles where their wings are attached towards. And in this way they can move them so fast that they are able to fly. And then they can control that vibration, same way as humans can, to change altitude, speed and direction. And its probably also similar, that they cannot do that endlessly, but it actually takes stamina on their part. And have to for time to time stop flying to be able to rest their muscles.
I only know one other person who know this technique. I met him as a child on a vacation center Nintendo Game Room. Never knew that person, and never seem him since. But for some miracle, we were both there on vacation with our families, and the Nintendo game room happened to include a game of Gold Medal Challenge. I asked do he want to play it with me. He agreed with a smug smile, probably thinking to have another easy prey. As we started to play, i noticed him using the Vibration Technique too. But mine was way faster than his, and he completely lost. It might have been the first time he did, and he did not want to play again. And how i percieved, he might have took the loss quite personally. But supposedly, he was the master of some other local group. Way below my caliber. But still adept enough to know this technique. So miles above of all the others, but still no match for me. The difference on his technique was, that his vibration was larger. As i am able to push for smaller, and thus faster vibration. Perfecting it, just enough to push the button down repeatedly. As far as i remember, his fingers for example, left the button to push it again. Mine did not. His movements were too large and he was unable to produce smaller movement. The vibration starts that way. The movement is large. And you have to focus, on concentrating it being smaller. The vibration starts when you overpressure your muscle groups. They automatically start to shake. And the more you push, the more they shake. And then when you are able to push this further, you generate small vibration. He was only at point, where he could produce a vibration as large as he could, as i was, and still am at point, where i can control the vibration better than him. The technique can also be altered to change the rythm and speed of the vibration. They both can be controlled, but that is extremely hard and even i cannot control it fully like so. For this reason, i see myself only a Master, not a Grand Master. How i envision this, a Grand Master can also control the speed at will and can generate rhythms that are fully controllable. As in, for example legit play anything they want with thousands of BPM. The problem with person with only my caliber is, that if i want to use this technique to play music, i have hard time to control on what i do. It is easy to generate o constant vibration that goes like this "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" but it is way harder to generate purposedly somethng like this "RR R RR R RR R RR R RR R RR R". The vibration happens so fast, that it is very hard to control fully. But i have a limited control on it like this, so i know it can be done. With enough focus and practice, and maybe a person more capable than me. And you would have a person who could play music like this. You can also notice, that there are no classical pieces that have notes that emphasis on this technique. And from that you can suspect it was not a known technique even then. So this technique is very rare. A musician might want this technique. It would mean they could play music with absurd speed so, that they can even control the rhytm. Even i have limited control, and i am only a Master. Surely not a Grand Master, as i know, there are things i cannot do, but can only have limited control towards.
Also, while you play piano, you can also control your individual fingers. Letting you able to lift them up or down or move sideways. You can play all the normal songs in piano while vibrating. It wont restrict you. And you can hit the fingers you want on piano and not need to use them all at once. Generating these kind of very hectic or chaotic sounds, where there are tens of notes on each second. To fully master a piano playing like this, would truly be one of a kind. But you would first need to know how to play piano also to make it worthwhile on the concept. But i can do this. But i cannot play piano. I can produce piano sounds, in where different keys attack the listener hundreds of times in few second. Generating quite strange sound features. And as it is done organically, it is hard to represent by using music programs. The organic playing of instrument always includes some things you cannot fully represent on music programs. You can put a music program to hit hundreds a notes in few second. But you cannot make them sound the same.
Drummers use similar thing with Snare drum. The Snare is built so that when you push gently against it, it generates automatically this kind of thing. It bounces the drum stick from the snare drum to make it vibrate when you push back with your hand. It is for this reason. The drummers generate this vibration technique using the purpesedly property of the snare drum. But they can only generate it with snare drum, becaus only snare drum is built for it. When you push gently on snare drum, i suppose the drum stick can hit high BPM on short intervals. But being able to do this organically yourself, you can do this with toms, hi-hat and any other part of your set also. So Drummers already do this. But it is a property on the snare drum which bounces the stick, not on the player itself.
So they have thought about this thing, and it is a built in feature within the drum set already. But with snare drum, it behaves differently. You can do different thing with Snare drum, but you cannot do the things than if you would actually be able to vibrate the hand that holds the stick. The drummers also use these kind of small motions with their hands, which gives momentum to the stick. As the stick is longer than their fingers, so even a small movement of finger move the end of the stick by larger amounts. So drummers have various techniques already, which result on playing quite fast. But in my knowledge, only drummers use these kind of tricks. The other musicians emphasize on similar movements than RTS players do on keyboards. Larger movements with fingers, where the fingers move lets say, many centimeters. The vibration is so small a movement, your finger might move only one millimeter. And that small movement make it faster. With instruments ilke Piano, these things are harder to do. But with instruments like Synthetisizer, it is easier as the instrument give less resistance. You need to apply more force on piano, making it harder to push down the individual keys. With acoustig guitar, you cannot do this at all. You need larger movements to pull the strings. With electric guitar, you just might. The acoustic guitar players have many strange tachniques already. Which result on seemingly very fast sounds. They for example, rotate individual fingers. I suppose, it is harder to do with electric guitar, where the strings are different. The most masterful Flamenco players for example, play very fast as they can rotate their finger and even play multiple melodies at the same time, usin their thumb at the diferent tempo than other fingers which they rotate. Using all of the five fingers at the same time. I am not a muisician, but i have taken notice on what they do because i am interested on this thing. How people use their fingers and what kind of tricks there are. Magicians also, they do many strange things and they if anyone, can make people to disbelief what they do. But the Magic Tricks are so common, and publicly known, that part of that magic is taken away by people knowing, that they are tricks. But still, seeing a master magician perform live, is a thing to see. It wont compare to seeing it on television. They use clever angle, and are master of guiding your perception so that they can act on front of you so, that you do not notice the things they do not want, and only notice the things they want you to notice. Its misdirection of your senses by speaking, gestures, body language and so at the same time than having lot of confidence, suberb coordination and very agile fingers. When they perform live, and even you would know its a trick. Its still something to amaze you. Especially if you do not know how the trick is done. Once you know, it becomes very clear to you and part of the amazement is lost. On top of, that person maybe not being able to fool you again. But these are very specialized people, and i suppose there are not many in the world, who can perform sleigh of hand on the top level. This Vibration Technique is very similar. A specialized trick that only very few can manage, and people seem to disbelief. The Sleight of Hand that happen directly is always more awesome than these grand magician tricks. Cid the Statue of Liberty really vanish ? Of course it did not. Nobody really believes on it. But its still awesome. But these types who conduct sleight of hand type of tricks, can really make you believe on them as most of the time, they ask you to make the choise. And you end up thinking that how was this possible when i chose the card myself. Its different thing to see that in television, than actually being one to choose the card. You might think that you could not be fooled, until you are the person who actually choose the card the magician want. And in then you know. There is something abnormal in that person. It is not only that the person have agile hands. That person can control you and the atmosphere around you. When i was a child, i went to Magician School, and a professional Magician was teaching there. He told me all of these things. He was not a popular magician, but that type who end up teaching kids for extra revenue, and still skillful enough to amaze people. I know that person was amazing, but it cannot be understood by looking his videos alone. Part of what he did was the force of personality, and how he control you while he is actually present. There was always a hint of mystery around him, and he was always in control of the situation. But once he pack his gear and the class have ended, he became just a normal person and you would never guess that he have this kind of alter ego as a magician. There are enough strange people that walk past you on street, that you just might not take notice. But once he starts to perform, he assumes a certain role. And you wont understand it trough video, but only by being there. He was that kind of Magician, a bit Psychic type. There are also those types, that you understand better trough video. But he was that Psychic type. That he needed to be able to actually be present to control you, and only then he manage to do those things. As in, his sleigh of hand skills was not enough to become famous television magician, but he was more specialized on psychological aspect on controlling the subjects, and especially their focus. It was part of how he spoke. He had this kind of hypnotic and relaxing voice, and you immediately started to trust on what he say. And then he could start to control on where you look. Guide your focus trough his eyes, where he looked, and trough gestures and body languages. And he could keep track of many people at once, so that none of them notice what he actually do. It was also part of positioning. He had to position himself perfectly, to be able to hide things at the same time as showing those things that he choose to show. Even you knew what he do, and even he teach you to do the same. He still could do this. It happened naturally. So maybe he was not famous magician, but he was a psychic for sure. And good one at that.
Magicians do not really relate on APM, but the subject of dispelief what high amount of APM does relate. You can also percieve it as a Magic Trick, as people clearly think its not normally possible. And then it actually is. You could as well represent it as such when a bunch of hard core gamers are there talking about APM and then you ask them, that do you want to see a Magic Trick ? And then they say that go ahead. Then you sit on their compuer, open Starcraft and start to play normally, keep track on where they focus and push small peaks of 2 000+ or 3 000+ APM here and there using your Vibration Technique when you are sure they wont notice you doing it. And when they look about the replay, they notice these absurd APM peaks and most likely demand to know how it happened. So in their perspective, you played a crappy game normally, and then the replay on their computer shows absurd peaks like 2 000+ or 3 000+. What would that make you think ? Would you think your computer is broken ? Would you think the Replay had a bug ? Would you think someone hacked your computer ? Or would you think it was real magic and there are greater forces at play ? And then demanding to know how it happened. The person just saying that "Magician never reveals his tricks". And then you demand to see that again. And he wont, just smiling mysteriously. And then, you can continue on your APM discussion. Thats not much different than actual Magic Tricks that are performed on deck of cards or coins. You just use the computer to pull their leg. You have this specialized skill they are not aware, and wont know is possible, and then you can amaze them with it, leaving them wondering: How was this possible ? But like most of magic tricks, there is a very logical explanation behind it. And in this case, it would have been the "vibration technique". You can vibrate only a second if you want. To generate that peak. And then play normally the rest of the game. Would you notice if someones hand starts to vibrate for a few second when your focus is on the screen, and not on the keyboard. Probably not. But would you be looking, you would have noticed that something happened there, not entirely sure what or how. Still a mystery to you. It does give you a sound though, so when doing this trick, you have to time your vibrate to coordinate with some outside sound, which migh even be of your own making, like saying something out loud or shifting yourself on the bench to control their attention away from the sound of your vibrating hand hitting the keyboard. The thing with the vibration technique and Starcraft is, that they might not notice it even they would be looking at the screen. As you can change the command groups so fast that the game wont show it graphically. It indeed happens like this. With this technique you can change the command groups so fast, that the game wont show them changing and on perspective of the observer, hardly anything happens But the game does calcualte the APM peaks still as it really happens. If you group the locations on the map and start to change them with vibration technique, the same thing happens. The game wont go to those locations as it happens too fast for the graphics to keep up. I suppose this can have something to do with FPS, Frames Per Second. FPS 30 surely is not enough to keep up on what you do. But FPS 60 might. I suppose the computer i used to experiment on this had FPS 30 and when the Actions Per Second hit 30+, the graphical interface cannot keep up. I dont know, i only suppose. But when you click the mouse, the graphical interface do show the move cursor spam itself. But as it only happens with speeds of 700+ APM or so, the 30 FPS should be more than enough to keep up. These higher Peaks you only achieve by using multiple fingers. And the highest APM peaks i recorded i did with using i think was it 8 fingers. At least i dont think i used the thumbs. But you as well might. So supposedly, i can go even higher. So i probably can if i try, to generate 4 000+ APM peaks using Starcraft 2. And i suppose would i be using some other program, the APM peaks could hit even higher as in my opinion, Starcraft dont register all of it at higher speeds, resulting as loss of APM. So, the features that bottleneck the generation of APM while using this skill might not be the speed of the person, but rather the features of the program you record them with. And the highest i managed to do with short experiment on Starcraft 2 replay function was indeed if i remember right, 3 600+ which left me dissapointed. I was sure i was going faster. And then when i was sure i was going faster than on 3 600+ peak, the game only showed a peak of 2 700+. So i suppose, it only register some of the APM. A faster vibration resulted on 2 700+ and a slower vibration resulted on 3 600+. The 2 700+ APM peak was actually faster, at least it felt like so when i did it and that was the one i looked forward to see when i watched to replay, only to see that it was registered as way lower than when i pushed less. So theoretically, if a program would register all of the key hits, and i vibrate all of my fingers ot 750 APM‚ wouldnt 10 fingers make it 7 500 ? And recording 7 500 key hits with Starcraft 2 like this, might only show you APM's around 2 - 3 000 because it only calcualtes the APM which actually ends up being a Command Action within the game. So, around half of that APM might be lost because they do not end up as being Commands even you actually physically hit the keys to give commands. So as pure APM point of view, i think i do can claim an APM generation more than 7 000 APM while using both of my hands and a keyboard.
There are also those people who can eat swords. You might think its a trick, when a person puts a sword inside their mouth and sticks it full in there. You might think they somehow fool your perspective and actually do not put it inside them. But they actually do. They actually stick a real sword inside their throat, and then pummel it all down to their somatch. Or i dont know. Is it so ? Or was i fooled to think they did ? I actually am not sure. Somehow i thought they do it for real.
At ScrappyRabbit on EDIT: Yes :D Thats exactly the main point. And how i gathered, thats exactly the thing you like to talk in here too. Thats why i posted this on Starcraft Forum. I wrote in google "Highest APM" and it gave this forum directly as a result. So why not post about APM where they talk about it the most ? And the second reason, i am looking for a people with High APM for real. I want to find them and to be able to compete with them. Are they found on the Starcraft community ? Probably not. But someone with high APM might end up reading this thing here, as this is the place this type of talk seem to happen. So, if there is another like me somewhere out there, they might also google "Highest APM" and then find this forum. And then find my post.
If you read it not only once, but twice. It surely gathered some notice. I just hope, it wont gather the notice of those people who want to always ban everything, and are in constant search for excuses to conduct their moderating.
At Tofucake: But it made ScrappyBandit to read it twice. Thats something right ? And reading it twice made him notice different thing on it than only reading it once. Maybe if you read it twice you see it differently too ? Or then not. But at least ScrappyBandit for some reason did and i take it as a good sing. Also, if you read the whole thing, its better than those reactions who only read the start and put it away, never reading it. So i take this as success. Normally, they only read it once, nvever comment, and then only read first two sentences, close it and never comment. So in my opinion, this thing is going well. At least on what i have been used to. So maybe its not that bad what you make of it to be ? At least it could be worse. I suppose the same properties where you gain these "the most something" or "ever something" is what probably makes someone read it twice. So this is going well. At least better than ever before. But its nice that you called me Champ. Because thats what i am.
I alrady gave you the Silver Medal. If you are not happy with it, thats not my fault. But you cannot have the Gold Medal, because you must earn it before a claim to have it.
And if the intelligence goes down, then i suppose it can go up too.
But you know whats not funny, these so called Rational Thoughts. And i do like funny. Your comment was funny, so maybe it was not a Rational Thought. But the end was not funny. Maybe the end on my post is not funny either, so i should probably change it. Taking it to anyones dog is surely pushing it.
The Pedal guy was even an Administrator, and im not even banned. I hope it stays that way. Nowdays the internet is quite harsh. It used ot be a free place where everyone can do and say what they want. Those days are long gone, and only the ones who have been with the internet from the beginning do remember it. It was pure freedom, with no moderators anywhere. Some people liked that freedom. Most probably wont, as now the internet is full of Moderators. Even the commercial sites just put on a chat, and never moderated it ever. Thats just how things were back then. Moderation did not exist, not even in commercial platforms.
And yes, that Pedal idea is interesting. I never would have thought that myself. But i have thought about drums that have not 2, but 4 pedals. Two for your each foor. As in, you can press them with back of your foot too. You arrange one on front of each leg, and one on behind your each leg. In that way, you can not only double pedal, but quadruple pedal. Wonder why nobody does that ? I always wanted to, but never actually arranged a drum set.
See, people have these strange ideas. And some might like them. When you see the first pro gamer in ASL wanting to use the pedal controllers, they start to discuss should they be allowed, or banned because they are seen as cheating. I suppose you cannot use them, as your set have to be standard so that everyone have the same setup. Gumiho uses a Towel on top of his mouse, but that doesnt count and i suppose the SoS have always the Baseball Bat somewhere there at the back stage, while intimidating his opponents before the game.
But in real sense, if you feel like you would be limited by your physical speed, the pedal idea is actually good. Once you get used to it, your performance will most likely benefit from it. Just wanting to ask, what kind of commands would you bind to the Pedals ? And would there be only 2 pedals, or many of them ? For example, a platform similar than Keyboard, with multiple pedals which are about 4 or 5 time larger than a single key on a keyboard, and set few sentimeters apart of eachother that they are easier to push with your feet. I suppose there is nothing that limits you on doing this, you just have to custom modify your computer. You could rule the Ladder all you want, but the problem starts when you enter a live Tournament, and want to bring in your gear. Just a thought, but maybe MaxPax is actually using this kind of setup, which is the reason no one ever seen or know who MaxPax is. He sits on some kind of custom made control room, where there is all these kind of strange ways to control the units, which are not viable on normal Tournament setup. Or was it so, that MaxPax never enters the Live Tournaments. Somehow i remember there was something like this around MaxPax. That nobody actually know who that is. So might as well be anything. If a guy on the internet had this idea, which i do listen to, why cannot some famous person like MaxPax have it too ? Yes thats probably it. The more i think about it the more reasonable it seems. You might first dismiss these kind of ideas, but they are actually good. Someone might even suggest something as a joke, and then you really do it and its actually good.
This is just the kind of thing they like to moderate, when it goes siderail. Then they close the thread and no one can comment anymore even some might want to. But what does it matter ? If the discussion flows to some direction, then so what ? There is this game Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and they have this Alignment System. Not caring about this kind of things are quite surely Chaotic, or then Neutral. But these Lawful alignments probably cannot take it, if there is a thread that say its about APM, and then they end up talking about something else. Everything have to be streamlined, so that they are within their comfort zone. If it states APM on the title, you absolutely can only speak about APM and nothing else. And it do happen, that it is just these Lawful type of alignments that seek to become Moderators. Neutrals dont care, and Chaotic people as Moderators is a terrible idea and will most likely be downgraded very fast as in the same sense, they moderate at random and the majority of Lawful moderators cannot stand it. They like order, and chaos is the opposite. It does not relate, is a person Good, Neutral or Evil. Its just your stance on the subject of law. The worst moderators, are of course those of Evil type. And they do exist. The worst participants on any event, is of course those of the Chaotic Evil type. The Lawful Evil at least follow the law, but most likely try to twist it towards their own means. But they for sure do not aim to openly break the rules, which are there for a reason. So the internet as a subject, have clearly flown towards the Lawful side of things when at its core, it started as very Neutral. As in, anyone could do anything and no one cared about anything that were going on the internet. Not Chaotic, because it was, and is a stable platform. But at its core, i do believe that internet is still Neutral. Its just that the truly neutral people are very rare, and they rarely seek to Moderate. The Scientists, as mentioned on the other post, there is no better alignment for them than Neutral. And most surely not Chaotic. But as i also stated, that the things i tell cannot be denied, an as i suspected. No one did. Its just like i say so. But did this goe like i say it would ? I dont remember anymore how i say it would, but i suppose it didnt. There was comments, i am maybe not yet banned, and then if people were angry, i think they did not show it very well and if they did, i feel like i am not fighting with anyone. But as you know, the purpose of writing is to lower the chances, that it goes like i tell you. So i suppose i made a very good success on this post. The only downside being that dog thing. But do not falter, as i will take it away. And then everything is like it should be. The Champ, have been spoken. And then speaks some more. I know, it seems like Magic, but its not. Its Psychology. But we might all be mad, if a random person can come to the internet, and then it all goes like he wants. So was there anything that were like i did not want to ? I think there were not. They even clearly state, that the meaning of the text change, depending on how many times you read it. This is a prospect of Chaos. It constantly changes, even would it be still. Usually the results are worse, but after this post, maybe the results change again. I will now think what i predict, but this time i am not telling it. Because this time, if i tell it, you will do it like i say. And when i dont tell, it will go like i want. It is easy to think you start controlling people like this. But it is not true. Im actually just throwing it out there. But lets just say this goes way better than average. So maybe the Team Liquid . Net is not that bad after all. Most of the other places, like the RPG Forums. They are horrible, horrible places and i would not even dare the Military or Political Forums. You can guess already that it wont go like you want. If you have any self preservance, you stay out of those places for good. And i do give this advice on my goodwill.
But if you may, can i ask you how much is your APM ?
There is this psychological aspect of Starcraft, which mostly surfaces when the players know eachother, and especially on the live tournaments. Psychic people like Reynor having a good time there. And then Statues like Clem, being immune to it. The most sensitive ones like HeroMarine, being most affected by these things.
Then i want to ask of this. What does reading a sentence like this arouse in you: You do notice that i am a being of higher caliber ? You do know that ?
Or can you imagine, reading that sentence without me first typing that what it make you think, like it would be experimental, and not entirely true. But as you know, its always experimental and its also always true. Because its not me writing to you, its only you speaking with yourself. And when you write me back, its not you writing to me, but you writing to yourself. And when i write this ti you, its not me writing to you, its me writing to myself. If you have missed this point, now i am reminding you about it.
As i already did already succeed on changing on how you percieve this world entirely. And when you do the same to me, its not a feature as it changes all the time.
Before i made my post, your whole community believed that generating high APM is impossible. But i am confident that your whole view of percieving this subject have changed. Now you believe that its actually possible. So opposite on what you believed before i made my post. Who else have succeeded in this before ? No one. It takes a champ to change the world. And i think i just managed to do just that. So this is going surprisingly well. Believe me, the reality wont matter. Humans are strange creatures in that sense, that they wont be affected by something like facts. What they are affected instead, are assumptions. And it is precisely those assumptions, that dictate what they call Reality. Yes, the Human Reality is strange so, that it is not dictated by facts, but by Assumptions. So another reminder, which wont help. As even you know this, you will still believe on what you assume. There is no other ways for us. And would your reality be based on facts, you would cease to be human. This is not a matter of having high APM or not. This is a matter of being human or not. If you are a human, you are dictated by assumptions. If you are dictated by facts, you are not human anymore, but something else, entirely alien on human perspective. In Buddhist mythos, they call these beings the "Enlightened Ones" and claim that first one in there mythos, were a person called "Siddharta Gautama".
Also, would you have percieved the person who write what i wrote as intelligent. It would not have changed your world view. It was only possible by you percieving the person as stupid. As in, intelligent people lie at all times, even to themselve. And only stupid person will lay the truth open for everyone to see. I can say all these things not even knowing who you are. Why ? Because i know what you are. You are a human. And all humans share these features. None are above them. And even there were, it wont matter. Because they also know, that i spoke the truth. The difference is, that a person who seems intelligent is never believed. No one believes an intelligent person, the least another intelligent person. It is a matter of human dignity, that they take pride on cheating everyone else, even themselves. And the whole social concept is built upon these lies.
This is what can be called an "intelligence trap". The intelligencei tself, is a trap. This too, have a function on strategic games like Starcraft. The intelligence is actually a disadvantage in a setup like this. You tend to overthink, and think something too good to be true probably isnt. If something is too good to be true in games like this, it really is too good to be true. So if that Infestor is Imba, you dont need to doubt it and wait for two months for Elazer winning a tournament for it. You can just spam it yourself and win a tournament two months before Elazer ever did. But will you ? You will not, because you are too intelligent to notice what is in front of you, thinking it as some kind of trap. While the only one trapped on using your resources inefficiently is you. If there is a unit like Infestor in the game, which is completely broken, and a person wont use it, you know that person is intelligent. As in, that person is not thinking it clearly, which intelligent people have very hard time to do. You acn compare this to how APM reflects on concept of Starcraft. Its only a byproduct, but not the means. IQ is the same. Its not the means on what makes you good on starcraft, but some logical decisions are a byproduct of playing Starcraft. And when you start to overthing it for the sole reason of having so much "computing power", you are probably focusing on it too much. The siimlar, than if you focus all your attention on spamming APM while playing something like Starcraft, will hurt your performance. So too, will high IQ. As IQ is not a thing you need in Starcraft, but actually the opposite. The more brute force and stupid your approach, always the better. Even Maru knows this, and all his clever plays include a Brute Force element behind them. The Proxy Rax meta is actually straightforward and stupid. There is nothing clever in it. Only intelligent people lull themselves in believeng there ever was. Its a brute move where you go in their face, take a small risk and then being able to continue your game if it does not go like you want, and if it goes, you are already won. So you can do it every single time without much of it affecting on anything. Unlike some intelligent people, who emphasis on All In type of plays, and think themselves clever on it. In a similar way than people who gample only remember the times they won, and never the times they lose. So, htis is the second illusion of Starcraft Community on how i see things. They overthink everything and compare their game to a game like Chess. A Chess is a game where IQ actually helps the player. The starcraft, is not. They just pretend it would be. High APM and High IQ. In starcraft, you do not need either. And in fact, when you start to focus on them, you are at disadvantage and some dumb brute just comes and tramples over you with standard play and superior mechanics. Its not exactly rocket science, to know what to do in an RTS game. You basically just spend a half hour reading the manual, and you know everything there ever was. And changing the game wont change this. You can then next take a manual of Total Annihilation and do the same. You can read trough it once, and not even twice, and then know all there is to that game. And playing that game endlessly wont change anything other than to help you generate routine, which lets you perform. But the strategic part of that game stays the same, and can be learned very fast. As in, what units are good against what, what abilities to do and when. And the rest of the time you just accumulate the routine, perfect your macro, and practice your micro. And there you go, you are a perfect Starcraft machine, and the strategic part of it is almost nonexistent and all of the important features you need to excell in, are something else than strategy. When in games like Chess, the only important aspect of the game is Strategy. There is nothing else going on in there. You wont need your macro, micro or anything. You only start to show off your multitask skills when you play against 20 opponents at once. And there are those kind of people and they are probably one of the most intelligent people on earth. Are they interested on something like RTS games ? No they are not. They are interested on games like Chess and Go. Its an empty errand to try to elevate the strategic part of an RTS game to the level of games like Chess and Go.
Do i act on assumptions ? Yes, solely. But there is this thing on assuptions. That they can always be right. Assumptions are rarely wrong. Usually people assume right. But the whole point is, that they are assumptions.
So these two assuptions i have encountered many times on around Starcraft:
1. Starcraft Players have the highest amount of APM than any other game: False
2. Starcraft is a deep strategic game compared to something like Chess: False
If people of high intelligence are driven towards an RTS game, that wont make it a pre requisite to excell in it. Its just a type of thing they tend to be interested in because yes, it do have that strategic part in it. But the strategic part is quite shallow when you start to think about it. Not too much, but just the right amount. Just enough not to fool yourself on this. I cannot know Starcraft 2, but you can ask me anything on Brood War and i can probably give you an answer similar than any other player and if not, i can read the manual and give you answer then. And so can anyone else. But can you do this with a game of go ? No you cannot.
But then, these assumptions i do share:
1. Starcraft is the best RTS game ever made: True
2. Starcraft is one of the best games ever made: True (the best is Steel Panthers)
3. Starcraft is the most interesting game to spectate: True
4. Liquid Net seems like a better place than an RPG Forum: True (but do it end up being ?)
5. A moderator have not yet banned me: True (but will they ?)
6. A moderator have not yet locked this thread: True (but cannot know do they)
So half of these assumptions are bending. I am very easy to provoke, so feel free to do it. But provoke me in any computer game, and i wont go with it. Thats what intelligent people would do, and i dont want to be like that. Id rather win. Unlike these intelligent people who are so easy to provoke, that while you are not provoking them, they think you are. Resulting on miscalculations on their part, and a lost game. Because they are sure you are up to something, and why would you, because you understand it is for naught and even you would not use your resources on some kind of intrigue, they still assume you would and the result is the same. You might just use your all resources on pure firewower, and pummel them from a stronger stance than them. Be clever all you might, but you cannot deny the stronger macro of your opponent while you micro your own. No amount of micro will help, when the other just macro and trample over you. Its not a trick. And thats why its so good. Especially on those, who like to trick themselve on believing, that the main part of the game is to trick the other even to the point, that they use resources for it which could be used on firepower. Seems stupid, but the straightforward approach wins 90% of the time. And it doesnt even matter do they know of it or not. They are so suspicious of their own intelligence, that they dont believe their eyes even they see clearly what you are doing, and then think its some kind of trap. How can it be when they see themselves being trampled by endless swarm of attack move things. Im not talking about Starcraft, but about games where you have to either invest on subterfuge or not. As in, for example to produce some units which cannot even shoot to gain "information" while the other player never needs any information, as the wont care what you do. All is what they care that they macro you out of the game by choosing only and purely of the firepower option while the other player chooses Scouts, Maneuver Elements and so. They can scout and maneuver all they want, and then get pummeled out of the game. The only information they are going to gain from scouting is, that they face an overwhelming mass of firepower, and they are going to lose for it. So was it now very clever to invest on all those scout and meneuver elements, that only intelligent people use and sacrifice your firepower while doing so ? No. On which firepower can you now choose, when you have to defend against copy click spam of some imba uint that is coming for you. Which takes about 20 IQ to pull off. This is even more true the more options you are given. Luckily in Starcraft you have around 10 possible units and none of them have more than 2 or maximum of 3 abilities. There are games where you can choose from hundreds of units and then they choose one of each, and the 20 IQ guy chooses only one unit and tramples them all because he just reads there what unit is the most effective, and then capitalizes only on that unit. These computer games are always like this. It wont matter what game you play. Its always the same thing. Its not exactly a secret, that you should macro and that is the most important thing. No matter how stupid you are, you first come to this conclusion. And the intelligent ones to same conclusion regardless. All of the conclusions are the same, no matter intelligent or not. Its only, that when you have these kind of games where the resources are limited, where you start to really notice these things. In Starcraft, you can mine more minerals. But in some games you cannot, you choose your setup and thats all you have. And in these games the intelligence trap is there most often. Where intelligent people start to trap themselves on thinking it too much. Computer games are rarely that deep. And then there is this real time aspect of game like Starcraft. How can you even think ? I suppose the most efficient way is just go with gut instincts. You have your routine already, and then when something happens in the game you just go what feels right. I suppose the instinct is way more important in Starcraft than actual intelligence. You have to make the decision on split second, and then capitalize on it. Which is better for that, Intuition or intelligence ? Its really not that complicated thing, this Starcraft. You see a thing, you raect, and you react by instinct. You immediately know what to do. And even sometimes, you choose wrong. And in there, intelligence wont help either. Its those instinct type of players who choose right more often than not. But lets say you are playing a game like Steel Panthers, the instinct part comes slower. You might have days delay between each turn. There are no split second decisions as the game does not happen turn based. In there intelligence is more prominient. Or more like, the intelligence to not follow intelligence. If you are an intelligent player, you know you have to play it simple and stupid to win. Go for your intelligent ideas, and you lose. Because they are too complicated for a simple game like that. Its a game where you pummel other units with units. And to choose a unit like scout in an environemtn, where all the other units can scout too, but on top of that, have superior firepower. Why would you ever choose a scout ? Just choose that unit which shoots more, and scout with it instead. Sounds stupid, but its actually like that. Especially on those games where Scouts wont have weapons. Who would ever do them willingly ? Especially if the whole concept of the game relies on instinct, or guessing what is what like Travian. Do you really do scouts in Travian ? Are you sure you should not be doing units that can attack or defend instead ? What knowledge you gain with those Scouts, when it all comes in the end to the decision, which attacks you deem fake and which not, in where Scouts wont help a bit but you really have to guess, in where instinct is your best bet and intelligence wont help either. And once you do your decision, and then act on it. You have less troops if you did scouts than if you chose not to. So who do scouts ? Intelligent people who think too much and see their game as something grander it actually is. Who wont do them ? Stupid brutes that pummel your Kingdom to submission and see the actuality of the game on just what it is. A Psychological Guessing Game. Try to explain this to any veteran player in that game, succeed in it, and i am close to giving you the Gold Medal even it would rightfully belongs to me. And thats just the tip of the iceberg on all of these strange assumptions that people have. Especially these intelligent people, creating these so called Metas, which are always biased, and never what you should actually do. Miniature War Games ? Same thing. You only look those units which have the most Strength or Firepower, then you spam them and imbalance your approach so, that a balanced approach wont be good anymore as they lack targets. You can choose either soft or hard targets ? Choose only one of them, not both, and half of your opponents combined arms approach is suddenly bad because they do not have viable targets. The bigger the game, the more it goes to your favor. Your opponent uses their resources on Mobility. Really ? On a table where you can move to the center of it in first turn on basically any unit ? And then they use their points on Mobility and believe they can conduct some kind of tactical maneuvers ? What about that 2x firepower on front of them, shooting them no matter what, or coming towards their face on turn 2 while being basically immune to anything that shoot them ? So you have those war machines that shoot the big things. So you thought i bring that kind of thing, i brought none and you suddenly lack targets. That kind of thing. Its not even a Rock Paper Scissor things, but all of these games are in built like this. Its only Force, Force, Force basically. You can eitehr choose 1 or 2 or 3 Force and then think which one of them is the best approach. None of the other choises matter. You chose Force, Subterfuge and Mobility. Well go for it, any brute understand to choose Force, Force and Force and then have good time to cope with it when they come at you. The objectives were on middle of the map, and now you can scout them before the game, and safely maneuver your troops out of the way, when the 3 x Force come claim the objectives as you aim to assault them with 1 x Force. You make all your best crop capitals as treasures in Travian Kingdom just to be able to pack all your troops to defend one of them when they attack and believe, that one of the attacks are real and others are fake. Excuse me ?`Why would you want them to destroy everything at once and always assume, that there are only one real attack. What if all of them are real ? What happens then when you pack all of your units to defend a single site, and do it every single game so that everyone knows what you do even before they attack and then generate a Meta, where everyone else do the same ? This is what intelligence brings. It brings bad ideas and then assume everyone else share their view. And most of the time they do. Which makes it even better for you, wheny you dont and see right trough them by calculating 1 + 1 = 2. Thats about it, all you need to know on these kind of games is 1 + 1 = 2 and then stick on it. On how to bring this to Starcraft let me see. Its this kind of things. Artosis builds a Command Center on his main when playing TvP on Brood War, and then floats it to the third exp even he could just plain build the expansion there in the third like everyone else. Now that he floats the exp he loses momentum, and suddenly the Macro Protoss tramples over him and he lose. Because he stalls his economy as any intelligent person would do, thinking he is clever when he builds the Command Center in main and then floats it as a cool feature, landing on the third delaying his third exp by one minute on purpose. So was he really clever, or was he just a victim of this "intelligence trap" i try to open for you here. Who in their right mind would ever build a Command Center on their mind in Brood War, and then float it to any expansion they have direct land access towards ? With Terran ? Who have Mines and units like Siege Tanks, which can move out to the map and secure the third even before you start to build it ? Really ? He really does this, not once, but i have seen he do it repeatedly so he really thinks its the best way. Only intelligent person can fool himself like that and the stupid person can calculate 1 + 1 = 2 just fine, as in, to just build the damn exp on the third asap to not fall behind on Macro. What else ? Intelligent people think that EMP is a Utility Spell. No it is not. It is an Attack Spell. Only intelligent people think that something like EMP is an Utility spell, which you only use few times in a game to hunt some Arbiter Energy. No. It is a devastating Attack spell, similar than Psi Storm, which you constantly spam versus Protoss. You see a Protoss units, EMP. There is another, EMP. Its just a bonus that it takes away the Energy. Sometimes it happen, but the main point of it is to reduce their Shields as an Area Attack Spell and do it so often, that they never have shield when they rush to your positions and on top of that, if they are crazy enough, it dispels Hallucinations with one shot. So, Vessel is a similar uint vs Protoss than vs Zerg. There is no reason not to do them as much in both match ups. Irritade and EMP are both dangerous, and direct counter to Zerg (Irritade) and Protoss (EMP). Intelligent people might argue on this and i am sure, i am not only one to bring these things up. But in my opinion, the intelligent people are too intelligent for their own good. Not necessarily in all things, but in these kind of games i think they are. They glorify them to be more than they are not, and then try some strange approach which give them disadvantage because they think its somehow clever. And then by some miracle, manage to fool everyone else to take them seriously, and make it actually work on their favor. Any stupid person who does not take the bait, and your doomed. They just say whatever, and pummel you with superor force. Because they wont use their time to calculate any sin cosin tangets like you do. They just do the plain 1 + 1 = 2 and it works because the game was not made for sin cosin tangent people, but the 1 + 1 = 2. How can they ever sell computer games, if they only do them for marginal people who calculate sin cosin tangents like you do ? Most of the people have no idea what that even mean. Their company would go bankrupt. They want them to be able to be played by people who think 1 + 1 = 2 so that they can understand how the game mechanics function, because they care for their revenue. In fact, their company depends on it. This is also.1 + 1 = 2 on their part. To understand, that no matter how hard your game is to play mechanically, like Starcraft is, the strategy part in it cannot turn the stupid people away and make them feel inferior to intelligent ones like Chess does. Who would buy that game then ? All the intelligent ones play chess already, and your company would bankrupt. And if you think you can make better game than chess, which all of the most intelligent people will suddenly start to play, and never look at chess again. Then think again. So they know better not even try. Because they know they cannot do that. But what they can do, is to make an excellent game like Starcraft, where what makes it hard is not that you need to be a rocket scientist to play it, but to make the interface so hard on purpose, that it stretches human capabilities to a limit, that there is no thing such as perfect play. Its just impossible, because humans cannot possibly do everything they want with a purposedly made interface like this. And when they add some features that make controlling the units easier like in Starcraft 2, then tehy just up the speed to the point, that its so hard again, that no human can possibly play it to the full capacity. The features that make Starcraft hard is not the strategy, its just that all of the intelligent people who happen to be interested on the game need some kind of justification to stay away from the tought, that they would be playing a Children's Game. But admit it, you are playing a childrens game and you are enjoying it. It wont need to be anything else.
The one thing i noticed, is this video called the "Children of Starcraft". I think they got it right in there.
And what else. If you end up having a group of Corsairs in PvZ which by some miracle, survive to the mid game. Why not just research that Disruption Web. Wonder why all these intelligent people always forget it. Maybe they think they are clever when they "save resources" on a situation where they have 6 to 7 200/200 Energy Corsairs there, sitting on 200/200 supply, and banking resources. Just click that Research option, and then look how your troops are assaulting up those ramps with Disruption Webs on top of those Sunkens and Lurkers. No intelligent people do that. And i wonder why ? Maybe its because its actually how the game is meant to be played and calculating 1 + 1 = 2 seems like a trap for them ?
And why wont they ever take SCV's with ther Tank Pushes. And then construct supply depots there in the map, and repair their units while they are it. I do understand the point of one who commented, if you are a mediocre player you are stretched by your mental abilities to perform actions. But some players might not, and they could easily repair the units and build Supply depots on where those Attack Move protoss or Zerg units start hitting the wall as they trie to break while you take presence just outside their base and start to slowly push them at the same time than expanding beghind. On top of having 500 Hit Points, the Supply give you Supply. And its only 100 Minerals. You have to build them regardless, and then its extra 500 points the for some reason use their time to attack when they finally want out of their confinement, and becaus the game is too hectic on you doing who knows else too, that they might be hard time not attacking them and controlling everything manually. They might, but then again they might not. And spreading your tanks and mines so, that you dont stack them, but spread them on wider area having multiple lines, all of them having Supplies. Maybe it cost you 300 Minerals to build 3 Supply Depots on the map and so what. And then they destroy them and so what. At least you remembered to Irritade or EMP them with your Vessels, right ?
I thikn these kind of things relate to also on the focus point. Before people started to Macro and because of replays, all kind of Macro Builds became well known, people focused on Micro. Now that they focus on Macro and copy paste all the Macro Builds and impliment them perfectly, they maybe have forgotten about the units they actually use. As the focus is on Macro, so they forget about these important Force Multipliers which give them advantage over the opponent. Like Ensnare, EMP or SCV. SCV have +20 HP for a reason. Its an Attack unit, and should also be on the front line. Not only there gathering minerals, but on the map. You can think these things also so, that what did the creators of this game think. And then understand what they want you to do. If SCV have +20 HP they made it so for a reason, and the reason is you should push them to open. If the EMP takes the Shields away, you should take them away. If the Ensnare slows the opponent, cost only 100/100 to reserach and you will have to do Queen's nest regardless when you tech to the Hive. You should use it. Especially in a situation where you transition to a situation you start to float a bank do these Force Muiltiplier options start to matter. Protoss then, its full of these gimicky things like Dark Archons and so. You really only need Templar and Arbiter. Protoss playerts are bit different, the brute force approach goes very well with them. The whole race have been built for it. The other players, like Terran players just have harder time to understand, that also their race is built for the same brute force approach. Its no different, but Protoss palyers tend understand this better than most because how their race is built, leans on that direction already. Still, they never remember the Disruption Web. Which might also be because, those cunning Zerg players say to them it sucks. And then they believe them. But would you ask the person who put it there, the guy who worked at Blizzard when they made the Brood War. He would look you strangely and say, no it does not. I put it there for a reason. And then continue. So, when you are left with a group of Corsairs with full energy, you can suddenly have more utility on them by reseraching Disruption Web. Its nothing more than that. You dont have to continue doing Corsairs, even the one time use is worth it, and can change the game. As in, result as destroyed exp for the Zerg and in there, a lot of wasted potential you can capitalize on hurting their Macro. With only researching this one, seemingly useless ability that the inteligent people seem to for some reason donwplay, and avoid. And then there is the Lockdown. If you dont have the capacity to use more abilities, you probably should not. Its entirely viable to play without and Terran requires more tending than usual already with all kind of siege unsiege ans stimpacks and whatnot. But Lockdown is one of the very good abilities in Terran, and you do can Lockdown even individual Dragoons and such. Its a brilliant ability, but as it is a single target spell, it takesl ots of effort on the players part. So most likely, only for the very high end players who can manage that kind of arduous Micro at the same time than they Macro on an interface, which is very taxing already. But if you can, its obviously a superb ability. These things are all very easy to understand. But you might not be able to pull them off if you are not a top player. Because the game itself is so hard, that many people have hard time on the macro alone. But once you Macro perfectly, and are some kind of Micro Machine. Then why not. Then its just lack of imagination, or being too intelligent, to not do these. I can list them here:
ZERG: Ensnare, Dark Swarm, Plague
TERRAN: Irritade (vs Zerg), EMP (vs Protoss), Lockdown
PROTOSS: Psi Storm, Stasis, Disruption Web
There you go. If you are that kind of person, you can Maelstorm Storm that muta pack. Its not wrong. But i wont list it, as that is what intelligent people might end up doing. Im not saying its bad. Its super good on that situation. But its not what brute force players do like, ever. They never do any Dark Archon and they most likely always still use either Zealot or the DT Rush in from where they transition to standard. The DT Rush is them siimlar than the Proxy Rax is for Maru. But on higher levels of game, they probably never DT Rush as it supposedly wont be good anymore. Or is it good because of that ? I dont know. This goes for the area of what intelligent people think. I just might never DT rush and just play basic gateway builds. Never doing the reaver either, thats too ardous for a brute like me. Doing only gateways ever and not even Arbiter. There were even those players who did Templars only for Archons, and nothing else. Seems like a bad idea, but its hard to argue as a Mediocre player doing your Micro thing when another Mediocre player just brute Macro spams you to nothingness, casting zero spells in the entire game. And no Reavers, you need to click Scarabs for them and you dont want to. It all comes on the effective use of Resources and the Human Capability happens to be one too like one of you mentioned. If you dont have enough capacity to even Macro at the fullest, not much reason to focus on pretty much anything else. Or then there were those idiots, who only researched Hallucination, parked their Templas on their main, and then cast Hallucations and formed Archons olny after they did that, Attack moving everything, the Hallucinations included. But it was suprisingly effective, especially against those other idiots, who spider mine everything, use Vulture Tank and then never for some reason, use any EMP. But im not a good player, so dont listen to me. Its just that, you knew all those things i say above. As do everyone else. Its up to those who are good players for real to impliment on how they choose. Its just, that sometimes their choise of options do perplex even me. But the one thing i will never understand, is that Artosis Command Center floating style, then not doing Disruptor Web on the given situation i gave above, and then not spamming EMP vs Protoss. The SCV on the push is also quite nice, but its not as vital. What we used to do back then was also bunker between the scv:s, so that when the mutas come, you start repairing the bunker where 4 marines sit. But i dont know, that was a trendy thing and now they probably do something else. Maybe not even marines at all but Goliaths, because i read they are immune to Ensnare attack speed reduction. Where they always ? I never noticed. But that Goliath Build sure is cool. The unit is cool, and now you can win by spamming only them and making a timing attack with them. Good luck trying to Ensnare them as it wont affect their behavior. Its like its meant to be. What do the Zerg do then ? I have only seen the Goliath Build trample them, and never exactly a Zerg that managed to do anyhing about it. But still, remember the Ensnare. Its an important ability. You might as well use it. Its basically your Psi Storm as Zerg. Plague isnt, its just your EMP with delay. so a worse version of EMP and wont even take the Energy away. You do realize how powerful EMP is against Protoss ? And you do realize no one actually uses it. And you do realize why that is ? I suspect its because they are under tyhe illusion of the so called "intelligence trap". Just think about it. You have a Plague, which causes instant effect, and takes also Energy away. And then you choose not to use it ? Why ? And if i suspect right, then you also constantly whine that Protoss is Imba in TvP and there is just nothing you can do about it. But hey, there is a guy in the internet, who says that there was a Blizzard guy back in the days when the game did not exist, and hey, he put a spell named EMP there and maybe he did so for a reason. Just saying it out loud because no one else might. And also, that back in the days when Brood War was still not published, they did use it. Yes. The Terran did use to spam EMP against the Protss, and Protoss did not like it a bit. And then now what you do, you probably use your Vessel energy to something like Defensive Matrix and argue it is actually bettert use of it than EMP and that EMP is only viable if you can take Arbiter energy away. Wrong. Too intelligent. You lose. BRUTE SPAM IT!!! BRUTE SPAM THE EMP. And if you are like some super crazy guy, you can combine all of these. Using EMP, then Lockdown and then when you feel like it, EMP Nuke their Nexus and Infra. Its a co co co combo. Just spam all of those like crazy. Spam EMP on their units, Templars, Arbiters or anything really. Lockdown their Dragoons, Arbiters, Carriers or anything really. And then when you feel like it, EMP Nuke their base. co co co comboooooo play. With only 2 abilities. Like a true brute would. On top of floating your CC only if you need to Island Exp and even then, building it as close of that exp as possible.
And you know what, i really thought this trough. If you would have demanded me to prove my claim on the APM, i planned to say that i wont. But now that you did not demand me to prove it, i know i do not even have to. You already believe what i say, and know it to be true. This feels like that kind of thing, that no matter what i do, it always ends up being in my favor. So i believe we have achieved a lot of here already. And looking forward on our next encounter. As i am sure you will appreciate it, when i tell you about these things. And now that everyone know me, then nice to meet you. I am the Champ, but who are you ?
This i have a little hint for you, you should start with "Dear Champ" instead of "MrChamp". You should definitely try it, it helps. You do know that you are talking to a Champ ? You do, so i suggest for you to act on it. Its like Neeb asked from them that what he should do, and they answered him that "Whatever you want, your the Champ". I didnt choose this name for nothing. Its like Neeb is beeN in backwards, as he have been the champ. But i am the champ still. The Gold Medal Champ. Been the Champ so much, that have been even starting to get bored of it. I might not be the Champ here, but i am the Champ somewhere.
Well, if you ever think what would the Champ say. Well im here, and then i am somewhere.
Its a nice forum, and i feel like people really listen to me. I might write you a thing or two, but then i am afraid if its appropriate.
But remember, this is your reality now. And it have been created by me. Few days ago, something was impossible, and now it is possible. Not a single act of denial, because you know it cannot be done. But i will ask of you, do not feel silly about it. It is normal for humans to live in error. And in act of kindness, we can correct our views. You have not thanked me for this, but i know you are thankful for your heart. The shroud have been lifted, and we walk clouded no more. If you have anything to ask just ask, and you have all the answers. And even for you Mediocre people, i will answer you even you did not ask.
I also wrote a second post, but then i read it again and realize, that you probably already know all that. But i might check it again later, and try to take some parts of it that could make sense for some.
But there is also this thing, that before the one who read it twice, from all of his comment. You know that he wont understand much of what he tell, and still tells them anyway. And then reading it twice, having an assumption i know these things but i wont. For i know them better, as i already described above. As in, have already proven the error of such thoughts. Which takes us back to Assumptions, on where the one who read it twice based all of that what was written. And after reading it twice, assuming even still. And this is why i can change you by only how can i write. Would every person do this. No they will not. Have i not done it already, and can do it again if i would. Denial or lies wont help you, as your heart will believe. And your heart will believe me, because you know it is true. I did not invent anything of your speak or your say, but i merely just wrote and i wrote what was written. As if i would have told this in person, it would have not changed anything. But when you read what i will, you are discussing with yourself. But while you read what they write, you are discussing with them. You can think why it is. And you know this is true. To others you are accustomed, and to me you are not. And for that reason only, you see me as yourself. None of what i write, can ever be denied. There will be no acts of denial, for that i am certain. So where are the ones, who will deny themselves ? Only the mad, and that they would do. So in the moment of denial, you are truly insane. And none that is deranged, will ever hold true. This is the power you see, that you have in your mind. Weighted in your heart, for you know who i am. Say come as a children, and like a child i am. I dont need to be clever, it is for wisdom that i speak. It is the language of your heart, not clouded by them mind. As hearts wont have a mind, but all souls have a heart. And the soul will know, it will only know what is pure. Then ask your self, ask. What is a soul ? I will tell you what you know. What everybody knows. A Soul is a 1 + 1 is 2. One is for Spirit, and one is for Body. So it takes two for a Soul, and they connect at Heart. And how do we know this ? We wont. But you do. As it is yourself you are peaking with. And i may exist in nowhere but there. And i have not existed before. So how can i be anything, if you are not something yourself ? I can assure you of this, none truly know me. And i can tell you as much, that i still know myself. So when you think something is, is it truly so ? Read it once or twice you see, it changes as you go. Did what i write change, no it did not. Only you did, and you did it without me. But what i wrote have changed, the one who was changed is you. You called me your brother, but your brother i am not. And speaking in name of god. Do you know who is god ? And no you do not. But i can assure you, that god will still know you. And i can tell you yet another thing. Even i would be you, but no god is not you. Like i told you i am Chaos, there is no order within me. So i might as well be you, for to me it does not matter. Everything that i write, just come as it is. It is not for myself that i do. But for the others that i choose. To tell you of something, and i think i have told. What i will do for in future, i still cannot know. There is no plan or anything, i just do what i will. Yes, if you know what is changeling, you can think about that. And then come tell me what for, what is possible or not. And why did i wrote when i wrote. So might as well be you who did that for me to bring forward for thee.
You wont believe the others, but you do believe me. Why ? Because im Pure and shame on them.
But with a Mediocre play, it have 1.9 Million Views, and when the Champ plays it have views next to none. So as a Champion, everything is grand. But they might just not take it, because Champs they are not. I dont know which is better, you tell me. The Gold Medal Champ or then, the World Record Guy ? I'm planning on printing a Shirt, so which one it will be ? Then everyone can know it, and i wont have to tell. Dont believe the Hype, Dont, dont Dont be lieve the Hype.
You might say you dont care about the Champ, but the Champ still cares for you because he is the Champ for Everyone.
You do know this is public, right ? Everyone can see what you write. Even you can do it anonymously, you must still know who you are in yourself.
The subject of God is very interesting. But i suspect you cannot discuss it here. But i suppose God is nice. It cannot be any other way. The one thing they say about god is also, that god sees everything. Even those things not public. And that you cannot cheat god. So when you are being sentenced on the court, the best thing to say might not really be for "God is my witness". Everyone knows that, but thats not why you are there.
So when writing on the interenet, all these Moderating is making me feel like i am being sentenced on the court. The God wont help. Only their good graces will.
The concept is entirely different. For God lets you do what you want. And only after everything is said and done, God comes and gives it in your face. And there is no one to tell about it, because you are already gone. It might seem stupid, but that is something to think about. It might not seem rational either, but thats what they say. And people wont say things for nothing. They did not have internet then, so its not the guy in the internet, but the guy in the bible. You can listen to that guy, or then you might not. But a lot of them do. And because the guy didnt explain why that is, it leads to many different conclusions. And while they are fighting over God, did they forget that God is watching, wont intervene, and only gives it to them after they have done what they will. If they really suppose, that god meant them to fight over a stupid thing like what some Guy in the Bible have to say, then i suppose thats what they are. But is it what God thinks. And then some people claim to know what the God thinks. And again, god is watching, and sees everything. When you think it this way, its not stupid but its clever. If you would be God, would you intervene, or watch them to do what they do and only tell them later when they are gone ? Then whatever the answer, maybe thats the reason why you are not God.
But its good that they wrote these things, because at some point, they didnt even have the bible. So now we have a guy in the internet, and then they had the guy in the bible. But what did they have before ? Or even better yet, what will we have next ? The guy on the what or where ?
So there were many of those who read the post, but choose not to comment. And the real mystery lies in there, on what they think. Rather than what is mentioned. And the same thing here. It is not what i tell you, but what i do not. Because why do i have to, as you know it yourself. But these some i wanted to tell about, for those you did not.
There is always the guy. But what if there were not ? We wouldnt probably be here now.
The Bible wont Explain, and the God wont answer. So what kind of mysteries are really there ?
You might know for some of them. Even i might then not.
Its of no use in telling me, i only know what i know.
If you speak with me, i wont speak with myself.
Read once or twice, it wont matter.
The Champ is different, and the Champ is strange. You think someone is different, but then they are not. There is different who are normal and then there are those who are truly. The Champ is yours truly, and for that he is different.
And i did not speak to you, i spoke who i spoke to.
And if there is silence, its because the Champ have been spoken.
If you are interested about these things, then let me know about it and i can give an answer with more detail. I probably wont know, but i can invent something up. Like i have done here many times now. As you know, these things kinda come around the corner.
And remeber to hit the Subscribe, and then the Like button.
Oooops: A bit fooled you there: The Peak was 2 600+ not 3 600+. But still. Didnt do that on purpose and you know that.