I have a job interview next week and they told me to bring my references with me.
My question is, does that mean to put my references onto my resume and bring my resume with me or do I just put my reference's name and phone number onto a blank page and print that out?
Also, the job is a bus driver and most of the ppl that do it are college students and there's no uniform that they wear or anything, just their regular clothes...I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to dress for this interview whether it be business casual or a full blown suit(might be a little over the top im not sure).
I was thinking to just wear some button up shirt with a collar and possibly a tie with some slacks and some black dress shoes. What do u think?
I think they mean you need to bring the actually people you listed as references with you. To make sure that are real and stuff.
On a more serious note, do both. Bring the resume, but paper clip a index car with the refrences or something.
Your dress idea sounds good. And overformal>under formal. Short of a tux obviously.
Sounds good, I would go for like work semi-formal stuff. A full blown suit seems like a bit much. As for references, yeah just have them typed and printed out along with a copy of your CV/Resume.
References should come in the form of a reference sheet.
For the interview, unless specified otherwise, you should dress fairly well. A full blown suit probably wouldn't hurt, but for a job like bus driver I think shirt, tie, and slacks would be plenty.
For a bus driving job, what you're proposing to wear to the interview should be suitable. You could probably even lose the tie. Don't go over the top, but make sure you at least look like you care about getting this job a little bit.
For the references, you can list them neatly on a page (look up how to format this if you're worried). Make sure you have their name, number, email (possibly), address, job title, and employer. Also, make sure to contact them to make sure that they're fine with being your reference.
I suggest bringing a tie with you if you don't plan on wearing one, if you get there and everyone else going in is wearing a t-shirt with a baseball cap, dont wear the tie, if you see them all in formal attire, at least you can quickly slip into the bathroom and put the tie on.
I don't think being overdressed can hurt you in any way. It shows that you actually give a shit and want the job enough to spend the time to look half-decent even if its a job at mcdonalds.
wear a tie but not a suit, u could go khaki/green/blueish (no black) plus tucked in shirt + brown belt + brown loafers + tie. Since it's summer make sure u apply that antiperspirant and wear a long sleeve but rolled up shirt. Short sleeves dress shirts are disrespectful imo.
but yeah in terms of wearing a black suit... or even a dark blue suit, i say don't. dress pants are OK to a certain extent but don't match it with a same color jacket. And do NOT do the whole black shirt black pants black jacket thing + different color tie thing, that look is whack.
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't look like your compensating for a lack of confidence. If you go in black suit black shoes black belt black jacket white shirt and a tie, then you're overdressed. Brown shoes indicate that you're casual; brown belt matches the brown shoes ( don't do black shoes brown belt or vice versa).
after rereading the OP, i think ur idea is fine clothes wise. black shoes khakis is aites, doesn't cross any lines
Bring a sheet with all your references names, company, contact information, and what was your relation to them (teammate, supervisor, subordinate, etc), and the type of project you worked on with them. Wear formal clothes, it can't hurt. GL !
Use a reference sheet like previously posted. Also I would skip the suit and go business casual, no nicer then a Blazer with nicely fitted jeans/cords. Whatever you do don't go in with a graphic tee and baggy jeans though, lol. Also make sure you ask the interviewer a few good questions yourself, it shows your interest in the job. And finally (and I cant stress this enough) if you don't get a call back within 2 days call them yourself and inquire politely if they are still considering you for the job and if they would like a second interview. Trust me on these I have never failed to get a job I applied for.