This project originates from my frustration with coming home in the evening and realizing that Day9 / TSL / NASL / Sheth is going on all at once. I would sometimes open up multiple tabs to keep track of everything which would usually end up with having to deal with ten separate streams of audio blaring at once.
My favorite way to unwind is with a cold one and a nice meal sitting back and passively watching / eating. It was way too much mouse movement involved. All I wanted was a way to control what I'm watching with one hand and do it as smoothly as possible.
That was about 4-5 weeks ago. Since then, I've been spending my free time putting this together for myself and as someone who watches Starcraft for the majority of his entertainment, I wanted to give back to the community.
Warp Prism 3.0
Home page:
New updates
- Live stream listing on the side (activated by pressing "V") lets you browse through all the live streams listed.
- Picture-in-picture is fully resizable! Move it around and make it fit into a place of your choosing.
- Warp Prism chat is in. Chat with everybody else on the current site hang out talking about gaming, streams, and whatever else.
- Smooth liquid layout. Video and chat is fully adjustable and the player should fit all screen sizes. Try resizing the browser window to see how it looks like!
- Direct access urls. You can now link / bookmark channels directly using urls. (ex: When you click through and if that stream is online, it will automatically start playing.
- Tutorial on cookies. Once you see the full tutorial, you'll never see it in that browser again unless you ask for it.
- Fixed non-closable ad bug on main screen
- Added in independent volume controls for main screen / pip
Your support has been phenomenal for me. It's what keeps me going to continually improve and bring you the best possible stream watching experience. Whenever you find a bug / see something that can be better, please let me know, through PM, email, in this thread, or live chat. That's what lets me know what to work on in the future.
Let's sit back, relax and watch some good SC2.
Warp Prism 2.1
Watching RRB and Idra's cat at the same time. This is what PiP was made for.
New updates
- Added Picture-in-Picture viewing. View two streams at once! The switch between main and PiP screen should be instantaneous. This should come in handy come MLG and multistream viewing. NOTE: The PiP is draggable! Drag it to a location on screen of your preference.
- Added support for additional games. You'll notice a very familiar sight across the top bar when you enter into the site. Let me know which new games you would want to see added.
- Allowed Tutorial to be disabled. Just press "H". Popping out chat will automatically close the chat panel to allow for maximum screensize.
- Prevented unnecessary clicks on the main video opening up a new popup.
- Fixed about a dozen miscellaneous bugs ranging from graphical display bugs to key mappings not triggering properly.
Warp Prism 2.0
Home page:
New updates
- Fast chat switching. "C" for enable / disable chat. Chat updates as you go between stream to stream, letting you drop into multiple conversations really quickly. Use this power for good! Not evil. If you're feeling generous, drop by SC2 casters with few viewers and chat with them.
- Redesign of the site layout. The site now adapts to your screensize, no matter if it is 600px wide or 3200 px. The player will resize to fit eliminating any scrollbars.
- Fullscreen keyboard controls. Use your arrow keys for changing streams / volume.
- Updated quality controls. "Q" for cycling through different quality settings.
- Printed keybind guide linked at top of page.
- Fixed phantom volume changing issue
- Fixed player losing focus / keyboard not working
- Fixed wrong attribution to caster
- Added ability to disable on screen tutorial. Press "H".
Things on the horizon
- Aggregate list of all streams organized on the side so you don't have to use A and D to cycle.
- Fast bookmarking / hotkeys / customization of streams you see on the bottom.
- Split screen / Multi-monitor support / parallel stream viewing.
- Integrated live chat with other users
- Features for up and coming casters. (If you are in this category, PM me!)
Warp Prism 1.0
A few quick things
- Streams are automatically compiled and updated every 5 minutes. No refresh necessary. If you're quick, you can actually see the streams in the taskbar rearrange.
- If you have your own stream and would like to get on the site, have "Starcraft / Protoss / Terran / Zerg" in your stream title or description. Warp Prism will automatically pick it up, checking every half hour. Or you can just directly PM me your JTV id.
- Full keyboard control: WASD for moving between streams + volume, F for fullscreen. One-handed viewing mates, that's where it's at.
- Quick transition between streams. Uses recent screencaps for fast naviation.
- A very familiar looking interface.
A few things on the horizon
- Addition of fast chat access with JTV.
- Fast Bookmarking (You guys are going to love this one. Pretty excited myself)
- Multi-monitor support / parallel stream viewing
- Features for up and coming casters. (If you are in this category, PM me!)
On the site, there's also a section for live chat with me. I'm usually up coding. Shoot me a message!
You can reach me at jakefrink05 - at -
Final notes
If you come across any features you might want / any bugs to fix, please post it here. I will be working to get any major bugs fixed in the first update coming within a few days.
All of this is only possible because of the fantastic community surrounding Starcraft and eSports and I wanted to do my part in moving it forward. When I realized 90% of the digital entertainment was SC2, it made me truly realize we are on the cusp of something big.
Here's to a bright future of eSports!