On May 21 2011 04:37 NihiloZero wrote:Show nested quote +First observer shouldn't float in the vicinity of any path were an enemy push might move through. Avoid paths, which are likely to be scanned. This is a horrible suggestion for a tip and could hardly be "confirmed." Show nested quote +Everything I could confirm, is now written in bold letters. The other things can easily be tested. You use observers to gain information -- like where your opponent's army is at, what direction it's moving, and what it contains. For this reason you want to send your Observers PRECISELY along the paths in which you think your opponent may be approaching. Sure... sometimes your Observers will get scanned and sniped -- that's the risk you have to take sometimes to get good information. Another reason you would want to send your Observers down the main path between the bases is because it's usually one of the shorter paths to your opponent's base and you generally want your scout to arrive sooner rather than later. I created this rule before the gas nerf of the obs. I actually lost at least one game because of it. It was a PvT on Lost Temple and the T was gambling on his first push. 3 Rax with stim against my new expansion. I was on 6 and my observer was nearby the choke and he scanned there, before his push arrived. I not only lost my observer instantly but he also knew that I went robo and therefore I couldn't have many warp gate units. His scan was in the perfect place in the perfect time.
It was a traumatic experience.
Nevertheless, I corrected this one.
Correction: The tip about archons 1-shotting workers at +2 is only true vs zerg. +3 is needed vs the 45-hp SCV, and probes are not biological.
#452. (z) When an enemy army moves out more than half the map, you nydus somewhere between his base and his army (slightly to the side, out of sight), allowing you to defend with your entire army, block his retreat with your entire army, get an easy flank, ambush reinforcements, or backstab, and he can't just kill the worm cuz it's not in his base and won't be easy to find.
#453. (p) Send a sentry along with your HT for storm drops - a few well-placed FFs will prevent the workers from running out of the psi storm. Also helps with zealot or archon drops/warpins. Always position an observer to spot a safe place to drop, losing an HT, a sentry, and a prism to a queen or spore is awful =[
On May 21 2011 06:37 Perscienter wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2011 04:37 NihiloZero wrote:First observer shouldn't float in the vicinity of any path were an enemy push might move through. Avoid paths, which are likely to be scanned. ...For this reason you want to send your Observers PRECISELY along the paths in which you think your opponent may be approaching...
I'd recommend sending your observer to the opponent's base 1/3 of a screen to the side of the attack path, but still parallel to the attack path. It will still spot the push coming and will be a lot less likely to die in the event of scans/detection. Also the enemy won't likely notice the visual blur that he can see without detection. Same thing with permanent positioning of observers at his front - leave them a little bit off to the side, where they will still see his units moving out but will be less likely to get spotted.
On May 19 2011 19:55 Acritter wrote: P. Liquid`Nazgul's Blink Stalker 4gate hard counters the Spanishiwa Build. There is nothing that the Zerg can do to beat you in that situation.
On May 19 2011 21:09 diegorivera wrote:This is something new for me, I found it in Kraelog's comment. "Very few people realise that you should group your spine crawlers in a hotkey group and let them attack together. 6 Spines oneshot a stalker and your 6 queens can transfuse for an almost infinite of time."
Interesting ideas. How many stalkers does it take to 1-shot a spine, thus negating transfuse? (Math tells me the number is 25). Is that many stalkers practical? How many spines are realistic at a time when protoss has 25+ stalkers (how many spines would need to be killed before there are less than 6, making 1-shotting impossible)?
On May 21 2011 00:52 Humbuuzio wrote: #449: An efficient way to transfer workers to 2 gas geysers and a mineral line: Select all workers and send them all to mine gas. Deselect 3 workers by shiftclicking the wireframes. Repeat with 2nd geyser. Send rest to a mineral patch.
Please don't use the word efficient in the same statement as saying you should pull all workers away from mining for 1-3 seconds. I think it would be MUCH more efficient to select a small chunk of workers (3 to 7) and then deselect until you have 3/6, then send just those to get gas, and if you selected 6, deselect 3 and send to the other gas.
On May 19 2011 11:55 Perscienter wrote: [b]Scv build commands are not distributed between command centers, planetary fortresses and orbital commands in the same control group. They count as different tabs.
This can be expanded to include Zerg "town centers" as well, kind of. Selecting Larvae will select all Larvae from hatches/lairs/hives, but researching/building upgrades/queens works the same as the above quote. Gotta tab through, otherwise all researches take place at just 1 (I think the default is the hatchery)
On May 21 2011 15:59 Wintertime wrote:Show nested quote +On May 21 2011 00:52 Humbuuzio wrote: #449: An efficient way to transfer workers to 2 gas geysers and a mineral line: Select all workers and send them all to mine gas. Deselect 3 workers by shiftclicking the wireframes. Repeat with 2nd geyser. Send rest to a mineral patch. Please don't use the word efficient in the same statement as saying you should pull all workers away from mining for 1-3 seconds.I think it would be MUCH more efficient to select a small chunk of workers (3 to 7) and then deselect until you have 3/6, then send just those to get gas, and if you selected 6, deselect 3 and send to the other gas. Show nested quote +On May 19 2011 11:55 Perscienter wrote: [b]Scv build commands are not distributed between command centers, planetary fortresses and orbital commands in the same control group. They count as different tabs. This can be expanded to include Zerg "town centers" as well, kind of. Selecting Larvae will select all Larvae from hatches/lairs/hives, but researching/building upgrades/queens works the same as the above quote. Gotta tab through, otherwise all researches take place at just 1 (I think the default is the hatchery)
read carefully. He's suggesting a way to transfer many workers to a new base, sending 3 to each geyser and the rest to minerals.
Not only that, but you should "Return Cargo" after sending the bunch to the first gas, that way, the ones that have minerals will return them, before moving to the new base.
ahahahaha just played a fun game
#454. (t) When using the 'nuke to force him to unsiege so you can get position' tactic, don't forget to hotkey your ghost, and memorize the 'cancel nuke' button before you move your entire army into the nuke zone
#455 Getting plus one attack upgrades vs toss is ALWAYS worth your money, and armor upgrades wont cancel out the attack completely due to shields.
Zergling Melee w/Base Damage |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. + Plus 1 Toss Armor - Stalkers 36 30 33 - Zealots 35 29 33 - Sentries 18 15 17
Ranged Units Hydralisk w/Base Damage |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. + Plus 1 Toss Armor - Stalkers 14 12 13 - Zealots 13 12 12 - Sentries 7 6 7
Roaches w/Base Damage |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. + Plus 1 Toss Armor - Stalkers 11 10 10 - Zealots 10 9 9 - Sentries 6 5 6
Marine w/Base Damage |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. |||| w/ Plus 1 atk. + Plus 1 Toss Armor - Stalkers 30 25 28 - Zealots 29 24 27 - Sentries 15 13 14
Moral of story, zerg and terran ups vs toss are SUPER EFFECTIVE!! (ex. thorzain)
1Z. Fungal Growth prevents "Activated abilities" (charge, blink, burrow, etc.) but not spells. [More]
2Z. To cast multiple Infested Terrans "instantly", shiftclick the command before the infestor is in range (it may of course be burrowed). Thesame goes for Ghost Snipe - although there it's adviced that you shiftclick while not having a move/attack command.
3Z. Broodlords get +attack from +air attack, Broodlings from +melee attack & Infested Terrans from +ranged attack.
4Z. Broodlords deal damage both upon impact and from Broodlings [Arn - see #10]
5Z. When you have Lair, you can generate creep with your Overlords so that your Creep Tumors can clone at max-range as soon as the cooldown is finished - thus doubling the speed of your creepspread.
6Z. If you have problems spending your money, inject more, build more & expand more (or make macro hatcheries). [Arn]
7Z. Move-command your zerglings past your enemy's forces, then a-move: This way you get a faster surround.
8Z. It takes two fungal growths to kill an observer, zergling, worker or marine (to name a few). (Oberver HP: 60, Fungal dmg: 36)
9Z. You can use both Infested Terrans and Fungal Growth up/down cliffs, making for some excellent harass potential (combined with #32, especially).
10Z. If you start your first infestors when your Pathogen Glands is at or above 30/80, they will spawn with 75 energy (which is faster than if you built them before 30/80).
11Z. Single burrowed Zerglings around the map at points of high traffic are great scouting tools.
12Z. "Baneling rape": When using ling/bling, wrap your lings around/behind your opponent, and insert the banelings from the front. [Arn & more elaborate description by Destiny]
13Z. Be cautious about attackmoving banelings - stray units may "waste" banelings and they might gain more efficient area of effect by "hugging" the opponent. To detonate, either start attackmoving or press e(X)plode. [Arn]
14Z. A burrowed zergling in Enemies' expansion will not only scout when he expands but also block his building and force a scan.
15Z. Zerg can add morphing eggs to a hotkey for easier reenforcement (... read more)
16Z. Individually rally every overlord you make ever (even via minimap) or they will end up in the front of your base as fodder.
17Z. [] Spine crawlers and spore colony's cannot make a solid wall.
18Z. [] You can spawn a changeling from an overseer on a Xel'naga tower to give version for the duration of the changeling.
19Z. [] You can burrow a baneling (with burrow & explode on building as autocast) near the edge an expansion which will instantly kill any expansion getting built there. [claim: It takes 3 banelings]
20Z. When chasing down enemy units with Mutalisks, move command PAST the enemy units, and tap hold position when you're in range. The Mutalisks will fire BEFORE they slow down. Immediately after they fire, quickly move past the enemy units again. Using this trick, your Mutalisks can fire on the move almost as efficiently as Phoenixes!
21Z. A burrowed roach with Tunneling Claws only takes 1.7 dps from Fungal Growth. [... more]
22Z. Burrow can be autocast - if it is turned off, the units will unburrow when within attacking range of approaching enemies. This can be used for "semi-smart" baneling mines. [vid] [image]
23Z. A single +2 attack baneling 1 shots drones at any armor level, and probes without both +2armor/+2shields. A single +3 attack baneling 1 shots all workers except for +3 armor SCVs. [Source conflict: See [78].
24Z. When using Neural Parasite, always shift-queue a move back command immediately after so that the infestor cant be targeted. Don't move back more than 14 range though.
25Z. Changelings aren't automatically attacked. Leaving 2 on opponents ramp with hold position will block it unless the changelings are manually targeted. If you're doing a drop, moving overlords on top of the changelings will make them hard to target and can buy you valuable seconds.
26Z. 1 fungal growth + 1 shot from an infested terran will kill a worker. They are great for worker harass.
27Z. If you bring one queen along with a drop/nydrus, she can lay down creep tumors on OL/Nydus creep, forcing detection to get rid of it.
28Z. A single Fungal Growth does not kill zerglings - since zerglings regenerate just enough health to survive. ["source"]
29Z. Zerg is the only race that can exceed the 200 supply limit. When maxed, build buildings (f.ex.) Evo Chambers, remax, then cancel the buildings to get your drones back. [original]
30Z. All Nydus worm entrances and exits lead to each other. No matter into which entrance or exit you load your units you can get them out from any other Nydus building.
31Z. If you want to reinforce a fight using Nydus worms you should rally your hatcheries to a nearby Nydus, rally the nearest exit to where you want your reinforcements, hotkey your Nydus and occasionally spam press "d" to unload. [original]
32Z. A Nydus exit cannot be canceled once it starts building and only one can be built at a time but they can be queued so that the next exit begins building as soon as the old one finishes. If you want to build two exits at once you need two entrances.
33Z. Fungal growth one-shots banelings
34Z. Since Zerglings move faster on creep, they can there kill a worker much more easely than offcreep. Keep this in mind when scouting a zerg. [Arn]
35Z. When a Nydus Network empties, it operates on a "first-in->first-out" principle. Place larger/more important units in your network first (Ultras, for example), or empty then manually. [... more]
36Z. If you have several drones selected, you can build different buildings, and a single drone will automatically go and build each single building. [original]
37Z. You can see the progress bar for spawn larvae on a selected hatchery at the bottom of the screen. Use this to keybind (a) hatcher(y|ies) to check your inject timing. [original]
38Z. Hotkey all your buildings that contain upgrades to the same hotkey as your queen(s). This allows you to easily tab through to start/watch upgrades without altering your queen behaviour.
39Z. Creep tumours can spawn additional creep tumours.
40Z. Creep can spread up and down cliffs - providing that a "seed" of creep is nearby and you have vision of the area. [original & clarification]
41Z. Contaminate is best used to prevent strategic/powerful units or upgrades (observers/colossi/siege tanks/combat shields/etc.) and is most annoying if used later in the production cycle, because the cancelling the unit is not as viable. [Arn]
42Z. Contaminate can be used on buildings that are under construction - but it does not prevent them from finishing construction. [original]
43Z. You can set rally points for morphing units (in cocoons - Banelings & Broodlords) too.
44Z. Overlords do not have a separate rally point. Keep this in mind when you set your hatcheries to rally to the front of an enemy base.
45Z. Burrowed Banelings at choke points are useful versus all races. (Aim for Sentries, Marines, Hydralisks for example.
46Z. While you scout, you can gas steal and prolong the lifetime of your Extractor by cancelling/restarting a few times before it finishes. It takes >1 zealot or >2 marines to damage a building extractor enough to kill it. [original + claim by Arn]
47Z. Queens have the same DPS as roaches, can hit Colossi with air attack (7 range), outrun slow overlords - also, you can use abundant energy to place Creep tumors. [condensed from this post]
48Z. If you have burrowed roach movement, you can use burrowed Roaches as "invisible" scouts.
1P. Storm does not instantly kill hallucinations ["source"]
2P. Psi-storm is able to hit cloaked units.
3P. [] For blink-stalkers, queue them to move->blink (up a cliff for example)->move to make a larger group transition smoothly. [vid]
4P. Archons with +2 attack will one-shot multiple workers at a time if the base is optimally saturated.
5P. [] If you "Mass recall" ground units in dead space, they will get recalled to the nearest ground surface.
6P. Interceptors benefit from +air attack and +air armour. [discussion]
7P. Vision can allow warp-ins to the high ground.
8P. If a protoss building is being warped in and loses pylon power, it will still finish warping in.
9P. A hallucinated archon (or an Immortal, in cases where Hardened Shields matters) can generally absorb the most damage per hallucination as it has the biggest total of HP and shield (350 + 10 = 360) and doesn't take bonus damage from any unit. [...more]
10P. A chronoboost increases production by 50% for 20 seconds. As a result 1 chronoboost takes 10 seconds off the buildtime. [...more]
11P. You can charge your Void Rays on your own units - or own hallucinations. A hallucinated unit survives long enough to fully power a Void Ray (without upgrades). [author]
12P. You can use Zealot "Charge" on your own units, for example to help your zealots catch up to the rest of your (fleeing?) army. [original]
13P. If a Carrier target-fires a unit/building, the interceptors will continue attacking the target even if the Carrier moves away. [original]
14P. Phoenix Graviton beam can lift eggs - preventing them from spawning until the beam ends. [original]
15P. Carrier interceptors can be set to auto-build much like SCVs can be set to auto repair. Simply right click the interceptor icon.
16P. A Warp Prism can be used as a "ladder", since it can load units from the lowground (while in Phase mode) even if it is on the edge of a highground. [replay][... more]
17P. You can physically "push" Archons while they are merging.
18P. If your Chrono Boosts are stacking up, upgrades are a good Chrono sink.
1T. Very-late-game, as a Terran you can make Orbitals (-> Mules) instead of SCV's, making your max army stronger than it else could have been, without harming your economy.
2T. Tank spread and tank hopping is very important. Don't ever unsiege all your tanks at the same time. Overlap their fire radius for maximum effect.
3T. If you want to spread your tanks into siege mode all at once: 1) Controlgroup all tanks, 2) move all tanks, 3) shiftclick-away one, 4) repeat 2-3 x times, 5) Select your tank control group, 6) Shift-command "Siege Mode".
4T. You can activate a Xel Naga Tower with a reaper on Xel Naga Caverns(or a map with a similar platform next to the tower) and than hop up the cliff without deactivating the tower,so it gives you control over the tower without having a unit on the low-ground holding it.
5T. A SCV on auto-repair inside a building/medivac can repair damaged units in the same structure - but can not repair the structure itself or units outside. [Later source & explanation]
6T. Banshees deal more DPS to Colossi than Vikings.
7T. Thors do significantly more DPS to ground units than air units - except if the air units are clumped up.
8T. Siege tanks do more single-target DPS when unsieged.
9T. Marines & Marauders can use Stimpack even while inside a bunker.
10T. Siege tanks can do higher damage by manual focus fire instead of AI, and can kill up to 8 clumped Banelings in one shot [also see #225, replay]
I went through the earlier tips to add tags to them, and made a RegExMatch extractor. Now, the (ZvX) tags are not included and some tips may be missed due to formatting, but the trend is clear: We need more Terran and Protoss tips
Since I will try to keep the formatting consistent: NN. (R) - Where NN is tip number #, and R the race, extracting data and making changes to formatting should be easy in the future too.
#456 a drone can mineral walk through the protoss wall off (zealot on hold position) w/o dieing.
#457 ZvZ; using contaminate on enemy hatcheries effectivly lets your gain a production cycle over the enemy.
#458 zerg hatcheries can be chronoboosted to make lavae pop sooner.
On May 23 2011 15:47 Turbogangsta wrote: #456 a drone can mineral walk through the protoss wall off (zealot on hold position) w/o dieing.
#457 ZvZ; using contaminate on enemy hatcheries effectivly lets your gain a production cycle over the enemy.
#458 zerg hatcheries can be chronoboosted to make lavae pop sooner. #456 has already been said.
#458 is not true. You cannot chronoboost zerg buildings.
On May 24 2011 14:47 Recty wrote:Show nested quote +On May 23 2011 15:47 Turbogangsta wrote: #456 a drone can mineral walk through the protoss wall off (zealot on hold position) w/o dieing.
#457 ZvZ; using contaminate on enemy hatcheries effectivly lets your gain a production cycle over the enemy.
#458 zerg hatcheries can be chronoboosted to make lavae pop sooner. #456 has already been said. #458 is not true. You cannot chronoboost zerg buildings. Also, your #10 tip for pure Protoss is not correct. "10P. A chronoboost increases production by 50% for 20 seconds. As a result 1 chronoboost takes 10 seconds off the buildtime. [...more]" This is purely determined by total build time of what is being chronoboosted. Something that takes 120 seconds to build, will be reduced to 60 seconds while chronoboosted. Just one chronoboost during a 120 second build takes 20 seconds off the total build time. It uses up 40 seconds worth of build time, but you take 20 seconds to do it, so you're only saving 20 seconds.
#458 IS true. It has been explained earlier in the thread.
And Tip #10 IS correct, as written. You can reword it and look at it from different angles, however, #10 is correct as written. Further, reading again what you have written about #458, you are actually completely wrong. A chronoboost, no matter what it is on, reduces production time by 10 seconds, over a full 20 second chronoboost cycle. So, if you chronoboost your 120 second build once, from your example, it will take 10 seconds off the build time, not 20.
Some more comments:
316 + Show Spoiler +(P) It takes 6 sentries to infinetely (considering energy regenaration) block a ramp. is a duplicate of 391 + Show Spoiler +(P) It takes ~5 sentries to constantly maintain one (1) forcefield. , except 316 is actually correct and 391 is wrong.
340 + Show Spoiler +(PvZ) A Zealot can beat 4-5 Zerglings if it is unable to be surrounded, but it only kills 2-3 when 6 zerglings get a surround. has already been commented on, but I want to emphasize how dumb/useless this statement is. With micro, or if the zealot fights 1 ling at a time, then it can kill way more than 4-5 zerglings. If the zerg micros/surrounds, you can easily take down a zealot with 4-5 lings and take 0 losses.
356 + Show Spoiler +Focusfire with ranged units is more effective when they dont have to move to attack, else attackmoving is usually more effective. doesn't make any sense, unless it's trying to say the same thing as 366 + Show Spoiler +When focus-firing with ranged units in large battles, select only a small group of your units to focus-fire, preferably within range of the units that you are focusfiring. This leads to more efficient DPS. . So either way it's useless.
370 + Show Spoiler +Morphing units (Broodlords, Banelings, Archons) are healed to full health at the end of the morph. is a little confusing/inaccurate. If you morph damaged templars, the archon is healed to full health at the beginning of the morph, not at the end of the morph.
397 + Show Spoiler +(P) When you are relying on Sentries for defense, you should be more aware of your ramp and get some map awareness by grabbing Xel'naga towers. doesn't make any sense. You should be aware of the map/ramp and grab xel naga towers regardless of if you're being defensive or even if you're using sentries or not.
404 + Show Spoiler +(ZvP) If a protoss goes for a forge fast expand, he can get that cannon wall up in less than 4 minutes on Shakuras Plateu, so theres no use doing a speedling runby. A Baneling bust instead, can only bust poor walls &/or players. is useless and subjective - first of all, you can get a full wall up in time to stop a 6 pool on not only Shakuras but other maps like Scrap, etc. So of course you can wall in in time to stop a speedling runby. That being said, not all players will do a full wall in on Shakuras, so if they don't, a speedling runby is potentially still viable, and it can be much later than 4 minute.
446 + Show Spoiler +(P) Micro: After a probe has been sent to build an assimilator, if it is shift-queued to the minerals it will be trapped inside the assimilator for a few seconds. Instead, manually command it to save some second(s) earlygame. needs to be looked at/tested again. I shift-queue building assimilator all the time, and I notice that sometimes the probe gets trapped inside and sometimes it doesn't. Might have to deal more with the angle you're constructing the assimilator or some other factor.
[B]On May 24 2011 15:40 Kaitlin wrote:
#458 IS true. It has been explained earlier in the thread.
And Tip #10 IS correct, as written. You can reword it and look at it from different angles, however, #10 is correct as written. Further, reading again what you have written about #458, you are actually completely wrong. A chronoboost, no matter what it is on, reduces production time by 10 seconds, over a full 20 second chronoboost cycle. So, if you chronoboost your 120 second build once, from your example, it will take 10 seconds off the build time, not 20.
I stand corrected on chronoboosting. I thought it read that it decreased production TIME by 50%, not production speed. Since it's just increasing speed, yes, the 10 second gain is indeed correct.
I'd like to know how #458 is true, I tried chronoboosting my zerg buildings when my protoss ally quit and was told that the ability cannot be used. And if it is explained earlier in this thread, then it doesnt need to be a repeat tip at 458.
I'd like to know how #458 is true, I tried chronoboosting my zerg buildings when my protoss ally quit and was told that the ability cannot be used. And if it is explained earlier in this thread, then it doesnt need to be a repeat tip at 458
If you neural parasite a probe and build a nexus, you can chronoboost your own zerg buildings, and it does speed up larva spawn.
448: Playing games like OSU or MissionRed will help in speeding up mouse movements as well as accuracy.