During my final presentation in my Interactive Digital Media class I learned that the founder of RIT's Starcraft team was in my class! (BTW: If you're reading this, send me a PM or comment here!) He did his project doing XML Parsing from TeamLiquid (much more interesting than mine that did XML Parsing from Internet Video Archives). I talked with him after class asking how to get involved with RIT's Starcraft team and signed up on their site. I'm looking forward to playing with them! It gives me a lot more incentive to put more time into playing the game rather than watching.
My Starcraft 2 Experience
Although I enjoy watching Zerg players the most, and root for them over every other race, I like playing Terran the most. Is that unusual? I started off with Zerg as my main all the way back in the Beta. Even during release, I really only played Zerg (and Terran in the campaign). I decided to give the other races a shot, so I randomed about a dozen games in a row. I found I liked playing Terran the most, and really liked going heavy mech. At first in all my matchups I just did a siege-expand -> turtle terran -> 160 push. I've further developed my builds and use different ones depending on the matchup now:
TvT: a slight variation on iEchoic's 2 port 2 fact. I found when I first was playing this style that I frequently lost to 1-basing 2+ rax infantry attacks after I dropped my blue flame hellions. Although I may have done some good economical damage, I would end up losing the game. So I decided to make at least 3, sometimes up to 4 marines, and build a bunker just as the dropship is building.
TvP: I absolutely love LzGamer's 1 rax-reactor 3 factory push! I've only played it versus 3 opponents, but have stomped them each time. For those unfamiliar, it's basically your standard OC opener with gas.
* @50gas Reactor on Rax
* Constantly pump SCVs mules and rines throughout
* @400 minerals build another in-base CC
* @200 gas, throw down two factories
* 2nd refinery
* @factory completion, tech lab on 1, reactor on the other.
* @100 gas, build 3rd factory and reactor on it when finishes
* @100% tech lab, research blue flame
* pump scvs, mules, rines, hellions and tanks non-stop
* push when you have your 3rd tank and constantly reinforce with hellions
TvZ: a mix of 3 builds. Siege-expo, reactor hellions, or 6 rax cheese.
I was placed into Gold. I'm still there, but know I can certainly move up in leagues. Looking back at some of my losses I notice some games where I could have easily won. I had MUBS (Monster Under Bed Syndrome) though and thought my opponent had more than he (or she) did. Many of my other losses are from randoming and failed cheeses. I have a very high winrate with just sticking with standard mech play.
Two Job Offers!
In my previous blog entry I described my job search experience for landing a position in IT doing a co-op (paid full-time internship for my major). I originally verbally accepted a job offer with my least favorite of the company's I interviewed with simply because it was the only job offer I received and the deadline for accepting the offer was so soon. My favorite company that I interviewed with originally told me the standard "a more qualified candidate was chosen" speel. However, earlier this morning I received a voice mail telling me the original candidate did not pan out and they wanted me on board! I called back immediately and was extended a job offer.
Starting this Monday I'll be working in Software Development Quality Assurance! Sweet! My first job related to software development, and first job doing quality assurance testing as well! The other job offer was just an IT Helpdesk job. This one has better pay, possibility to develop into a full-time position, better for my career goals, better people, and better environment.
Two job offers is one problem I am happy to have