It's less than 3 weeks until MLG Columbus and I want to form a practice group specifically for this tournament. I'm looking for players somewhere near my level (slightly lower rated to slightly higher rated preferred, but obviously much higher rated players will also be allowed).
My schedule allows me to play from 6pm to 10pm PST (with some breaks) Mo-Th and in the morning Saturday and Sunday as available.
My requests for players: 1) Players planning on playing in MLG Columbus or specific plans to play in other MLG events. 2) MLG maps, but I want to focus more on Testbug and Crossfire which I've played <20 games on each. 3) Access to NA server (although I have an EU account if someone just wants to play some practice games). 4) ~800-1200 masters 5) Preference given to non-zergs as ZvZ is by far my best MU at the moment.
-MoreFaSho.996 on NA and EU
Edit: My profile: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/671401/MoreFaSho
Hey good luck man, I'm going to Columbus as well, so it'll be nice to finally put a face to the voice in EG Vent
On May 17 2011 04:30 Zlasher wrote:Hey good luck man, I'm going to Columbus as well, so it'll be nice to finally put a face to the voice in EG Vent Thanks. I'm trying to get a little hardcore about practice these last few weeks. I finally got a mechanical keyboard (going to try to not practice on my laptop), but I don't have a good desk so I think I'm going to set up at my dining room table.
I'm a protoss player ranging around 800-900 masters.
pvz is my weakest matchup by far and it would be great if I could work on some things with you.
Laboof.504 US on NA server.
I'm on EST tho, so I probably will only be around for the first few hours you listed.