About a year ago, I started a thread here on TeamLiquid requesting a Starcraft-related bandname. I got several suggestions, ranging from Adrenal Glands to Offensive GG. We ultimately decided to go with 14 Nexus. Both me and singer of the band play Protoss, and it still sounds like really good name for a band!
So here we are, a year later, with our first song. The music itself is not related to Starcraft, but it could still be a treat to you guys!
Have you considered learning to play some of the Starcraft music? I don't know what sort of task it was being minimally involved with music myself, but it'd be neat both for those who know the music and for those who don't.
Sounds really good. I'm not really a big fan of the whole... Puddleofnickelcreed or whatever it's called rock genre personally, but this sounds like it's really well done.
reminds me of once I was at a friends house.. and I was bored so I went to see Tasteless' tshirt site.. and saw the tshirt of "Real men 4gate".. I laughed for like an hour and my friend was so confused.. but I must have that shirt someday.. genius. NEXgenius even.