I have a new biggest pet peeve and that pet peeve is people that use the word "sheeple." Sheeple is a combination of the word Sheep and people and it's used to describe "the majority" of people that are mindless drones that are obsessed with consumerism and who don't vote or get involved in politics which allows a wealthy few to control all the people in the country by manipulating the "sheeple."
I'm only partly annoyed by the arrogance of the word, as the person saying it usually thinks they are part of the enlightened few instead of part of the retarded masses. The part that really annoys me is that every single person I have ever seen use this word is a stupid, crazy douchebag. They usually get all of their information about the world off of the internet from websites that are not reputable and are created by nutjobs living out of their parent's basements.
For example, a couple days ago I was searching for youtube videos of MRE's just because I had never seen one and I was curious and I stumped across this youtube page of a mother obsessed with "emergency preparedness." Here's a quote from her profile description
That being said, I'm also doing my best to raise children to be leaders and not sheeple...not always so easy in this world of drones and sheep.
and the VERY next sentence
God and our Savior Jesus Christ are the support beam in our family, all glory is Theirs and Theirs alone
and closes with
I also feel that I must add my two cents on feminism here. I don't think that there is a more wonderful or worthwhile pursuit for women than motherhood and being the very best wives we can be to our husbands. I think that feminism is for the weak and that any woman who feels her place is in the work place and not at home should have her brain examined
Now today I open up worldstarhiphop.com which is a site that has some interesting videos from time to time and I see this video of a guy roid raging about Osama's death.
Last sentence of his 3 minute long rant, "Wake the fuck up... Sheeple!"
dot dot dot
Anyone else have experience with people that use the word sheeple and do you find these people to be as facepalm worthy as I do?
I find the word sheeple to be extremely irritating. But other than that, I don't really facepalm them. Just what they have to say sometimes. But that doesn't only apply to people who say sheeple.
I don't mind the term in general, but I kinda agree in the sense that it's generally used by people in a horribly, horribly condescending "I'm so much better than you and the rest of the world just doesn't understand" kind of way.
At this time at night, I am finding this video to be hilarious (don't do steroids, kids), as well as the word sheeple. I think that word is awesome, and am now going to use it for some cheap laughs with my friends.
EDIT: Anyone who uses sheeple seriously is a clown
I believe Sheeple is a portmanteau of the words "sheep" and "people." I think it is very clever because sheep blindly follow, but people sometimes do as well!
On May 08 2011 17:20 Gummy wrote: I believe Sheeple is a portmanteau of the words "sheep" and "people." I think it is very clever because sheep blindly follow, but people sometimes do as well!
Thats correct dude lol still doesn't change the fact that its an annoying word.
It only really bothers me when it is used by someone pushing a conspiracy theory to belittle the skeptic. Its one of the reasons why you can't argue with people who believe that stuff, no matter how reasonable an argument you make they can always claim you are one of the "sheeple" and do not possess the ability to see through the lies they learned from watching the esoteric agenda.
I think it is one of the reasons conspiracy theories are so popular. The believer ends up feeling like they are special, or like the OP says "enlightened". They will let go of reason because they feel validated by feeling like a part of this enlightened elite.
But they really are being sheeple themselves in a way, Idk sorry that kind of became a small rant; I once believed that 9/11 was an inside job (lol). Not anymore though. TLDR: don't argue with 9/11 truthers (or any conspiracy theroists for that matter) its not worth your time and they will call you sheeple.
personally im not a fan of the word "cockreeple", which combines the words "cockerel" and "steeple", which EVERYONE knows is actually called a cockaroosterroo
Personally, I find the portmanteau itself to be quite pleasant. I take issue with the kind of person who uses it not because they use the word "sheeple" but for the fact that they would describe people as behaving like "sheep" to begin with.
It's a silly, overused metaphor/analogy/simile and often one that is misapplied.
Believing in God and/or Jesus in no way makes someone part of the retarded masses as you seem to be implying. Christians have plenty of retarded people amongst their number, sure, just like every large group of people does, but you should think about the massive number of people you are insulting when you imply anyone that has God or Jesus as their support beam is just one of the retarded masses.
Her comment about feminism definitely makes her sound pretty retarded though, so she not a good example.
On May 13 2011 04:13 Tin_Foil wrote: Believing in God and/or Jesus in no way makes someone part of the retarded masses as you seem to be implying. Christians have plenty of retarded people amongst their number, sure, just like every large group of people does, but you should think about the massive number of people you are insulting when you imply anyone that has God or Jesus as their support beam is just one of the retarded masses.
Her comment about feminism definitely makes her sound pretty retarded though, so she not a good example.
Does not imply that at all, simply makes the point that calling other people "sheep" while being Christian is ironic.
Follow me here: The New Testament frequently refers to Jesus as a shepherd and his followers as his flock [of sheep]. This even surfaces a few times in the Old Testament describing the relationship between the Israelites and God. I've been going to church my whole life and can't count the number of times I have heard this metaphor repeated. So to constantly refer to yourself as a member of the flock and then call other people "sheeple" is actually quite hilarious. That lady proves that she is a retard all on her own (which you pointed out lol)
Yes, I've had this exact argument before. I understand the irony, but in truth the meaning behind the Bible's sheep and calling people "sheeple" is quite different(not enough that she or I should be throwing "sheeple" around as it's mean and judgmental anyway.). I am not, however, defending this woman, so if you weren't implying what I though you were, then nevermind, I have no quarll.