so, I know some of you are cutting / dieting for the summer. I'm one of them, doing a leangains protocol. Just wanted to update my progress because I'm super excited about it. For the first time in my life, I have abs! wow, wtf. It's been my one goal since i started and now they are clear from some angles, and I still have til the end of may to finish my cut. The before pictures are from the 15th of march. The progress ones are from today, 18th of april. I'm only about 1-2kg lighter actually, but I've gained strength.
March pics: + Show Spoiler + Front Side: + Show Spoiler + Side
April pics: Front: + Show Spoiler + Front Side: + Show Spoiler + Side
edit: fuck, these spoilered pics don't load so I'll just paste the URL as a link
On April 18 2011 14:57 JT wrote: I have a question in regards to weight training in combination with sports.
I'm 28, 6'1, 187lbs or so. I've been an on and off lifter since I was about 20, but for the most part wasn't all that consistent and wasn't following very good or organized programs.
I've also always played a lot of sports. I did starting strength for 2 months about a year ago and made good progress, but in the last year I've been on and off with weight training. I'm in pretty good shape, probably 12-13% bodyfat and fairly fit and athletic. But I'd like to get into fantastic shape this summer.
If I just wanted to get strong and go for aesthetics as well, I know starting strength would be the way to go. The problem is that I looove to play sports and I want to do a lot of activities this summer that will expend energy.
I do BJJ once or twice a week, play tons of basketball, play in a hardball league, I'm gonna do some mountain biking, etc etc. I also work as a server in a restaurant so I'm walking all day.
I have a feeling that doing starting strength in combination would easily lead to overtraining, so I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations on what kind of strength training program to follow? Pavel Tsatsouline's "PTTP"? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
Weight training in combination with sports is prolly my favourite way to shed body fat since it requires no effort at all. You just play, lift and have fun.
I'd go on some fullbody program with 2-3 lifting days/week - starting strength might be a good call.
Edit: @Sinep - nice progress but I'm sure you could just get away with continious bulking during the summer.
39489 Posts
On April 18 2011 17:22 Sinep wrote:so, I know some of you are cutting / dieting for the summer. I'm one of them, doing a leangains protocol. Just wanted to update my progress because I'm super excited about it. For the first time in my life, I have abs! wow, wtf. It's been my one goal since i started and now they are clear from some angles, and I still have til the end of may to finish my cut. The before pictures are from the 15th of march. The progress ones are from today, 18th of april. I'm only about 1-2kg lighter actually, but I've gained strength. March pics: + Show Spoiler + FrontSide: + Show Spoiler + SideApril pics: Front: + Show Spoiler + FrontSide: + Show Spoiler + Sideedit: fuck, these spoilered pics don't load so I'll just paste the URL as a link
I like the Zoolander pose in the last pic
Joking aside, nice workkkk
39489 Posts
On April 18 2011 17:35 sJarl wrote: Edit: @Sinep - nice progress but I'm sure you could just get away with continious bulking during the summer.
I plan to just bulk until I plateau on all my lifts...
Well, after I plateu I'll probably still continue bulking.
I was cutting continuously last year and it was not very fun
39489 Posts
Thinking of this routine this week
Sunday: rest Monday: rest Tuesday: Bench 3x5, Chinups 3x5, Pullups 3x4, Head Pulls 3x5 Wednesday: rest Thursday: M.Press 3x5, Push Press 3x3 Friday: rest Saturday: Squat 3x5, M.Press 3x5, DL 1x5
Unsure where to fit in Power Clean atm. I feel like putting it into a weekday is a high risk for fatigue (I lift at lunch) and dying during work, but weekend obviously isn't possible either with an already full load. It probably has to go somewhere on tues or wednesday.
On April 18 2011 17:35 sJarl wrote: Edit: @Sinep - nice progress but I'm sure you could just get away with continious bulking during the summer.
I've constantly being bulking (lightly) on workout days, but my #1 goal is to get lean, and then stay lean. Once I hit the bodyfat level I'm happy with I will switch over to a bit heavier bulking, but I never want to be out of ab range again once I'm comfortably there.
nice work sinep, keep it up! leangains (or rather intermittent fasting!) is awesome
what did I do today? oh just 5x155kg deadlift. BOOYAH!
almost couldnt get into my jeans after the workout rofl. squatting and deadlifting ftw!
On April 18 2011 19:10 Sinep wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2011 17:35 sJarl wrote: Edit: @Sinep - nice progress but I'm sure you could just get away with continious bulking during the summer. I've constantly being bulking (lightly) on workout days, but my #1 goal is to get lean, and then stay lean. Once I hit the bodyfat level I'm happy with I will switch over to a bit heavier bulking, but I never want to be out of ab range again once I'm comfortably there.
My 2cents are that you are quite lean as it is now, and while you've added some mass (shows on rounder shoulders, bigger traps etc...) you could do more
@Zafrumi: lolwhat? isn't that like a huuuuuuuuuuge pr?
yeah well i've been adding 2.5kg each workout, so each successful session is new pr hehe
On April 18 2011 20:24 sJarl wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2011 19:10 Sinep wrote:On April 18 2011 17:35 sJarl wrote: Edit: @Sinep - nice progress but I'm sure you could just get away with continious bulking during the summer. I've constantly being bulking (lightly) on workout days, but my #1 goal is to get lean, and then stay lean. Once I hit the bodyfat level I'm happy with I will switch over to a bit heavier bulking, but I never want to be out of ab range again once I'm comfortably there. My 2cents are that you are quite lean as it is now, and while you've added some mass (shows on rounder shoulders, bigger traps etc...) you could do more @Zafrumi: lolwhat? isn't that like a huuuuuuuuuuge pr?
yeah, I am fairly lean, but I want to have the most defined abs as I can for the summer (probably going on vacation to turkey) and I'm hoping to do an exchange next year in Australia (beaches, /drool) so I want to go easy on the fatboy bulking I'm still making really good linear gains on weighted chins/dips during this diet period, yesterday I did +21.25kg 5x5 chins and 23.75kg 5x5 dips so the mass adding has by no means stopped
I went to train and was still somewhat hungover from a long saturday night. Ended up putting the wrong amount of weight on my squat and did a 87.5kg squat which is 20 kilo's over my current. Fuck that shit was HEAVY! Lol last time I'm doing that!
From an article about the game we lost on saturday in playoffs:
“They had two of the biggest centers I have ever seen,” said Salisbury coach Bill Creese. “Our two centers were probably giving up 100 pounds to each of them.” (me being one of the "centers") Small consolation but i'll take it ^^
@sjarl way to nail 2x 197.5! Be sure you keep that back flat...not worth throwing out your back to get the last rep/set.
@dimsum... videos! Where are you reading about technique and what not? And yeah i think i need to work on dropping under the bar faster
On April 18 2011 07:52 Sneakyz wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2011 07:25 eshlow wrote:On April 18 2011 07:17 Sneakyz wrote:On April 18 2011 06:49 eshlow wrote:On April 18 2011 06:27 Kickstart wrote:K dumb question incoming. I went to dicks sporting goods store up the road to look for chalk and check out weighlifting shoes. they didnt seem to have any shoes and there was no chalk, i found a rosin bag in the baseball section with the bats and picked it up. Rosin the same as chalk or should I find the right shit somewhere? many more dumb questions to come im sure~ Uhhh, it will probably work but it might make the bar pretty sticky. It will increase friction though which is what you want. Chalk is to cut down the sweat which decreases friction and makes it easier to lose grip Some cheap garden gloves work pretty decent. Try to avoid the gloves.... it can actually make your grip a bit weaker because it adds another centimeter or so to the diameter of the bar If you say so, that's only what i've heard, haven't tried it myself. Wouldn't add more than like 2mm at most to the diameter though, so i assume we mean different kind of gloves. I just use straps when i lift heavy .
Meh i wouldn't recommend gloves in general. Grip slips, weaker grip, etc. I've never used gloves/straps and never had a problem with it. Mixed grip/hook grip + chalk = win. I guess if i started snatching 5x a week or twice a day i might but with hook grip and chalk i only get calluses in like 3 spots on my hand and they're not bad at all and my hands are usually pretty fresh. then again i havent been deadlifting heavy in a while so ^_^
On April 18 2011 16:47 GoTuNk! wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2011 12:53 Catch wrote:On April 18 2011 12:11 GoTuNk! wrote:
Agree on cardio being overrated. HIIT is very effective on the other hand, but if you are able to do both HIIT and weights, u are either not lifting enough, getting overtrained pretty soon, or taking steroids :p. I mean HIIT slows ur recovery time even more than regular cardio and there is no way u can add it into any sensible strength training program. I kinda disagree with this. If your talking about a four day split, in which one is either a HIIT/Sprint day OR you add a fourth conditioning day to a three day split, I think a sensible program could possibly compensate for this by having an medium/light day the workout following the HIIT day. Just because you can't go heavy all the time doesn't mean you can't still train adequately . When you add multiple HIIT sessions is when this becomes a problem as well. Just my .02... I don't even have much experience in this realm personally, so feel free to let me know if I'm wrong. Meh that's kinda true, I agree. Some professional sprinters peform something like deadlifts, 2-3 sets of 2-3 reps with 5 min breaks 3 times a week; basically training for strength gains w/o adding mass and w/o building lactic acid. They even lift up to the knee and drop the weight at knee height to produce less stress on the body. Later they proceed to their regular training (aka sprinting). However if u are doing any kind of decent volume (aka enough to add muscle mass, like, 5x5 squats on mondays/thursdays) adding HIIT somewhere will most likely result in a harmstring pull. If u wanna mix em its just better to cycle 12 weeks of weights and then 4 weeks of HIIT or smth.
Depends...i definitely wouldnt start off doing HIIT + SS or anything, but i was lifting very heavy (with pretty high volume too, 5-6 sets of anywhere from 30-50 reps total of squat or deadlift alternating) 3x a week followed by ~4-6 x 400m interval sprint/jogs with rugby 2-3x a week and managed to add like 60 pounds to my squat and deadlift while getting in the best shape of my life.
On April 18 2011 20:14 Zafrumi wrote: nice work sinep, keep it up! leangains (or rather intermittent fasting!) is awesome
what did I do today? oh just 5x155kg deadlift. BOOYAH!
almost couldnt get into my jeans after the workout rofl. squatting and deadlifting ftw!
Very nice ^_^ 155...getting some big weights up!
Decaf: I was hungover...
isnt week 7 of Coan/Phillipi supposed to be really hard? and you did it with a hangover? beastly!!
ehrm..yes, but the next week is even harder so I'll try to stay sober for it.
Well, I CAN do situps. But I'm suggested against it because it puts a lot of strain on upper neck.
On April 19 2011 00:16 sJarl wrote: ehrm..yes, but the next week is even harder so I'll try to stay sober for it.
I read that exhaustion or symptoms of overtraining catch up with a lot of people (read: weaklings!) on week 7
gl for next week! keep us posted
On April 19 2011 00:19 Froadac wrote: Well, I CAN do situps. But I'm suggested against it because it puts a lot of strain on upper neck.
situps are a waste of time anyway. do compound lifts if you can. but as has been said, check with your physician first
On April 18 2011 14:57 JT wrote: I have a question in regards to weight training in combination with sports.
I'm 28, 6'1, 187lbs or so. I've been an on and off lifter since I was about 20, but for the most part wasn't all that consistent and wasn't following very good or organized programs.
I've also always played a lot of sports. I did starting strength for 2 months about a year ago and made good progress, but in the last year I've been on and off with weight training. I'm in pretty good shape, probably 12-13% bodyfat and fairly fit and athletic. But I'd like to get into fantastic shape this summer.
If I just wanted to get strong and go for aesthetics as well, I know starting strength would be the way to go. The problem is that I looove to play sports and I want to do a lot of activities this summer that will expend energy.
I do BJJ once or twice a week, play tons of basketball, play in a hardball league, I'm gonna do some mountain biking, etc etc. I also work as a server in a restaurant so I'm walking all day.
I have a feeling that doing starting strength in combination would easily lead to overtraining, so I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations on what kind of strength training program to follow? Pavel Tsatsouline's "PTTP"? Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
If your strength levels have regressed I'd start back with SS 3x a week and reduce vollume to 2x a week once you start getting into much more activities.
On April 18 2011 15:02 Froadac wrote:So for those aware of my medical history I’ve had a lot of surgeries. All of which really hurt my ability to exercise, and really cut me up >.> I used to be fairly strong, was very athletic, but recently because my back has been bothering me a lot I haven’t. I went to a friend’s house, and their mom is a physical therapist. She said that I should do generally more activities to strengthen my back muscles to support my back. Depending on some of you health and fitness guys to give me some exercises to try. Probably relatively low stress stuff would eb good to start. I’ll probably see a PT in a couple months, but in the interim… Also, regarding a purely cosmetic standpoint, do you guys have any advice for softening scars. The one on my back isn’t particularly pretty, but at least it has lightened. Despite putting Cocoa butter on the one on my neck for over a year and a half, it still is fairly red. It actually fluctuates with stress levels >.> So, what specific core, arm, and leg exercises should I be doing. Also neck exercises, although that’s getting really specialized. Less than attractive pictures of myself follow. If you want to look to hopefully help me, or to gawk, go ahead. + Show Spoiler +Ugly scar on neck, that won’t fade. Scrawny leg, and ugly sock/shoe. My cut up back. My chest (It’s not that bent, just trying to bend so I can take the picture >.>) But specifically in terms of fitness, I just want baseline health. no superhuman lifting, just improving my posture, increasing core strength, and getting my arms and legs reasonably fit. People have said "do situps, do pushups." Just to make it clear, doctor said to NOT do situps, but that V sit kind of stuff was better. Also, some specifics, even if conservative would be nice, because I really have no idea AT ALL how much I should be doing. Even when I was more fit (like 13 or 14 lol) I just did sports and got fit, but I've fallen below that threshhold I'm really small, at 5'4" (Chill sized, lol) and 110 pounds.
What are your actual injuries that you're dealing with? What are all exercises that the doc has said not to do? What exercises have you tried that hurt or are ok? What are your currently level of abilities with exercises that are fine?
I just found out about the Stronglifts ladder of strength were you start out with 5x5, then after you have deloaded 2 times you do 3x5, and after another two deloads you do 1x5. What do you think of this? You think it can be done with SS too?