On April 18 2011 00:09 pinkranger15 wrote: maybe tomorrow, its already 11pm here and im quite sleepy. do you know any height exercise i can use? im really contented with my height
whats a height exercise?
Hey guys, I have recently been trying to get back into shape (I'm mid 20s, used to play a lot of rugby/rowing etc. but have been inactive for a few years now) and have been following this thread fairly avidly, about time i commit I think! However I am kinda stuck in deciding what I should do, this SS sounds like a pretty good place to begin but I have an issue that I want to fix before getting stronger/ripped. Most of my body is pretty fat free however, after years of drinking and not exercising, I have a rather extreme belly! Any of you more experienced people have any advice on whether I should stick to mainly doing cardio and strict eating restrictions (what i am doing currently) with a side order of strength work, or will SS etc be just as effective? Thanks all. Stay pumped!
ps: by extreme I mean it is fairly extensive..(i can hide it normally cause im fairly tall at 6,2 but i wanna be more naked! )
rowing is a very good exercise (I think I was burning 1200kcal/hr when I was doing it) so it's very effective
strength training is obviously very good as well, i don't know if it's as effective as rowing, but it'll jolt your metabolism, and I think you'll burn calories even hours after your workout (not sure about this)
losing belly fat is not that hard, just make sure you create a deficit between input and output over a period of time
On April 18 2011 00:14 Rampoon wrote:Hey guys, I have recently been trying to get back into shape (I'm mid 20s, used to play a lot of rugby/rowing etc. but have been inactive for a few years now) and have been following this thread fairly avidly, about time i commit I think! However I am kinda stuck in deciding what I should do, this SS sounds like a pretty good place to begin but I have an issue that I want to fix before getting stronger/ripped. Most of my body is pretty fat free however, after years of drinking and not exercising, I have a rather extreme belly! Any of you more experienced people have any advice on whether I should stick to mainly doing cardio and strict eating restrictions (what i am doing currently) with a side order of strength work, or will SS etc be just as effective? Thanks all. Stay pumped! ps: by extreme I mean it is fairly extensive..(i can hide it normally cause im fairly tall at 6,2 but i wanna be more naked!  )
Just add more muscles on your chest/shoulders and no-one will notice the gut :D
On a serious note, just do some heavy lifting, start rowing/rugby again and you'll be missing it shortly.
On April 17 2011 23:31 pinkranger15 wrote:hey guys. so i just recently enrolled in a gym and my instructor gave me this routine and i want to know what your opinion of this. is this routine as good as starting strength or anywhere near as good? + Show Spoiler +Day 1: LEGS AND CALVES Back Squat 3x15 Lunges 3x15 Leg Press 3x15 Leg Extension 3x15 Leg Curl 3x15 Standing Calf Raise 3x15
Day 2: CHEST AND TRICEPS Bench Press 3x15 Incline Press 3x15 Decline Press 3x15 Pec-Dec Flyers 3x15 Pullover 3x15 Tricep Extension 3x15 Tricep Kickback 3x15
Day 3: LATS- BACK AND BICEPS Lat-Pull Down 3x15 Lat-Pull Down Behind the Neck 3x15 T-Bar Rowing 3x15 Barbell Rowing 3x15 One-Arm Dumbbell Row 3x15 Deadlift 3x15 Barbell Curl 3x15
Day 4: SHOULDER Military Press 3x15 Behind the Neck Press 3x15 Side Lateral Raise 3x15 Dumbell Front Raise 3x15 Upright Row 3x15 Shurgs
Way too much volume for a beginner (which I'm assuming you are).
Can anyone say when a ton of volume like the above is good? Hypertrophy for advanced lifting is what I would assume, but I haven't looked into it yet.
And if you're asking about exercises to make you taller... pretty sure that's impossible :/
On April 17 2011 16:12 unknown.sam wrote: on friday we had one of those "health clinic" type things visit our company to check the overall health of the employees. they had this software that measured a person's biological age. they had this thing that reads electric pulses (i'm assuming) attached to the index finger and had the person inhale and exhale for a certain period of time.
as it turns out, i had the highest deficit (biological age was lower by 9 yrs compared to calendar age) in the company. i was pretty shocked myself since i hadn't worked out in like almost a month and my diet had become pretty crappy since.
i'm sure the software/machine that came up with the figures have inaccuracies and what not, but either way i'm going to credit my uber young biological age to the fact that i had been lifting weights for over a year.
hell yeah lifting weights is the shit! Some people just have naturally good values. My dad for example has ridiculously high values, his bloods ability to transport oxygen is that of an elite athlete and he's 60 years and have been smoking since he was 12 lol. He also had better values than two of his colleagues, both of them are like 25 and work as personal trainers. The world can be funny sometimes.
Friday was supposed to be a soft lifting day.
I load 110kg and do a set of 5 for DL
Then i load 120. Did one Rep.
Loaded 130kg did one Rep.
And to fuck shit up. I loaded 135kg. Did two reps. Felt awesome. I think i can hit 140-145 :o!! :D
hey guys I think I'm getting a little stronger so I need heavier weights. I only have 4x 2.5lbs and 4x 5lbs(lol). What do you suggest I should get to get? Weight and amount? Thanks.
Btw I'm 5'7 1/2 and 135 lbs so pls don't suggest something that I won't be able to lift soon like 2x 100lbs or something lol.
Thanks guys!
Hey all the new peoples:
If you're looking to find a good routine to start to either lose weight, get strong, or gain muscle then you should know I put all of that in the OP. We pretty much recommend Starting Strength as a routine for this because it will help in all those aspects. If you have no access to weights then the link I put in the front about bodyweight strength training will work as well in conjunction with some HIIT if it can be performed safely.
Also, in terms of losing fat diet is going to be about 80-85% of the equation, and I put information about that in the original post as well. Check it out.
Same with a lot of other good recommendations.
Basically, read the OP! And then post if you have questions.
On April 18 2011 01:52 funkie wrote: Friday was supposed to be a soft lifting day.
I load 110kg and do a set of 5 for DL
Then i load 120. Did one Rep.
Loaded 130kg did one Rep.
And to fuck shit up. I loaded 135kg. Did two reps. Felt awesome. I think i can hit 140-145 :o!! :D
good stuff funkie! I'm gonna go for 155kg deadlift tomorrow.
39489 Posts
On April 18 2011 01:52 funkie wrote: Friday was supposed to be a soft lifting day.
I load 110kg and do a set of 5 for DL
Then i load 120. Did one Rep.
Loaded 130kg did one Rep.
And to fuck shit up. I loaded 135kg. Did two reps. Felt awesome. I think i can hit 140-145 :o!! :D
nice! I did 4 reps of DL @ 135kg yesterday and couldn't hold on for the last rep  Definitely going to monster that next week though ^^
On April 17 2011 11:37 thedeadhaji wrote: Are "good" numbers for lifts something like 1.5xBW for squat, 2xBW for DL, 1xBW for B.Press?
Yes, that's like definitely lifts weights for a competitive sport. (unless you're like <180lbs in which case it means a bit less)
On April 18 2011 02:48 eshlow wrote: Hey all the new peoples:
If you're looking to find a good routine to start to either lose weight, get strong, or gain muscle then you should know I put all of that in the OP. We pretty much recommend Starting Strength as a routine for this because it will help in all those aspects. If you have no access to weights then the link I put in the front about bodyweight strength training will work as well in conjunction with some HIIT if it can be performed safely.
Also, in terms of losing fat diet is going to be about 80-85% of the equation, and I put information about that in the original post as well. Check it out.
Same with a lot of other good recommendations.
Basically, read the OP! And then post if you have questions.
eshlow, can you make a heading with this so everyone sees it every page Kind of like the header in the vegan thread lolol
K dumb question incoming. I went to dicks sporting goods store up the road to look for chalk and check out weighlifting shoes. they didnt seem to have any shoes and there was no chalk, i found a rosin bag in the baseball section with the bats and picked it up. Rosin the same as chalk or should I find the right shit somewhere? 
many more dumb questions to come im sure~
On April 18 2011 06:27 Kickstart wrote:K dumb question incoming. I went to dicks sporting goods store up the road to look for chalk and check out weighlifting shoes. they didnt seem to have any shoes and there was no chalk, i found a rosin bag in the baseball section with the bats and picked it up. Rosin the same as chalk or should I find the right shit somewhere?  many more dumb questions to come im sure~
Uhhh, it will probably work but it might make the bar pretty sticky. It will increase friction though which is what you want.
Chalk is to cut down the sweat which decreases friction and makes it easier to lose grip
Ah k thanks eshlow, I will try and look around for chalk then and if I cant find any just order some online. Just got done doing deadlifts for the first time. Harder than I expected TT, my body reacted the same way as it does to a fairly decent session of HIIT lol.
yeah a good deadlifting session will do that to you. just ask sjarl
On April 18 2011 06:49 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On April 18 2011 06:27 Kickstart wrote:K dumb question incoming. I went to dicks sporting goods store up the road to look for chalk and check out weighlifting shoes. they didnt seem to have any shoes and there was no chalk, i found a rosin bag in the baseball section with the bats and picked it up. Rosin the same as chalk or should I find the right shit somewhere?  many more dumb questions to come im sure~ Uhhh, it will probably work but it might make the bar pretty sticky. It will increase friction though which is what you want. Chalk is to cut down the sweat which decreases friction and makes it easier to lose grip Some cheap garden gloves work pretty decent.