So i started working on a new project..
And when i say project i mean stuff that i create in my room and are not completely random.. I use the term project because it makes me feel important.. kk? K? xD
Btw i am not sure if this deserves a thread..(i think yes)
But if you agree with me , tell me and i will create one !(so that more people can stumble across it)
So i said to myself.. chris.. This Sh&*@ better be better get a lot of awesome comments.. your friends better not laugh ( well they always laugh but who caress ^^ )
What i want to create is a video that will probably be able to be used for any game but mainly for SC2.
The video would introduce 2 players (country , id , scenes of their gameplay).. But all these in a very spectacular way.. and then the camera would stop in some kind of Panel that would Transform (and when i say transform i actually mean like a Transformer << btw i am glad they replaced MEgan Fox>>) and would show the player's pictures achievements & stats and other stuff)
These are all things i have in my mind and still not created.. BUt i had to start from somewhere.. and decided to start from the ID-Country thingie .
But then OMFGBBQ this actually looks like a very good start.. AND THEN!!! Hmmmm i think some people can actually use these , and then give me smiley faces for helping them out ! Because that is all i want guys.. Smiley faces.. i am an easy man to pleaseee OHH Shiny RED BALL
So what i wanted to show you guys is just a frame of my so called project , but something that i believe streamers can actually use..
You see about 2 weeks ago i created some Gamer Tag animations(gsl maybe?) That according to people looked really great! But streamers could not really use them because they were a bit too complicated..
PLEASE TELL me what you like and what no! k ? Streamers and other video makes can use these as layers on top of what they stream to present the players and keeping the Score VISIBLE!
BTW IF YOU DOUBLE CLICK on them they will come out in super high def & you can see details!
These are also very easy to change FROM COLOR & SIZE to changing or even removing names!!(so that you can write the name by yourself)