Of the three losers above, which one do you classify yourself as? Or are you a bewildered denialist martyr:
"I have no fucking clue what you did, but I'm fairly sure my my dead grandmother could beat my noob ass with that OP bullshit."
I personally find myself to be a denialist. I'm always very quick to blame myself when I lose, because I always feel like I can improve and because I hate admitting someone else was better than me.
Poll: What type of loser are you?
Denialist (61)
I never lose -_- (24)
Martyr (10)
Bewildered (8)
Bewildered Denialist Martyr (7)
110 total votes
Your vote: What type of loser are you?
(Vote): Bewildered (Vote): Martyr (Vote): Denialist (Vote): Bewildered Denialist Martyr (Vote): I never lose -_-
Denialist. I realize I never lose to balance issues but because of my own mistakes. I then proceed to downplay my opponent's skill and argue that anyone could have beaten me since I was clearly having a bad day/messed up my BO/got a phone call in the middle of the fight/the doorbell rang/I fell asleep or something else.
Also, I never lose. This will actually come true once patch 1.3 hits .
On March 09 2011 03:00 MetalMarine wrote: None, Winning like Charlie Sheen
I never felt like being a bad loser in video games, there is always imbalance and there is always someone better than you and you cant really see the whole picture (why you lost). So when I lose I don't rage I just blame myself for the loss and I look for my mistakes so I dont make them again. My mantra is "be better". Being in denial is just for the weak.
I have a tendency to go Martyr (apeshit) when I lose in a spectacular fashion and call my opponent a cheater among other things. Which is either true, or they have game sense and other skills way above me, which in case they fucking deserve the trash talk for having the nerve to play against me instead of their level.
Obviously when I win, or lose clearly due to a fault of mine or lose a close match, I manage to keep my cool.
BUT two types of people I can't stand at all are bad allies and blatant hackers.
I met a blatant hacker on bnet europe who spammed cannons against my 3 hatch hydra despite not scouting it. Later I made another account, loaded Oblivion and completely and utterly destroyed him in PvT and with my worst race and second worst matchup, TvT. That felt soooo good.
And the most loathsome guy I have ever seen, was some japanese idiot in a 2v2 fastest who was BOTH an utter shit ally and a maphacker, and still managed to lose the fucking game due to sheer stupidity. TZvPZ, I was T, got double worker rushed, needed to move to my ally to rebuild, he didn't fucking attack any of them with lings, instead teched to mutas off 1 (!) hatchery, then built a lot of hatcheries and waited till they got like a fuckton of archons and templars and mutas, and all the while ignored all of my screams to attack them!
Most used sentence by me if I lose: "My opponent played better than I did today". Don't really know where that puts me, probably the denialist, as it sort of implies that if I tried harder at practice etc. I could've beaten him.
Can I say none of them? I just think my opponent played better, or else I made some giant mistake that was my own fault. I guess denialist in some cases, but when you accidentally add your drones to your ling control group and use them to do a run-by, that's your fault, not some skillful play by your opponent.
In hindsight, I should have added a Charlie Sheen option xD.
Looks like the majority of losers are denialists. Kind of surprising actually considering how many people love to complain about balance on the Strategy forums. Although I guess Blogs has a much more mature userbase