I go 1-8-21 with arpen red/flat armor yellow/mr/lv blue/MS quint and smite/ghost obv. I start cloth + 5 pot and get boots1 + pots/wards on my first b. My "core" is wriggles, merc treads, phage, and guardian angel then I get other items to taste, finishing phage into mallet if i really need the hp or triforce if I don't then either way I usually get an infinity edge or bloodthirster next.
[Champion] Trundle - Page 2
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United States138 Posts
I go 1-8-21 with arpen red/flat armor yellow/mr/lv blue/MS quint and smite/ghost obv. I start cloth + 5 pot and get boots1 + pots/wards on my first b. My "core" is wriggles, merc treads, phage, and guardian angel then I get other items to taste, finishing phage into mallet if i really need the hp or triforce if I don't then either way I usually get an infinity edge or bloodthirster next. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
no attack speed items, mb boots and wriggles i guess if you get some wriggles procs on chomp i could see it happening but i still don't think it's like a guaranteed thing. he's got to get so low when he does it and ofc udyr is a different story, imba passive | ||
United States138 Posts
On January 29 2011 04:38 gtrsrs wrote: at 5 you're gonna have 3 in chomp, 1 in defiled ground, 1 in poop pillar no attack speed items, mb boots and wriggles i guess if you get some wriggles procs on chomp i could see it happening but i still don't think it's like a guaranteed thing. he's got to get so low when he does it and ofc udyr is a different story, imba passive I've played more games than I can count with Trundle and I've never died to dragon or had to back off of it for fear of dying once I have wriggles. | ||
United States802 Posts
On January 29 2011 03:45 Phil4994 wrote: Been following this as my jungle route for Trundle. Trundle is one of the best junglers in the game IMO, just needs to fill a certain role. What mastery/runes are being used in this vid??? | ||
United States91 Posts
On January 29 2011 04:51 Scorcher2k wrote: What mastery/runes are being used in this vid??? Runes 3 AD red + 6 Armor pen Armor Yellow Choice Blue AD Quints Masteries 1/14/15 Skill Order QWQEQ | ||
Sweden9 Posts
On January 29 2011 04:51 Scorcher2k wrote: What mastery/runes are being used in this vid??? Go to the youtube page stonewall008 always writes what setup hes using when he posts a vid. | ||
United States1356 Posts
On January 28 2011 23:38 EnrageD wrote: I would really like to know how to truly jungle effectively with trundle .108 I wouldn't necessarily say im having a hard time, however its not quite where i would like it. I seem to have the best results using arpen quints/reds, armor seals, mp5 blues and 1-16-13. AS worth it at all? or is it arpen all the way? AS falls off with trundle due to the ridiculously long animation of his Q. With enough AS it becomes preferable to use bite about half as much just to refresh the buff. So for that reason I save AS for necessary items like bloodrazor, black cleaver, or ghostblade depending on build. Marks should then stay arpen as the best choice. Quints can be arpen or move speed. Also try building his runes with mp5/lvl yellows and mres/lvl blues. You'll get a little lower in the jungle at the beginning but that will make up for it with more EHP late game. The first jungle changes hurt trundle obviously, but the most recent mres change didn't harm him at all. I still start big wolf, then go blue->wolves->wraiths->red->gank or small golems. For masteries I get perserverence level 1 utility for synergy with his passive. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On January 29 2011 05:05 ghen wrote: For masteries I get perserverence level 1 utility for synergy with his passive. Does perseverance work with his passive? I thought his passive was a healing effect, not regeneration, and that perseverance only works with regeneration? And even if the synergy does work, 4% of your passive is literally going to be like 1 HP per jungle creep. 15 extra HP on your first run through the jungle doesn't seem like it's worth 3 mastery points. | ||
Canada230 Posts
I've been using strictly good hands for utility on most champions, and i notice the difference, especially late game. I find it extremely unsafe if i start cloth+pots. I usually go for wriggles anyways, I'm going to start opening vamp scepter and seeing how that goes. | ||
Canada230 Posts
Just go give an idea my last 2 games i went 25-5-23. Runes: AD Reds / Armor Yellows / MP5 Blues. 2 Armor pen quints and 1 AD quint. The AD runes i find are ESSENTIAL for trundle jungling. The bonus you get for your Q makes taking down blue extremely fast, and you'll be outjungling pretty much everybody. The only time i've ever been ganked at red was by a shaco who set up there from the beginning of the game. Masteries: 1-16-13 (i find this the safest, not necessarily the fastest) other options are 1-8-21/21-0-9/9-0-21. Items/Route: Start off with cloth armor and 5 pots, get wriggles ASAP, (it makes it so you can roam for ages). Merc treads than phage. My jungle path is standard blue first, however i kill wolves and wraiths a second time before i gank (gets me to 5 and helps increase my HP a bit) Here's where some people may go Wuhhh? Usually after i get phage and wriggles, i can spend the bulk of my time roaming, trundles W is borderline spammable and gives you great mobility, his pillar is GREAT for scouting bushes, ive been using it more and more like a 5 second ward lately. So by the time i need to B after phage, i usually have enough for most, if not ALL of my guardian angel. I rush GA which makes them think twice about focusing me, and if your not focusing trundle, he is a fucking PAIN in teamfights. After my GA i usually finish mallet or get Last Whisper. If the came is going well (if im at 8+ KDA after GA) i usually skip mallet, get LW, and turn phage into a trinity force. Sheen i found is USELESS unless you get it last to finish a Trin. After figuring out how to play trundle and build him, I can safely say he is better than Warwick. With AD runes he's a faster jungler, not as safe, but still pretty damn safe, and i think his level 4-5 gank is key, with WW now, it's almost not ideal to gank untill your 6. Trundle is just a straight shit disturber, he can't be CC'd with merc in his W, his pillar is a key factor in getting free kills form running champions. His ulti gives him major survivability as well as damage, doesn't put a huge target on his back like WW's ulti, and people ALWAYS underestimate the troll. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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United States5635 Posts
You might not want to bother spending the extra IP but others might. [edit] why so ninja-ed? =( | ||
Khul Sadukar
Australia1735 Posts
Then again I havent played him as much. I know the pillar is far more useful in teamfights than anything WW can do. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On February 10 2011 01:44 Slayer91 wrote: trundle is a great chaser/sniper/tanky char but I dont thing he'll ever beastmode like a ww with some tank items visage and madreds. you can if you solo top, ghostblade/boots then all tank items and trundle goes nutz | ||
Canada230 Posts
On February 10 2011 01:44 Slayer91 wrote: trundle is a great chaser/sniper/tanky char but I dont thing he'll ever beastmode like a ww with some tank items visage and madreds. The problem with WW is he has no ability to escape other then hope somebody is low. When I play a fully built WW (i usually go brazer/visage/banshees/GA as my core) No matter how tanky I am, his ult puts a massive target on his back. And no matter how tanky you build him, with good enough CC, GA and Banshees and visage just aren't enough. you are going to die. Team fights mid are inevitable late game, and WW just does not do well in team fights unless he's last to engage. With trundle, all I need is a GA and I have the ability to do whatever i want in team fights, his contaminate and merc treads makes stunning him almost useless, his poop pillar is an amazing slow. And the lifesteal you get from wriggles/shit dying everywhere is enough to keep him topped. I just feel way more safe in teamfights with trundle than WW. I can initiate and not worry about getting stomped in 3 seconds, as it stands right now, the only situation i would take WW over trundle is in a 1v1/2v1 situation, or the all mighty Level 6 gank. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada5484 Posts
He can push like a boss as well, since he can easily escape most gank attempts and towerdive if they don't send someone strong to defend his pushes, while keeping himself full with lifesteal. | ||
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