![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/aIPBa.jpg) TRUNDLE: The Cursed Troll
Trundle is a strange champion. His skills were created in my mind to force you to use it in sub-optimal positions and create sub-optimal choices as far as itemization. I don't know if this was done on purpose or not, because he's a troll and was marketed as a response to all the trolling done on the official forums. If so, job well done!
Trundle is a melee attack damage based character with CC and inherent tankiness to his skillset. His strengths lie in mobility and regeneration. He can initiate mildly well in the fact that he will survive, but his initiation skills are very visible and not as "hard" as crystal arrow, roots, or taunts. His ult requires precise use or it will have a very mild impact on battle, and a close eye has to be kept on his contaminate cooldown to be able to get out of fights when needed.
Trundle is a jungler during early game, plain and simple. He's ok in a lane; but his ability to deal a large amount of damage to a single target plus his great ganking skills lead to him being a better jungler. If done well you can keep up in level with the solo lanes as well as stay near full health after the first pass due to his passive.
Trundle guides: NeoIllusions - Jungle Trundle :: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=175566#5
Trundle The Cursed Troll's Abilities Patch v1.0.0.106
Decompose (Innate): Whenever an enemy unit near Trundle dies, he heals for 2% (lvl 1) / 3% (lvl 5) / 4% (lvl 9) / 5% (lvl 12) / 6% (lvl 15) of their maximum health.
Notes: This passive is extremely powerful and will keep you in fights as well as let you rejoin fights all game long. Its very deceptive in it's healing capabilities like Evelynn's ultimate.
Rabid Bite (Active): Trundle bites his opponent instead of attacking for his next standard attack, dealing physical damage. This attack increases Trundle's attack damage for 8 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount.
- Cooldown: 4 seconds
- Cost: 40 Mana
Physical Damage: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+0.8/0.9/1.0/1.1/1.2 per Attack Damage) Bonus Attack Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Notes: This is obviously your bread and butter damage spell. It resets the attack counter when you use the spell and then modifies the next attack to do extra damage. This means it should be used immediately after an attack. His normal attack animation is very short and hard to cancel, so practice using this very early in the animation for a double hit. This skill also applies on-hit effects, so items that do extra damage with quick stacks help here.
Contaminate (Active): Trundle infects a target location with his curse for 8 seconds, gaining attack speed, movement speed, and crowd control reduction while on it.
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Cost: 60 Mana
Movement Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 Attack Speed: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 Crowd Control Reduction: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Notes: This is the skill that lets you dance around tower divers, take towers quickly, and completely own the battlefield in team fights. Use this all the time. It is really really good and worth getting CDR just for this one spell.
Pillar of Filth (Active): Trundle creates a plagued beacon at a target location, which becomes impassable terrain and slows all nearby enemy units.
Cooldown: 23 / 20 / 17 / 14 / 11 seconds Slow: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Notes: This is what turns Trundle into a modern internet troll. The Pile of Poop, Stack of S***, Pillar of Filth, whatever you want to call it. It creates a small instant wall that cannot be crossed by both enemy and friend. Around the wall is an area where a champion is slowed walking through. This effect obviously only happens to the enemy. You CAN wall yourself off if you place it wrong running through the jungle, so be careful! As this skill is a 2 part CC, it can be used as practice for anivia lovers without making your team rage as much at how bad you are with it compared to ice wall 
Agony (Active): Trundle immediately steals his target’s health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance. Over the next 6 seconds the amount of health, armor, and magic resistance stolen is doubled.
Cooldown: 80 / 70 / 60 seconds Health Stolen (Magic Damage): 100 / 175 / 250 (+0.6 per Ability Power) Armor & Magic Resist: 15% / 20% / 25%
Notes: Trundles ultimate is extremely difficult to use mid fight compared to other debuffs and is the root of the problem with trundle's overall design. Riot is trolling us plain and simple with this one spell: Flat HP steal means you want to cast it on their carry/assassin/mage to do a larger percentile based attack. But a percentage based armor/mres steal means you want to cast it on their purest tank. Usually the guy with the most HP. See the problem? One thing remains constant though. You want to cast this on the guy that needs to die that everyone is going to focus that isn't dying fast. Casting it on a fed Annie isn't going to be much value as she dies so quick anyway, but the brave pantheon with 20/20/20? Definite target.
Reds: Armor pen. -- No question here. Attack speed is trundles bane. The attack animation on his Q is so long that with too much aspeed it will actually slow down your dps. More on this later in the items section. Yellows: flat armor, mp5/lvl, dodge. All good choices. Personally I'm leaning towards dodge seals while getting nimbleness and ninja tabi as the main source of damage mitigation against physical carries and tanks. Currently though I'm running flat armor here for a good early game. Blues: mp5/lvl, mres/lvl, CDR/lvl all good choices. Depends on your seals too. Trundle doesn't use much mana late game so mp5/lvl blues is more than enough past level 9, compared to Olaf who needs a blue buff crutch until level 11 for max dps. Quints: APen quints are ideal. Definitely get these on your trundle if you can. Otherwise, move speed is a good second choice. He really gains nothing from an extra 100HP so HP quints are out.
Trundle is a mildly annoying champion to build masteries for, but I think 1/8/21 will end up being the build of choice. Mitigation is nice, but he needs it late game, not early, and the defensive tree just doesn't give that option to put more points in it. my personal 1/8/21 build: http://www.fieldsofjustice.com/mastery/#ZuPqlxaPZaywyanlly This could actually be adjusted a lot depending on how trundles passive interacts with Perseverance. I just don't know!
A completely seperate choice, would be some variation of a dodge build. Again, Trundle doesn't need early game mitigation, so this will look very strange. Try it out and adjust as needed! 1/12/17 :: SoS + Dodge http://www.fieldsofjustice.com/mastery/#ZuPqlyawyqZlywyanl
Item Overview
This section is going to be a bit different than most guides. I'm going to give lists of items that trundle COULD use one way or another and list the pros/cons for that one item. There will be no builds per say, it will be up to you to figure out what works! (and hopefully you post here for me to link to )
Cloth+5 vs. unconventional start
Trundle is one of those champions that could start longsword + 1 hp pot. If doing this though, you'll need to work on a different path (like wraith jacking). It might be feasible with more specialized jungle runes (like attack speed reds and quints / flat armor yellows) to do blue first. Test it out!
Otherwise, just go with the standard cloth armor + 5 hp pots. This builds into one of the two starting items for any jungler.
HoG vs. Madred's razor
Both of these are equally important. Health scales much better with trundles ultimate than armor/mres, so grabbing HP early is always nice. Razor though lets you RIP through the jungle faster than anyone else in the game.
Bloodrazor vs. wriggles lantern
Lantern is the obvious first choice on trundle, especially if you went razor first (which you should). Its cheap, gives lifesteal, and gives a free ward.
Bloodrazor is an ok choice for trundle mainly because his Q lets you double proc the % damage. Still, attack speed is not trundles friend so unlike warwick this item is no where near core.
high damage vs. aspeed
Like I said above, attack speed is not trundle's friend. There comes a point in gaining attack speed where the super slow animation from his rabid bite will cause you to lose damage output over time. Grabbing a little aspeed (like from runes or 1 item like bloodrazor) is ok, but definitely don't go anywhere near a second item. You want to do a huge amount of damage in your first two hits. (normal+Q) so stack attack damage if anything.
GB/B build
Ghostblade lets you kill towers. That's basically it. It doesn't synergize with your skills as much as other champions though so its fun but not optimal.
Bloodthirster / Black Cleaver / frozen mallet
Thirster is just a bit too much lifesteal over your wriggles and passive. You really won't need it. Better to focus on real mitigation with armor/mres than lifesteal.
Black cleaver is an excellent choice for trundle. It gives high damage, a tiny bit of aspeed, and a cool proc that works well with trundles ultimate against single targets.
Frozen mallet though is the best of the three. It gives a huge HP pool, a bit of damage, and a great slow to keep them in the fight. This should probably be your go-to item for damage.
Tank items
Once you get your damage set, which should really only be one or two items, you should definitely just start building tanky. You're going to be in the middle of everything pissing off everyone with your pillar so they will want to target you. Grab anything with bonus HP, so banshee's veil and randuins would be the first two choices with maybe a sunfire cape if they're heavy AD. By this point you should be chugging red pots as well.
Sheen / Trinity Force
The worst part about sheen and trinity force is the items used to build them. Trundle just doesn't need mana OR ap so you're only buying it for the proc. It becomes a very gimmicky item at that point and I really don't recommend it. It SEEMS great because it works so well on Nasus, but unfortunately trundle is just slightly different enough to make it not worthwhile. If you have a ton of extra money near the end of the game though and only have one spot left, go for trinity force. It's a very expensive item for end game use only with Trundle.
Ability descriptions from: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com
That pillar should be modified so when it pops and you get slowed (its a big ass slow...) a text apears on your screen and says => TROLLED!!!
XD i have face this trolololo several times and his slow is so damn powerfull can even slow a zilean with speed boost and ghost enugh so you can catch him...
I think his ult should be used to break beefy dps / tanks more easily. Unless the game has gone late enough where their carry is no longer very squishy, then they should die almost immediately when focused with or without trundle's ult. Using it on the "next" squishiest target will soften them up for a near immediate second kill
Definitely. If a beefy dps overextends to initiate, trundles ult can make killing them surprisingly easy.
United States37500 Posts
Jungle Trundle
QWQEQR, R > Q > W > E
1 8 21, Smite/Ghost
Cloth Armor + 5 hp pots Razor => Merc Treads => Phage (if you need the hp) -OR- Recurve (if you don't need the HP) => Bloodrazor => Mallet => Stark's I get a Vamp Scepter early (typically after Razor and Boots) if they have a strong counter-jungle. Otherwise, rely on your passive for jungle regen.
Team fights, you are the Anti-Carry. W in, auto attack once, Q immediately after. If their carry decides to retreat, throw down a E.
Trundle's ultimate, Agony, is so anti-Tank. However, in team fights, I still prefer to R the enemy tank and gun down on their Carry. Stealing all that Armor/MR will help when I dive. W will keep my MS up and help reduce CC in tandem with Merc Treads. Between R and Bloodrazor, Trundle is the bane of the current tanky meta.
I would say Lizard belongs on Trundle more than the carry, especially after the Lizard nerf to ranged champions. However, be wary that tanky mages (read: Gragas, Malphite, Mord, etc) can severely out DPS you. So kite the best you can with your array of slows (Red, Mallet, E). Get into the habit of auto attacking once, Q follow, then run away to bide some time for your Q's cooldown.
im playing Trundle now in jungle, a few questions/comments i have are, first: op, are your links to your masteries messed up? they dont seem to be that logical, no offense (it shows taking 4 into improve Ghost which isnt even possible, and other stuff similiar to that). im playing 20/0/10 btw, was gonna try Utility Tree for jungling and see how that goes...
Also, i have been going more or less, Wringler's -> Frozen mallet -> GhostBlade -> tanking items i deem fit... but when i watched HotshotGG Jungle as trundle he actually opened Dorans Blade and a pot and did it without me noticing any problems... what are your thoughts on this (maybe its safer, faster, but slower build in terms of gold?)? also he opened Triforce instead of Frozen Mallet... whats your opinion on if trundle is more of a DPS or assistant Tank.
thanks in advance
On December 14 2010 07:55 Asdkmoga wrote: (it shows taking 4 into improve Ghost which isnt even possible, and other stuff similiar to that).
thanks in advance
Nice! yep, that's screwed up. I don't go much into the offense tree unless I really have to (like with some akali builds to proc both passives level 1). The reasoning is it just doesn't provide enough offensive power to offset the mana/movespeed/cdr that you get in the utility tree.
Because trundle doesn't need much defense, even at level 1 in the jungle, he can easily go 1/8/21 for all that utility goodness plus SoS in the defensive tree.
I haven't yet looked at all the items available to see a quality build. Trundle has an immediate way to proc sheen though, just like nasus, so the proc is extremely powerful. Unlike nasus though, the mana and AP on the sheen largely go to waste so you're buying it just for the proc. I have a hard time dealing with this. Going full on trinity force is a great idea and almost imparitive to get more value out of your sheen investment at that point because all the other components are worthwhile.
with my cloth armor opening I've been building madreds razor for dragon control. After that I've been experimenting most with black cleaver for 2 instant stacks. Seems to work well, but I haven't compared it to everything else yet.
Wriggles is the best choice for upgrading razor I think. It gives you some needed lifesteal as a melee champ, and a free ward is mighty tasty. Bloodthirster is another good choice, but certainly only as your final damage dealing item as you don't get as much use out of it when everyone is under 2500HP.
Ghostblade is not impressive on trundle unless you are the tower taker. GB active + W tears through towers. In a fight it just isn't as helpful as black cleaver or bloodrazor.
After 2 offensive items and boots I build tanky. Sometimes starting with spirit visage for a nice easy item that goes very well with the passive.
All of this is still under thought. I still haven't found the best way to itemize him in most situations.
On December 14 2010 08:25 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2010 07:55 Asdkmoga wrote: (it shows taking 4 into improve Ghost which isnt even possible, and other stuff similiar to that).
thanks in advance I don't go much into the offense tree. The reasoning is it just doesn't provide enough offensive power to offset the mana/movespeed/cdr that you get in the utility tree. Because trundle doesn't need much defense, even at level 1 in the jungle, he can easily go 1/8/21 for all that utility goodness plus SoS in the defensive tree. --------- After 2 offensive items and boots I build tanky. Sometimes starting with spirit visage for a nice easy item that goes very well with the passive. over the past hour or so, ive been testing the Masteries between jungling, (and before post the Potions Needed to see what i can buy)
What ive found: TL;DR (its ok, i forgive you) + Show Spoiler +Offensive allows for an early Ward, and finishes sooner than utility does, while utility, doing the same route as my offensive can be slower anywhere from 5-15 seconds, and even caused me to use a pot so i couldnt buy a ward after my first Blue pill although i acknowledge utility may be better late game, and i havnt tried that yet Armor 5 Pots: Works well and fine and dandy, but kinda unneeded, not toooooo optimal, however, good if your not completely ruined or are new to jungling so you can get used to it
Armor 4 Pots: This one is the one i find best, my reasoning being that with my offensive masters i only need 3 potions to kill my jungle before i decide to blue pill, one being at Blue buff, then wolves, then Wraiths. I go back, with 1 remaining health potion, and buy the 415 Sword + 1 Ward (i have to wait a bit, ill only have 75-80 gold once i blue pill) and i kill Red and use Health Pot... finishing my jungling route as early as 4:38 and as late as 4:46 depending on my fucking up and miss clicks. from this, i have blue for a lil bit longer, red's fresh, i have maybe 700/900 life. i place my ward (Either Dragon if they have a Jungler, or where its needed like mid, or bot's bushes for helping to prevent ganks) and then proceed to gank
However, with Utility Masteries, this is my finding Early game ****Note**** Jungle only, ive never done it late game so i dont know if its better then offensive then ****End of Note**** WIth Utility, everything seems normal with my jungle, follow along as planned until i hit Wraiths, then i take more damage then i thought i would and normally do when im my 20/0/10 build, leaving Wraiths at about 300-350 life i go to Double Golem and this is where it turns down... Double golem is alot hard on 3 potion Utility than it is Offensive, one game to prevent dieing i had to use my 4th pot, and another i got as low as 40 life... Now, why is this important? WIthout that, i teleport back, buy Sword, then have to buy another potion and no ward D:... i really liked my ward... so maybe with some Perfect Micro, i can ensure that i survive golem without using my pot, since i have played games where i lived with ~60 life or so but thats when i noticed something else... instead of having about 75-80 gold when i tele'd back, i have 95-105 gold when i got back, as in that extra money was extra time i spent killing minions... instead of finishing red at 4:38 - 4:46 i finished jungle more around 4:50-5:00, which i guess isnt THAT much, but it can be as extreme as a 22 seconds difference in our jungling speeds, and sometimes even a ward, or more acceptable to ganks from other junglers, but that may be worth it to still go utility, since i did enjoy running faster through the jungle despite my slower time, and i imagine that extra mana regen would be might helpful late game with my Nidalee takes my blue and what not, i dont know, ill try to go Utility Actual game and see how it feels late game, but i imagine it might be better end, not early tho. also i feel like Utility-armor+5pot may be better overall, or in general, but Offensive may come down to being more important when they have an enemy jungle, especially early Dragoners like WW, shaco, or Nunu. ------------ just a quick few clarification on items that'd help me: you seem to be right about the whole Trinity Force needed to make Sheen useful, now that i think about it, if i go Trinity Force, will the passive ruin my whole idea of going Frozen Mallet, i feel like Frozen Mallet is quite needed for my Trundling and is the only item i am sure about buying atm, but if Trinity Force Nullifies that ima need items to replace it mid game, since i usually opened Ghost blade and sheen and you kinda shut me down lol, i start experimenting with your Black Cleaver instead, but BF Sword is expensive as hell </3
Have you been testing with bots in the lane to bring solo lane XP to the table? monsters level up based on the highest level in the game.
I'm really digging: Merc Treads Wriggles Frozen Mallet
as my core.
I've been experimenting with: Ghostblade (Like it alot, nasty with your Q+active, you hit down carries so fast) Starks Fervor (good) Trinity Force (too expensive, good late game) GA Randuins Thornmail Banshees FoN
I like FoN more than Banshee's for the little extra move speed. It really makes you a beast with contaminate. I'm currently liking this a lot: Wriggles Lantern Mercs Frozen Mallet Starks Fervor Randuins Omen Force of Nature
I like Wiggles and Mallet on him as well with treads, swiftness is another option as long as you go R->Q->W->E priority.
Have you thought about going Sheen into Starks or GB... Sheen is fairly cheap and it seems like it would add so much damage with how much you can spam Q.
He plays a lot like Nasus...I figure he should be built similarly. The only difference becomes that a Mallet becomes more useful for Trundle than Nasus because his Shit Pillar + Contaminate together are not as good a CC as Wither ---> Trundle still needs to catch up to his opponent before wrecking them or chasing.
Also is it me or does his Ult seems REALLY lackluster?
On December 15 2010 17:56 WaveofShadow wrote: He plays a lot like Nasus...I figure he should be built similarly. The only difference becomes that a Mallet becomes more useful for Trundle than Nasus because his Shit Pillar + Contaminate together are not as good a CC as Wither ---> Trundle still needs to catch up to his opponent before wrecking them or chasing.
Also is it me or does his Ult seems REALLY lackluster? it's good but not "ult" status
honestly I'd prefer if contaminate was a lot better and that was his ult, like it would give those stats to all allies on the field and sap the health/armor of enemies on it
that would probably be too good though lol. his ult definitely needs a minor buff.
trundle is good though, I've been doing well as him.
On December 15 2010 02:57 Drathmar wrote: Have you thought about going Sheen into Starks or GB... Sheen is fairly cheap and it seems like it would add so much damage with how much you can spam Q.
The problem with sheen is the two base items. Mana crystal and AP book. Trundle just doesn't need either of these items unlike nasus who will get some use out of both... So you're paying the entire cost of sheen for the passive which is a hard pill to swallow.
I want a huge aoe contaminate for ulti and send the current R to W with nerfs accordingly.
![[image loading]](http://gyazo.com/60ded0fcc43121a24e32dbe88df10975.png)
wrecked 4v5
it's hilarious when you 1v3 underneath both nexus turrets and get triple kills ez.
i REALLY like starks on trundle. it's gonna be part of my core now.
I would really like to know how to truly jungle effectively with trundle .108
I wouldn't necessarily say im having a hard time, however its not quite where i would like it.
I seem to have the best results using arpen quints/reds, armor seals, mp5 blues and 1-16-13.
AS worth it at all? or is it arpen all the way?
On January 28 2011 23:38 EnrageD wrote: I would really like to know how to truly jungle effectively with trundle .108
I wouldn't necessarily say im having a hard time, however its not quite where i would like it.
I seem to have the best results using arpen quints/reds, armor seals, mp5 blues and 1-16-13.
AS worth it at all? or is it arpen all the way?
Yeah, I'm wishing I got Udyr instead. Trundle just seems very lacking. I like the idea of him but I get obliterated in team fights if I don't put my ult on their tank immediately and I don't feel like my damage is anywhere close to an Olaf or Udyr.
Been following this as my jungle route for Trundle. Trundle is one of the best junglers in the game IMO, just needs to fill a certain role.