On January 24 2011 10:45 BLinD-RawR wrote: I will put my birthday curse on Bisu that he will not continue his murderous rampage.
Can two Bisu fans with a birthday today get together and wish he continues his murderous rampage, one to nullify BLinD-RawR's curse and the other to strengthen the power of the BeeSuit.
On January 24 2011 11:51 night terrors wrote: Biggest threat to Bisu on the Stars is Zero i think.
One victory over Stork and everybody is hailing Zero as a ZvP god.
Perhaps one should look back into his past vP records prior to deciding.
Totally man, but consider the rest of the team? One fallen and old dragon, Free is hardly as much of a threat as Zero, NeoG.Bonjwa still has to tweak his pvz, Really still haunts Artosis dreams as the next best player that never was. Who else? Crazy-Hydra? Gimme a break.
Does ZerO vs Bisu on heartbreak ridge ring a bell? And it's true Woongjin has been inexplicably slumping as of late, but if they're in form they capable of giving SKT a run for their money.
Voted for SKT in both polls. Will never vote for Bisu ahead of SKT.
BeSt needs to get out of his slump, and Fantasy needs to find some consistency, b/c the much vaunted depth of SKT is looking pathetic atm. FBB will always be the core of this team, and atm only Bisu is consistently playing at the level you'd expect.
With the opponent's line-up it's probably unlikely that BeSt will get an opportunity to regain some form, but here's hoping....