On November 23 2010 08:41 ZaneZaneZane wrote: Everyone here is probably going to say snow since snow means no school which means more starcraft
Never had a snow day in my life. Our city is too well prepared and too used to it. We get like 4 feet overnight and are expected in school at 8:30.
Must not get cold enough, at -40C school buses don't run because the propane liquefies lol
We have -40C days. Buses aren't stored outside overnight and I doubt they run on propane. That shouldn't matter. Our buses run all winter.
Hmm, I think most buses run on propane, I could be wrong though.
New Flyer, which makes all of our public transit buses, offers "drive systems fueled by diesel-electric and gasoline-electric hybrid power, compressed or liquid natural gas, electrical power (trolley), diesel, and ULSD." I think that the majority of ours, beside Xcelsior, run on diesel. I assume it's the same with school buses.
Regardless, based on experience, ours run all winter. Now back on topic.
My girlfriend is currently visiting her mother in Bremerton and she texted me a bunch of pictures.
I lost my phone USB cable though so I can't upload them at the moment. D: Hopefully Virginia doesn't get another epic bazillion inches of snow storm again.
i live in vancouver which is slightly north of seattle
started snowing here, i hate it. nothing worse then being outside and freezing, maybe i just don't wear enough clothing. i hate wearing more like 2 layers of clothing so that's probably why.
i can't stand weather that's worse then -5 degrees celcius, i'd probably move out of the city asap if the weather is worse then that. yay for vancouver, decent temperatures all year around.
summer is awesome, 15-30 degrees is the best temperature for me. i love warm but not overly hot or cold. i'd prefer extreme coldness to hotness, but i'd prefer mild warm to mild cold
On November 23 2010 10:30 Entropic wrote: Haha hello fellow Vancouver homies
Yes, this dry (read: not rain) coldness of winter is indeed refreshing. I'm tired of having 30+ days of rain straight.
I'm glad someone feels how I do about it.
You know in the winter when it's this cold, and it's not really raining, but kinda like.. Misting out? Not fog, but actual like, mist falling?
That is the only kind of rain/snow-like thing I like.
That stuff, is so cool, I like that! Canada was the weirdest weather though. At least it's not freaking raining anymore. You know those days, where it's just dark and it's raining like nuts? I hate those days, because they last forever. No sun for a long time. Also, it could be a really sunny day, and in like ten minutes the clouds sweep in and it starts raining, and your like "crap!".\
EDIT: Forgot school buses, very rarely there are snow days, only when the roads are actually really snowed in, and the school buses are cancelled, which they actually have a website for. They state which buses are cancelled or not. School is still open though, but most children don't attend because the buses are not in service.
Fuck snow. If there's one thing I hate, it's having to shovel the goddamn stuff. Public transit around here is also guaranteed to be at least a half hour late at the slightest hint of snow.
Normally I wouldn't mind rain, but in the winter? Screw that. Driving around on sheets of ice is not my idea of fun.
It's snowing here in Hamburg, Germany too, but it's that emo/suicidal/kamikaze-snow. It falls, and the instant it hits the ground it's just gone... who needs that?!
On November 24 2010 04:48 OreoBoi wrote: God, when it takes an hours of standing in minus 40 celsius weather waiting for the transit to come, you start to hate snow.
Yup. Also driving in general sucks since traffic moves significantly slower. I try to minimize going out as much as possible during winters. Unpleasant, sometimes dangerous and a waste of time overall. Bears had the right idea lol.
On November 24 2010 04:48 OreoBoi wrote: God, when it takes an hours of standing in minus 40 celsius weather waiting for the transit to come, you start to hate snow.
Yup. Also driving in general sucks since traffic moves significantly slower. I try to minimize going out as much as possible during winters. Unpleasant, sometimes dangerous and a waste of time overall. Bears had the right idea lol.
That said, snow is pretty.
Wow, I have the same opinion as you, right down to bears. However, it's still nice to go out in the winter. You just have to do it at different times of day to be as efficient as possible. For example: I work out early in the morning, play hockey in the evenings, and go out at night when they traffic isn't bad. Still cold though. >_<
So the highways and arterials are almost completely clear and dry by now. Residential streets are still iced. My 4x4 truck is able to climb icy hills, but the back end slides around a little bit because it's empty right now. Idiot drivers here seem to love tailgating a fishtailing truck. Some drivers also seem to enjoy leaving shitloads of snow on their windshields, roof, and hood so that it blocks their view and occasionally flies off to block other drivers' views.
For your lolling pleasure, check out how Seattle gets owned by 1" of snow.