Hey everybody, i've been asking myself some things like:
"does being in good shape help for starcraft/any game in general??"
I ask this because I've heard many times interviews of some korean pros that say that they exercise X amount of time daily, this eventually helps them keeping a healthy mind and body.
In my case, I exercise quite often (I play football (soccer) 3 times per week with friends) but I can't say at all that my performance "improves" in general...my "mental" state on the other hand is different, I tend to be depressed pretty much always and I enter every game with the mentality of a loser: "Oh look...a protoss/zerg, time to lose!".
So yeah, have you guys by exercising or by thinking differently arrived to a point where you actually notice your improvement? not only in games but on life in general.
well, exercising and working out help your mental shape. boosts confidence, makes you feel good about yourself, etc.
and yeah, thinking differently has definitely improved my life. i'm happier in general, more sociable, deal with problems/frustrations better, and just feel better. less stress, more fun. working out helps too.
Yeah, I've noticed a big improvement (in life and mental strength). No offense, but playing some soccer isn't that big of a deal. At this point, your body is likely used to the exercise, so you don't improve after every session. That doesn't mean it is bad though.
I feel the best right after I've destroyed myself. I feel good seeing the improvements I've made in the last few months and it feels good when people notice that you've changed. However, exercise isn't some magical thing that cures all. Things are still shitty in life sometimes and you're gonna be sad about them.
I don't know why you feel like a loser or you are depressed. I am depressed sometimes, but I have a very good reason. I think you could step up your routine to get some weight lifting in or do something where you can track the progress you make. Also, you might just have to wait for life to bring you something special before you are actually happy. It'll happen, just don't let it pass you by.
My depressions are just plain weird. I can't seem to find a reason for them and I try to ignore it as much as I can and move on, but it isn't easy at all.
Anyway, so the kind of sport that actually helps is the one where you feel you're improving? as in working out, running to gain stamina...etc etc?
I think being in shape both mentally and physically has very positive influence on your life in general. When you always feel good about yourself, you'll be happy camper. There's absolutely NO reason to walk around like a fat, pale slob.
And it'll probably have a good influence on your SC performance too yea.
Yes, exercise and nutrition play a huge role in your mental function. Read Brain Rules by John Medina for more information as to why. The author is a developmental molecular biologist and the director of the Brain Center for Applied Learning Research at Seattle Pacific University. Good book, not dry at all.
As for your depression and outlook, this may have something to do with a chemical reaction or imbalance. My wife suffers from such a thing but she does very well with medications. I would talk with your doctor about it.
I think it improves your game play a lot, even if you don't realize it. You need to be both mentally and physically strong though. I'd suggest trying some yoga
Some of the pros who keep in good shape
Anytime doesn't have to take his shirt off to show he's in good shape
Long answer: It help your confidence, so you feel better when you are playing and taking more easily looses. Your financial stability, good connection and relationship with friends and family helps too. Clean room including not just your table but also everything in house, good marks in school is helping too. try it !
hmm. i have "played sports" my entire life and no, i wouldn't say i ever got more confident or much healthier in a noticable way at the time but i can tell over the years that my body is abnormally athletic for sitting around so much. i started training MMA at a pro gym a year ago as well, and i was promptly destroyed physically on a regular basis but felt amazing mood-wise when i wasn't injured, and i got really strong too. unfortunately i have no medical so the injuries got to be too much, but learning to fight and the strength i gained from that brought a level of confidence that's hard to describe. i'm very zen in tense moments. it's like i can breathe my fear and doubt out of me. i also feel like an old person sometimes now, with my back and my knees aching every so often, but otherwise i'm surprisingly strong for someone my size. flexible too lol
as far as thinking, wow i'm complete night and day from myself mentally even 3-4 years ago. i didn't do much in particular, just consciously attempted to keep an open mind, pursued knowledge with naive curiosity, and tried to not to be too egotistical about things. i'm far from perfecting that but miles from where i was. i'm not sure if this has made me better at things or not, sometimes i wonder if my narrow-minded stubborn attitude that refuses to accept i'm not the best got me further. being open-minded helps me admit my weaknesses. i still need work on my thought process i suppose~
I believe in it. There's the obvious feel good, get sick less, mood, energy be a balanced person etc general benefits. In addition, I've read in places, such as Blink, that stressful situations that shoot the heartrate past a point shut some brain functions, affecting decision making and analysis. So being able to maintain low heartrate(ie by being in good shape) helps your mental state under stress.