I began my day by checking in for the BattleDex TL Open #3. After this, I decided to take an early morning walk to relax a bit. After coming back, 12 AM rolled around. Excited at the prospect of playing in such a tournament, I looked at my match.
Hooray! A bye! I could chill out and prepare for my second match. I decided then to look at the bracket, to see who I had the possibility of playing, in order to prepare.
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Well fuck.
Unless Tyler lost to someone named TokeaBowl, who surprisingly actually managed to get up to check in, I had a big task on my hands. I began by playing a game against the computer to warm up, in which my nerves got the better of me and I screwed up my build a bit. This didn't bode well for me. After this omen of failure, I decided to try and take it easy until I had to play.
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Pictured: Me relaxing at this point
After about ten or twenty minutes of agonizing waiting, Tyler messaged me on BNet, sending a friendly message of "tl open" and inviting me to a game on Scrap Station. I said gl hf gg, and he responded gl.
After a case of the nerd chills, I began by actually having decent execution. I did a banshee/raven opening, getting a good amount of troops then expanding behind a little pressure.
Unfortunately, Tyler held it off pretty easily, and I decided to attack his natural for some reason and got cornered and lost everything. He then pushed through the rocks and won.
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Tyler at his computer, beating some random scrub
After this loss, I reflected on where I should go from here. Would this be the hackneyed roflstomp that proceeded the training montage? Was it just another bump on the road? Is TvP imba?
I concluded the former, and now all I need is a training montage. Being from Philadelphia, I have an obvious source of inspiration:
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