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2010-2011 Shinhan Bank Proleague Round 1 Week 5 (MBC) Saturday November 13 13:00 KST
Predictions:+ Show Spoiler +
Woongjin Stars are taking the season by storm. All they need to guarantee 2nd place at the end of round 1 is a Win against last place Hwaseung OZ, or STX SouL at 3rd (who could potentially beat SKT, putting themselves in a position to steal 2nd - should they beat Woongjin next week). But that should say it all. Woongjin just convincingly took down the defending PL champions KT Rolster 4-2, sending a message that they mean business and there's no more room for doubts about this season's Woongjin Stars. OZ? Their results mean two things:
1.) The Air Force ACE curse continues
2.) The Bo7 format has given Jaedong Oz new meaning
Without further intro, my predictions:
PianO <Benzene> Princess
ZerO<Empire of the Sun>HiyA
free <Central Plains> PerfectMan
Neo.G_Soulkey <Grand Line SE> Jaedong
Really <Icarus> BackHo
ZerO<Empire of the Sun>HiyA
free <Central Plains> PerfectMan
Neo.G_Soulkey <Grand Line SE> Jaedong
Really <Icarus> BackHo
Explanations: Set 1:Oz's only wins on Benzene are from Princess (2-0 this round on Benzene) so it seems like an obvious choice for them. Sure, Jaedong can win on any of these maps (except for maybe Central Plains where both of his losses this round have come from), but I think they're going to want to save him for where they'll need him the most and he's shown the most success. Woongjin has plenty of options for who to open since their wins on Benzene are spread all over, and they have plenty of players who can deal with Princess. I think PianO is the most optimal choice however since he's a TvZ specialist and his results so far this season have affirmed this. He's 2-0 TvZ with kills on Hyuk, and most recently Action on this same map. PianO is in form, he should take this game.
Set 2: Hiya is 1-6 so far with his only win on Fortress (not in this map pool). But we should cut Hiya some slack considering a handful of those losses were from great players, not the least of which was Flash on EotS. ZerO just displayed an amazing comback on EotS against Hoejja and just recently beat Hiya in the Ro16 of the last OSL. ZerO is also 3-0 head-to-head overall with Hiya, and has been pretty solid this round so far (6-2 overall, 2-0 against Terran.) If that wasn't enough the layout of EotS favors ZerO's defensive management style. Sorry Hiya, the cards have really been stacked against you this round :/
Set 3: Like I said earlier, both of JD's losses are on central plains so the Oz coach probably isn't going to send him out just yet. This map has been heavy P, with most of the MUs being PvP. Backho is 0-2 on it however, with Perfectman 1-0, what do they have to lose? Answer: Another game. Free is 2-1, with his loss against BeSt being dubbed Gotw for the above par play in that game. Free is coming off a win over Tempest. While he isn't showing absolute solid play, it's been good enough to beat Perfectman. This might be the game borqke up the match though, it's all assuming both players maintain the status quo.
Set 4: This is probably going to be the match to watch. At this point Stars are almost assuredly going to be up 3-0. The Tyrant will get off his throne to bring forth annihilation. And the records tell us he should - Jaedong is 2-0 this round on Grand Line SE; 10-3 overall on the map, and 5-1 ZvZ out of those 13 games. Stars will likely choose Neo.G_Bonjwa to make his appearance, as he so often has, on this map. He's 1-1 on it this round with a recent disappointing loss to Flash. His ZvT is what's stellar, in particular on this map. However, he hasn't played much ZvZ on it (only once in a loss to great) so given Jaedong being the dong and his redic. stats in the MU and map, we can confirm the likelihood of Jaedong taking this with relative ease.
Set 5: Pretty much everyone left on Oz has lost on Icarus(Lomo and Killer) except for Backho who has yet to play on it, so it's safe to say he'll be sent. Given Backho's dismal results this round, Woongjin could either send Crazy-Hydra or Really since they're both 1-0 on Icarus, however since Really has been playing slightly better and is generally more solid he'll finish the match for Woongjin. Really's TvP is his best MU, not much to this game. Maybe we'll see some optical flares :D
Woongjin Stars 4-1 Hwaseung OZ
Cmon Oz fanboys, you just gotta look at the standings and the last time these teams met in GSM. (ZerO's all-kill, see Hype pics below :3)
Cmon Oz fanboys, you just gotta look at the standings and the last time these teams met in GSM. (ZerO's all-kill, see Hype pics below :3)
+ Show Spoiler +
Woongjin Stars vs Hwaseung OZ
Set 1: Crazy-Hydra Benzene Jaedong
Set 2: ZerO Empire of the Sun HiyA
Set 3: freeCentral Plains PerfectMan
Set 4: PianO Grand Line SEKiller
Set 5: Neo.G_Soulkey Icarus Princess
Set 6: Really Circuit Breaker Lomo
+ Show Spoiler +
Set 1: Crazy-Hydra Benzene Jaedong
Set 2: ZerO Empire of the Sun HiyA
Set 3: freeCentral Plains PerfectMan
Set 4: PianO Grand Line SEKiller
Set 5: Neo.G_Soulkey Icarus Princess
Set 6: Really Circuit Breaker Lomo
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Woongjin Stars vs Hwaseung OZ
Set 1: Crazy-Hydra Benzene Jaedong
Set 2: ZerO Empire of the SunHiyA
Set 3: free Central PlainsPerfectMan
Set 4: PianO Grand Line SEKiller
Set 5: Neo.G_Soulkey Icarus Princess
Set 6: Really Circuit Breaker Lomo
Set 7: ZerO Aztec Jaedong
Woongjin Stars :4 vs 3!! Hwaseung OZ
Set 1: Crazy-Hydra Benzene Jaedong
Set 2: ZerO Empire of the SunHiyA
Set 3: free Central PlainsPerfectMan
Set 4: PianO Grand Line SEKiller
Set 5: Neo.G_Soulkey Icarus Princess
Set 6: Really Circuit Breaker Lomo
Set 7: ZerO Aztec Jaedong
Woongjin Stars :4 vs 3!! Hwaseung OZ
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 1] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 6] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 7] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 6] +
+ Show Spoiler [Game 7] +
My original poll had spoilers, my apologies. But for the love of God watch this game. Incredibly intense game!
Woongjin Hype:
credit to supernovamaniac
Oz Hype:
Poll: Who's going to win the match?
Hwaseung Oz (33)
Woongjin Stars (33)
66 total votes
Woongjin Stars (33)
66 total votes
Your vote: Who's going to win the match?
How to watch: No actual streams . Watch little box at bottom right corner or Craton's stream:
Interview: Pretty funny interview, check it out lulz