The story seems to have changed(?) a little, or maybe Korean reporters are just inconsistent. But apparently, the Proleague will start on October 16th. The reporter is interpreting this as they set a date only because the negotiations have the potential for going well.
According to an industry insider, the negotiations regarding payment for IP rights have the foundations set and so it can be solved rather easily. The problem right now is apparently about the right to broadcast, choosing broadcasting station, and the schedule of the games, and so they're negotiating regarding that.
The reporter also implies that the start date could be a lot later, and in worst case scenario, the Proleague will not start. I'm not quite sure what happened to the "going on with Proleague regardless" bit but the story seems to have changed now.
Hell yeah. Looking forward to watching some BW. Hopefully all goes well as I am indeed quite lost as to what is going on now. Any news on potential individual leagues ?
Wow, really good news and really worrying news all in one... and in the same bit of news oO.
October 16th is not so far away and I'm really pumped for the PL start! Right now I just don't want to worry about it possibly not starting at all. I just hope they get on with negotiations and get it over with. Good thing they do negotiate again, though. Hm... wonder what's the real story behind all that, when the reports are so inconsistent (so is my post oO)
I'm so pumped for proleague, I hope it goes ahead. I'm most excited to see where all the estro players go, I've loved watching Action grow into a formidable player and I want to see where he'll continue his career (if he does).
The very second I get confirmation that Gretech has successfully negotiated for the continuance of BW, I will buy a season ticket for GSL 2. I like watching SC2, but, atleast from me, they'll be making a little money if they can give the handshake to BW.
I'm definitely having withdrawals at this point. I hope it doesn't take any longer than this, but at the same time I'm going to be a bit upset if they have to cave into Gretech's demands and change the way they operate just so SC2 can get preferential treatment.
On September 28 2010 20:23 QibingZero wrote: I'm definitely having withdrawals at this point. I hope it doesn't take any longer than this, but at the same time I'm going to be a bit upset if they have to cave into Gretech's demands and change the way they operate just so SC2 can get preferential treatment.
I feel the same way somewhat, but October can't come soon enough and I need my BW fix.