A SC2 LAN event in the UK, to be held at Gamerbase Reading ( http://www.gamerbase.com/?a=reading ) - Dates we are looking at so far is
9th or 10th of October 23rd of 24th of October we are looking at so far.
The event will hold 32 people and the prizes are to be announced. We are just looking at dates at the moment and to see numbers that would be able to turn up so please below can you state your interest and what day you would prefer or what days you can attend.
On site we will have casters, photography and the venue is located near plenty of shops for all your needs.
Thank you.
i'll be there will be fun..
i think ill go too it whould be cool
but i wanna know the prizes frist see if its worth going:D
On September 11 2010 07:43 Ourk wrote: but i wanna know the prizes frist see if its worth going:D
Waiting to see the interest but the prizes are pretty mint, including some exclusive Blizzard products which were only obtainable through blizzcon's and such.
Will also have a raffle for any player that takes part so including top3 prizes a further 10 people will walk away with a prize.
so we talking about keyboreds and stuff?
I know i'll be there; I want 10th or 24th tho! Sundays are teh pwn for a smidge of starcraft, who goes church these days?^^;
Definately sounds good in gathering a larger SC community in the UK^_^
Voting for 23rd/24th as can't make the previous weekend! Have some friends who might also be interested once dates are confirmed.
Great news Saint, ok, what dates suit everyone else?
Holy hell that's like a train ride away from me, but I doubt i'll get the time off to be able to attend. D:<
Good luck to all those that play. Heard that there will be one at gamerbase in manchester in the not too-distant future. Nice to see so many SC2 tournies appearing for UK players
very interested 23rd/24th for me
i'll get down there on either dates
update coming soon
i'd look at going if it wasn't on a sunday considering train times are fuckedsunday evenings and dont want to pay for hotel
Oooh this is exciting, I'll be in London for all of these dates :D Unlikely I'll play, but I'll definately try and come along and watch
I've signed up and will be coming along, hopefully if the date gets set in stone can get an early train ticket.
Edit: Entry fee is still in place so can't really justify travel costs + fee as my gut likes food too much.
Sweet I'm gonna be in reading for this
Are starcraft 2 casters needed or have they got plenty?
would be something i'd be incredibly interested in casting
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