This guy on the official forum (Thanks Puristaako) did a post about a Siege Tank getting repaired inside a Medivac. I checked the replay and confirmed what he said, and did some simple testing on this..
- I built SCV's, two siege tanks and a medivac. - I then stopped all mining to clearly see how minerals and gas are affected by repairing..
Test one, normal repair: - I shot one tank with the other 5 times, bringing it to exactly 40 HP, i.e. 25% health - I then repaired the damaged tank normally using 2 SCVs.
Result: The repair cost for was exaclty 29 minerals and 24 gas, which seems fairly cheap compared to what a tank costs. But I guess it makes sense that repairing something is cheaper than building it from scratch. Assuming the cost curve is linear
Test two, repair inside Medivac: - I shot the tank 5 times again, bringing it to exactly 40 HP, i.e. 25% health - I loaded the damaged tank into a Medivac. - I took two SCV's, set them to autorepair, and loaded them up into the same Medivac.
Result: The SCV's do repair the tank inside the medivac, HOWEVER, it is insanely expensive!
Repairing a single tank from around 25% to full health inside a Medivac costs exactly 543 minerals and 543 gas!
..which is around the price of four brand new tanks. Also note that the normal cost of repair has roughly the same ratio of minerals:gas as when building the unit in question, but when repairing inside a Medivac the ratio is 1:1..
There must be some bug here.
[EDIT: re-did the test with more exact numbers and updated the post accordingly.]
Wait... you can repair tanks inside a medivac?
wtf why is it possible to repair tanks inside a medivac, that is the bug not that it costs more than a normal repair ..
Even if it IS unintended, the cost for repairs inside a medivac should be much more than on the field of battle.
Everything is more expensive on a flight.
Wow, I didnt even know you could repair inside a medivac. Thanks for the info.
As for the repair costs - I think we need a bit more testing. And likely with exact HP and resource numbers. I'll check this out after my next terran win.
On August 11 2010 21:32 Zerokaiser wrote: Even if it IS unintended, the cost for repairs inside a medivac should be much more than on the field of battle.
Yeah. I'm sure they intended to make it cost 2400/2400 to fully repair a siege tank while inside a medivac
Well, if you think about it, it's quite physically possible to repair inside a Medivac, so I don't see a problem with that.
It's meant to be 60 imo not 600
wow, I did not know you could repair inside a medivac. I do find it really amusing that it costs an insane amount, who needs to macro when you can keep your tanks alive slightly longer whilst doing dropship micro!?
Well, that damn tank was flying first class bro! and those scvs are taking tons of risk by repairing 5000ft above ground. There's lives at stake here, and I bet those scv operators have kids too!
On August 11 2010 21:33 jiabung wrote:Show nested quote +On August 11 2010 21:32 Zerokaiser wrote: Even if it IS unintended, the cost for repairs inside a medivac should be much more than on the field of battle.
Yeah. I'm sure they intended to make it cost 2400/2400 to fully repair a siege tank while inside a medivac
It's probably unintended that repairs are possible inside a medivac. Zerg has enough problems without the tanks on his natural's cliff having unlimited hitpoints.
realy hope blizzard fix this bugs soon , did someone have email blizzard ?
Extra pay for risk + inbattle + inflight + taxes + cramped space etc etc
C'mon, this is like ordering caviar on an airplane vs buying a can at the store. $20 at the store, $300 on the airplane.
On August 11 2010 21:36 Snowfield wrote: taxes Damned HST!
hehe thanks for the info and thanks for all the hillarious answers.
However could you make anothwer test having the same amounts of health repped? Just guessing, but the health deficit might influence the costs so that repping from 50% to 100% might be way cheaper than from 25% to 100%. ? I could do it also of course but work does not permit the SC 2 client
if only you could squeeze an scv in with the thor, imagine the boost to it's harassing capabilities...
This turned in to terran flame fest and zerg tears harvesting grounds real fast.