United States24510 Posts
No I don't think it's okay to make your own personal prize fund named after you to be used for questionable purposes.
edit: and was your intro about your job really necessary?
Hyrule18943 Posts
I'm not NAMING it the tofu tournament fund, it's just something to call it until I decide if I'm actually going to go through with it or not. If you have another idea for how to pool money from multiple people and divvy it out to different tournaments, go for it. This is just a concept at the moment.
And I was just trying to reassure everyone that I make enough to start this off and I'm not just asking for people to put money into my bank account.
Croatia9462 Posts
Obviously if this is gonna work there needs to be a 3rd party, someone reliable and respectable from teamliquid staff, into who's account money WILL be pouring in.
Now let's hear nominations.
United States24510 Posts
Although tofucake isn't representing his cause very well, I think he is interested in discussing the idea of a tournament fund that can be donated to by anyone. Rather than discuss who will do this I think discussing the logistics/details of it would be better.
Hyrule18943 Posts
Yeah, I'm kind of distracted at the moment, so my writeup isn't the best. But before I get into logisitics (which won't matter if nobody is going to donate), I want to get an idea of if anyone WOULD donate (thus requiring logistics).
I'd not like to burden anyone on TL with this, and I was kind of hoping people would trust me, but if people would rather have someone else hold the money, than by all means, let them. My concern with that is then that person has to deal with sending money to people on top of whatever else they do, which was what I was going to handle (TL staff is working themselves too hard already anyway; they all need a vacation).
Anyway, if I have to run this myself for a few months before people would trust me enough, then that's what I'll do (I'm already doing it, actually, no NYAH).
My goal is to give more tournaments an incentive for people to join. That's all.
United States24510 Posts
Keep in mind the details/logistics about how the donations/etc will occur has a large impact on whether or not people will donate or how much they will donate.
Just as a credibility thing, Tofu is the one providing the $200 cash for the ITL Grand Prix.
Hyrule18943 Posts
I guess so. Right now I'm just paying out of my main checking account via Paypal, and I don't have to worry about donations etc...
My concept right now is: I (or whoever people decide should do it) will set up a new account at whatever bank A Paypal account will be linked to the account and confirmed People can send whatever amount they want via Paypal, with stipulations in the comments field (IE: for Bronze-Gold tournaments only, or whether they want it to be an anonymous donation)
As for getting money...a thread? I'm still working this out. Tournament organizers can post and say "hey, I'm having this tournament, can I get some money for the prize pool?". A panel of people (TBD) will look at the tournament, funds available, etc, and together will decide how much will be granted.
So...sort of a mini company? Anyone who donates would be able to say "I think person X should be a panelist) and those people who get most nominations or whatever would be allowed to give their say (well...anyone really, but "official" people will have stronger pull).
That's one idea. Or 4 stuck together.
But if there's serious interest in this, then we can get together and flesh out the idea more thoroughly. If anyone wants to help me design the structure of payments received/granted, then it will go more quickly.
United States24510 Posts
Since you've been making paypal transactions already let me ask you...
When someone sends money into the account, will there be a fee? When you send money from the account to a winner, is there a fee? How does that work?
Hyrule18943 Posts
Since my Paypal is linked to my bank account, no. If it were linked to a credit or debit card, there would be a 2.9%+$0.30 fee payed by the recipient.
United States24510 Posts
Oh that's awesome. I wasn't sure about that. Also, what does the recipient (winner) need in order for you to send them money.... a paypal account?
Hyrule18943 Posts
Just a Paypal account. They can use any money in their account to order stuff online from any site that supports Paypal as a payment method, or if they've linked their Paypal account to a bank account they can transfer any funds received directly into their bank account. You can also get a Paypal Visa debit card (I think it's Visa, might be Mastercard?) which acts like a normal Visa/Mastercard Gift Card.
The way mine is set up, I've (again ) linked my Paypal and bank accounts, so if I spend more on my Paypal card than is in my Paypal account, it automagically withdraws the required money from my bank account to cover the costs.
Hyrule18943 Posts
Well it seems like nobody cares. So I'm just going to keep funding whatever tournaments I feel like. If anyone wants to donate to the overall fund, shoot me a PM and we will work something out.